Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me (Psalm 23:3). But what is the Rod of God? Most of my life I have heard preachers speak of the rod of God being His disciplining hand. However, to understand what David means, we must consider how the shepherd uses his rod. Only then can we know the comfort that the rod of God brings. For the shepherd, his tools in the days of David were the rod and the staff.
I learned a lot reading Philip Keller’s A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. He spoke of watching the children in Africa who were learning to be a shepherd practicing daily their skills at accurately throwing their rod. For you see, the rod had three major purposes. First to turn a wayward wandering sheep away from danger. Secondly, the rod is used to carefully exam the sheep. And finally, it is used to destroy a predator that desires to harm the sheep. The rod was never used to beat the sheep into submission. Rather, if the shepherd saw a sheep heading in a dangerous direction, he would hurl the rod through the air. Precisely the rod would land beside the sheep and cause him to turn to the right or left away from danger.
Also, the rod was used to carefully look beneath the wool, inspecting the sheep for blemishes and imperfections. Therein, he could ever so gently treat the blemishes and heal the wounds.
Also, with the rod, he would destroy the venomous snakes or other predators before they could harm the sheep. The Shepherd’s rod was his instrument to protect his sheep from harm, whether that be from the sheep’s own foolish self-will or from the predators desiring their demise.