Just released:
Soaring above the storms, vol ii
Soaring Above the Storms is a Compilation of Poems written throughout my life. Initially, I published Volume I and these are Volume II which were not included in Volume I. When life seems it darkest, God comes with a song to lift my heart on eagles wings so I might soar above the storms.
Oh, feeble heart, Oh fragile soul
Where is the hope on which you hold?
With all the failures of your past
Where is the faith to make you bold?
Where is the faith to make you bold?
There was a King though blameless He
That came to pay my penalty
And in that act, He set me free
To follow Him in liberty
To follow Him in liberty
It is His love that drew me out
And in His Grace, I shall not doubt
That He who started this work in me
Will finish it with a Glorious Shout
Will finish it with a Glorious Shout
One day the finished work be done
That I might look then like God’s son
Sifted, shined just like pure Gold
As Glory shines forth, Glorious One
As Glory shines forth, Glorious One
And in this hope my faith conformed
I know my life will be transformed
I stand upon this future grace
So, for His work my passion warmed
So, for His work my passion warmed
So, in this faith I firmly stand
That formed in me as God had planned
No force on earth can shake me free
My future held by God’s great hand
My future held by God’s great hand.
Storms do come into everyone’s life. When they do, where do you turn? It has been a gracious, ever pursuing God who lifted me above the storms. Oh, that does not mean that I did not feel the torrential rains. sometimes, I do believe He sent the worst storms so that I might learn to lean on Him. It is in those darkest moments He would whisper a word of hope. From those moments, I was inspired to write. These are my songs of hope, sometimes born out of fear and desperation.
All These Years
I thank you Lord for all these years
For every laugh and even tears
Your Wondrous Grace has led the way
And pulled me close when I did stray
My life has truly been so blessed
Your joy, Your hope, Your love possessed
This heart of mine-You’ve held me tight
Through sun kissed days and dark of night
What wondrous gifts you’ve given me
The love and joy of family
What mercy, grace on me did shine
You chose these children to be mine
What wondrous smile upon Your !
To gift me with such love and grace!!
Beyond all this You then did send
Each precious one that I call friend
Like angels on this earth to guide
Friends in which I could confide
One truth in which I must attest
You have given me Your very best
I thank you Lord for all You have done
But most of all for your dear Son
He gave His all to ransom me
That blessed I am eternally
Mom and Me, Lessons from God in a Bipolar World


Do You Want to Know the Secret to Abiding Steadfast Joy?
A labor of love, this book provides you with 3 foundations of truth from the scripture which once known will provide you with abiding, steadfast joy. Undaunted by the storms of life; your joy will overflow.
Through a study of Nahum, Habukkuk, and Zephaniah; I brought their message into our modern times. Answering the questions of “Why, God?”
Providing a foundation of faith and hope; even, as we see so much evil in the world and in our nation. With so much sorrow and despair, this book I wrote to guide you into discovering God’s Perfect Plan of love; amid this chaotic world filled with life’s storms.
You may click on the picture for more information on either of these books.
When god Commanded Build that wall
God called upon a layman to “Build That Wall” around Jerusalem in 444 B.C. Nehemiah had no former political position, nor was he among the spiritually elite. He held a comfortable prestigious position in the royal palace of the Persian King Artaxerxes. Yet, God called him out, to leave his comfort behind and to go to build the wall for his people. He met with great opposition, political corruption, and threats; yet, he stands out as a great leader. This is an in-depth study of Nehemiah, followed by an apologetic argument discussing “the Evil within Our own nation”, how we let it in and what we must do now as Christians.
You can find this and all my books on Amazon.com, search Effie Darlene Barba or click this link to be taken there
“Song of a Butterfly” This 26 page book is meant to encourage anyone who has felt the pangs of loneliness, has had their broken or has lost a loved one to death. It can be found at Amazon.com and soon many other websites.
What happens when you come face to face with your own frailty and failure to live this Christian life as you want? You know you love God; but, you keep failing anyway! A Broken and Contrite Heart details man’s dilemma and God’s answer to how to walk this Christian Life. This book provides encouragement for anyone who has come face to face with their own humanity, like David or Simon Peter.
This book details the true promises of God that will take you from that desperate place of brokenness to a place of joy, peace and fruitfulness for Christ. Furthermore, reminds you of this truth: that God has orchestrated your life, every detail of it just like David proclaimed in Psalm 139. Can be purchased at Amazon.com, Barnes and Nobles.com, or Authorhouse. com as well as many other bookstores.
Mountaintop Experiences in the Valley
Mountaintop Experiences in the Valley began in 2003 when I asked God “Why so much pain?”, “What do I do with this despair?”, and “How can I be a testimony to Christ in the midst of all this?” Initially, I wrote to find the answers for myself. The second edition, included two more parts; because, I wanted to share with you how to find your way through the worst times of life.
With great transparency, I shared with you what pains or sorrows had lead up to each chapter and what steps you can take if you find yourself in the same trial. This is dedicated for anyone who has faced deep despair, loneliness or guilt over a sense of being a failure. This book delves deep into the heart of God through an intense review of scripture dealing with each subject addressed. With each subject addressed, it also gives a step by step guide to how to overcome that trial in your life, so that you may find true joy no matter what the circumstances that surround you.
Can be found at: Amazon.com; Barnes and Nobles.com; and Authorhouse.com as well as many other bookstores.
Ultimate Inspiration: God’s Plan of Love
Begins with the question what is man’s purpose on earth? This book delves deep into mankind’s search for meaning and inspiration in this life. Many ask the question, “Why does evil exist?” This book deals with the hard questions and proposes logical answers to both man’s questions and man’s dilemma. It step by step breaks down the answers to many of the questions that the modern day churches avoid, while at the same time, presenting the truths of the Bible in such a way as to make them simple to understand.
At the same, it answers those questions raised by both the agnostics and atheists. This book deals with the questions of evil, justice, God’s righteousness, and most of all God’s desire to share in His Joy and His Love. It is for anyone who has ever wondered, “Why do I exist?” and/or “What is my purpose?” It can be found at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble.com, and Authorhouse.com as well as many other bookstores.
Mercies and Exhortations
A book of poetry. Some of my earliest poems; including:
My life-so filled with hopes and dreams
Lay shattered at Your feet
So many tears, so many pains
I laid before Your seat
Can I look upon Your face of love
And question what You’ve done?
For You have been my only hope
My only morning sun
You’ve seen my heart when crushed with pain
Your hands have held it tight
When I have been so weak, so frail
You’ve shown Your strength, Your might……
This book can be found at Amazon.com, Barnes and Nobles.com, Xulon Press and many other outlets.