There on the high luscious fields with springs of fresh water, the sheep spend their summers. With their shepherd near protecting them from the predators that would cause them harm, they are content. That is, until the nagging pests begin to attack them. These pests are subtler at first; but, devastating. Flies will surround their heads. Particularly, the nasal fly will lay its larvae in the soft, moist nares of the sheep. As the worms hatch they travel upward into the brains of the sheep causing such severe discomfort that the sheep will bang their heads against rocks. Some are even blinded by these pests. Much the same way, erroneous and even evil thoughts subtly enter our minds. Ideas, philosophies, and even erroneous doctrines surround us. From the movies we watch, the TV shows we are exposed to, and even from our pulpits, our minds are bombarded with false ideologies.
When the sheep are attacked by these flies, they run about in great distress. Shaking their heads violently, they cannot graze. The young lambs may starve, as their mother’s milk dries up from her own distress with the situation. Much as young Christians starve for truth, as the elders in the church run to and from false ideologies and doctrines that have entered the church much like the hatching larvae of the nasal flies. The shepherd sees the danger of these pests creates a mixture of oil, Sulphur and tar to cover the sheep’s heads and nares. This oil mixture prevents the pests from entering the nares of the sheep. God “anointeth my head with oil” (Psalm 23:5) to protect my mind from erroneous and evil thoughts.
The Dangers of Erroneous and Evil Thoughts
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