God created us to have a personal, loving, fulfilling relationship with Him, our creator. Love cannot exist without there also being free will to choose that which we love. Too often, we choose to live a life apart from God; believing that we are best equipped to guide our own life. Marching on, we think that we can fulfill the desires of our own heart, our own way.
Yet, there remains a yearning deep within each heart, searching for love, hope, joy and purpose. Have you ever found yourself searching for meaning in life? Do you want to know true joy? Have you spent a lifetime searching for something, anything to give your life hope? That is the plight we face. Well, you see there is a dilemma. The only place of true fulfillment is to be united spiritually with our creator. We have no true being apart from Him; yet, that spiritual union is fractured by sin. In fact, we are spiritually dead.
Born with hearts filled with sin, self-exaltation, and darkness; how can we be saved from ourselves? But there is good news for you and for me. God provides Salvation by Grace to all who truly seek Him, to all who believe in His dear son, Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for our sin.
22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. 23 I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return… 24 Surely, shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength Isaiah 45
In Him alone we find our righteousness and strength. Never within ourselves.
God created us so that He might lavish upon us His Love, His Joy and His Glory; yet, shattered by our sin, we are left broken and in despair. There is no possible way that you or I can repair this relationship with God. He knew that we could not fully enjoy His Grace, His Love and His Joy if we were not giving free will to choose Him. Adam did not recognize the wonderful fellowship he had with God until he lost it. That is, unless we, see our own evil hearts in contrast to His magnificent beauty, righteousness, justice, and Glory; how can we truly appreciate or desire the Grace He offers us.
Just like the blind cannot seek light, unless their eyes are healed to know the difference between light and dark. We cannot seek His Righteousness were we not aware of what life is without it. There in lies the dilemma. If all we knew was light, then we could never love it; because we had nothing to compare it with. Adding to the dilemma: once we knew darkness and evil, our hearts no longer remained pure. Unfortunately, our self exalting, pride filled heart runs after the darkness; so, that we can think more highly of ourselves. We turn toward darkness; because light reveals our own failures and unworthiness. Adam chose to love Eve more than God; despite, God’s warning. Obedience represented love; disobedience revealed a heart bent on obtaining it’s own desires, no matter the cost. Frankly, Adam and Eve, like we too often, “God, you aren’t enough!”
God’s Answer of Grace
Perfect Righteousness, which is God; cannot justly accept that which is evil as a part of His family. Hence broken, desperate creatures we remain; unless, something extraordinary happens to cover our sins with righteousness. And, precisely, that is where God stepped in with unimaginable Grace. He sacrificed His only son, heart of His own heart on a cross bearing the weight of all our sin so He might remain just while covering us with the righteousness of Christ. Jesus took our penalty for sin so as to provide the only means of our salvation from this broken state that we are in. He offers salvation to all who would come and accept His gift freely. We must realize that we are incapable of earning this salvation on our own.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.14 And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: and I will turn away your captivity Jeremiah 29:
When we recognize the utter darkness of our own soul, we can begin to desire the light of the world which is Jesus Christ. So, do you want to know Him as your Savior? Have you seen a glimpse of His Glory, realizing His Absolute worthiness of all our praise?
If so, I bid you pray this simple prayer to be saved
Lord, Jesus I come to you with empty hands.
I believe that you are God, eternal, creator of the Universe who
willingly suffered and died that I might be redeemed and spend eternity with you,
forever to gaze upon your magnificent Glory. You, Jesus took my sin upon your shoulders upon the cross. There you bore the full wrath of God the Father against sin. You died, was buried and rose again victorious over death and sin by the power of the Father. The Father accepted Your sacrifice as full payment for my sin. You are seated at His right hand in heaven, ever making intercession for those who come to you in faith, believing in You and desiring You to be the Lord of their life.
I long to know you, to seek you and to lay aside all else to follow you.
And though unworthy as I am, I offer you my heart and ask that you come in and fill it with all of you -Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
So, that I might reflect Your Glory like a mirror and spread your light into a world of darkness.
I believe that You will do this as you have promised in Your word.
In the precious of Jesus, Amen
If you have prayed this prayer, truly repentant of your sins and believing that only Jesus Christ can save you, then you are saved.
if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:9-10)
God will begin a new work in you, transforming your heart into one that looks like Him.
Step by step along this journey, the Holy Spirit will guide you into a fuller knowledge of Him. Please write me. I urge you to seek a church that will help you along this journey. And most important, take time each day to read His word and pray. God has promised to guide you every step of the way and to transform you into the likeness of Jesus Christ, one glory at a time. What a magnificent Savior He is. Effie Darlene Barba
Saved by grace alone, God’s grace reaching forth to us; we have nothing to be proud of. Humbly, laying aside all of self; seeing Him as our greatest treasure. As a new follower of Christ, I urge you to study His word and Grow in His Grace. Saved into newness of life, He will guide you each step of the way. He will complete the work He began in you today.