Abiding, Steadfast Joy

Abiding, Steadfast Joy

Never Again Bound in a Life of Quiet Desperation

Life is filled with many trials, sorrows, and pains which can lead to one living a life of quiet desperation as do most men and women.  However, there are three foundational truths from God's Word that can transform your life into one of Abiding, Steadfast Joy.  Discover these truths.  This is a frank and open book, where I tell you of my journey as well as bring these scriptures to life.

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No one could be more Amazed by Joy, than I; because, this journey called life is filled with many trials, sorrows, and storms. At least, mine was; and I suspect, your reality includes moments which push you to the edge of despair, as well. Yet, out of those struggles, God amazed me with the truth of His magnificent Grace, Love and Glory.  Through the trials, He taught me to trust Him with every detail of my life. Furthermore, He, step by step, transformed my thinking process so I could see circumstances through His eyes, rather than, through the finiteness of my own eyes.  My heart and thoughts could never face life undaunted by the storms; until, He changed my heart and my thoughts from the inside out.


Storms are an inevitable part of this journey on earth; yet, God has a plan for our good, to all those who seek Him.  All who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are assured that God is working everything together for their good.  He wants us to live with hope, joy, love and peace within our hearts; as, He shares with us His Glory.  He wants us to live every moment of life Amazed by Joy-His Joy in us- steadfast and abiding deep within our spirits.   This begins by learning these three foundational truths!

Knowing the truth about our place in this Universe, our purpose and our position in Christ is paramount to discovering a life filled with hope, energy, and abounding joy.  Once we know these truths, we think about and view every circumstance differently than we would have otherwise. So, yes! How we think is very important; however, our thoughts must be founded upon the truth of God's word.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying no trials will come or that you will get all your eyes desire by thinking a different way.  What I am saying: knowing these 3 foundational truths, your heart remains filled with joy; even when, your world is turned upside down.


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