by Effie Darlene Barba


As darkness filled the noon day sky

The earth shuddered and did quake

A trembling as God’s heart did break?

As wrath and hate screamed crucify


Christ humbly left His throne above

Forgiveness for mankind to buy

He knew the tears His heart must cry

 And yet, He came because of love


It would appear that all was loss

Their pardon was His final plea

His Gift of Grace for all to see

He bowed and died upon that cross


The Father’s love, it was so great

Awake, my son, arise awake

He called Him forth a new dawn break

Pure Love had conquered death and hate


Love had won the victory

Joy rang forth a wondrous sound

Hope and life that did surround

Giving faith for all with eyes to see


So Open wide your eyes to see

That Love Has won the victory


My heart so filled with darkest fear

Shattered by evil, hate and pain

Falling torrential like the rain

Anguish filling every tear


Through broken cracks God’s love shone in

He wrapped me tightly in His arms

And there so free from all life’s harms

Forgiveness, joy, and love did win


Love had won the victory

Joy rang forth a wondrous sound

Hope and life that did surround

Giving faith to all with eyes to see

So, Open wide your eyes to see

That Love Has won the victory

Don’t fall into some dark abyss

With pain and guilt that pull you down

Until you feel that you may drown

Look up to God, In Him is bliss

Love has won the victory

Joy rings forth a wondrous sound

Hope and life they do surround

Giving faith to all with eyes to see

So Open wide your eyes to see

That Love Has won the victory

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

How to Discern the Voice of God from Yours

With all the voices in our head, how can one discern the voice of God?  Is it possible to ever really know with certainty that “this is God’s will” in any given situation or choice we face? Granted, too often we hear people say, “God told me to do this or that!”  Then, they march down some path that could never have been God’s plan; because, it goes against everything scripture tells us of God.  They believe themselves justified by merely stating, “God told me.”  So, I understand when pastors discourage this.  However, just because many blaspheme those words, does not mean we cannot learn to discern His voice.  Nor does it mean, He does not provide clear guidance when we come to Him with open heart to seek His will.

It begins an open heart.  Every morning, we must die to self before we can even hope to discern the voice of God in a situation.  Not an easy task since our hearts desire to retake the throne of our life.  Yet, we are called to “take up our cross daily and follow Him” (Luke 9:23).  For me, I had to first place all my selfish desires for not going at the foot of the cross, so I could with open heart listen for the voice of God.  Then, I had to wait patiently to know His will.  I could not rush ahead of Him; but I had to be willing to follow wherever He led. Once I was certain I was to go; again, I had to wait for Him to work out the when and how.  Patience and faith are required to discern the voice of God.

Fleece to Discern the Voice of God

Continue reading “How to Discern the Voice of God from Yours”

Can You Really Know the Will of God for You?

This year has certainly been one in which I so needed to know the Will of God for me. My life had reached a point of great joy.  Here I was with full contentment.  I loved my job with even all its challenges. At home I was at perfect peace with being alone for it gave me so much time to spend alone with God.  In fact, I had started an on-line endeavor to gain my master’s degree in Theology from Liberty University.  How I loved the challenge and the opportunity to learn more from God’s word.  Certainly, I believed I was in the center of the Will of God for my life.  Peace flowed through my spirit with overflowing joy.  Then, the call came from my son in Florida.  Mom, I need you here.

When I came to Missouri, I was certain that was the Will of God for me.  All the blessings that had flowed into my life had been the reassurance.  All the wonderful people I met here.  The wondrous opportunity to be near my oldest son and his beautiful family filled my heart with joy.  It was here I first saw Mom happy.  God’s presence filled my life to the overflowing with joy.  Never did I think I would move back to Florida; but I knew my youngest needed me.  I heard the plea in his voice.  Could “perfect love” as Christ taught us deny that plea?  Yes, my selfish heart railed against the thought.  I would have to give up most of my possessions to make this move.  “Things” I had grown to cherish as gifts from God’s gracious hand.

Knowing the Will of God

Continue reading “Can You Really Know the Will of God for You?”

Is God Calling You to Be a Mighty Warrior?

Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. So, the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian for seven years (Judges 6:1-2). The Midianites drove them into caves, stole all their provisions, both produce and livestock.  All their labor vanished before their eyes and they were helpless.  Yet, when they turned their eyes once more to God, He sent a mighty warrior to save them.  Not all had turned from their idolatrous worship.  In fact, Gideons own family were worshipping the idol of Baal.  Gideon was not a man of stature nor great courage; but he was the one God chose. The Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!” (Judges 6:12). Gideon questioned God. “Why have you allowed such devastation?”  Yet, God’s reply: “Have I not sent you?” (Judges 6:14).

Gideon saw himself as weak and unworthy, so he questioned God’s choice.  He even questioned whether it really was God who spoke to him.  Quite patiently God confirmed His presence and that He would be with Gideon.  He would be the strength and the victory. Once Gideon was assured that it was certainly God who called him, he was willing.  Yet, he was filled with fear.  Not the mighty warrior one would think of.  Each of us are called to be Ambassadors of God, mighty warriors spreading the gospel to the world by standing strong in our faith through love.  Our battle is a spiritual battle; yet, God is there to guide us each step of the way as He presented the blueprint for our battle gear in Ephesians 6:10-20.

Mighty Warrior Facing Fear

Continue reading “Is God Calling You to Be a Mighty Warrior?”

A Tribute to Each Veteran-Each Hero

 A Tribute to Each Veteran-Each Hero

(To All Who Have Served and are Serving)


A Hero sat beside the grave

His friend was buried there

He wondered if he’d be as brave

When bullets filled the air


A Hero stood beside the bed

A Comrade lying there

“She’ll never walk”, that’s what they said

It all seemed so unfair


A Hero walked-some foreign street

The people turned and stared

Some would run to hide-retreat

                   While others simply glared


Did others know the choice they’d made?

  Protect, to serve, to save

Whate’er the cost, their post they stayed

For love, their all they gave


A Hero walked into the room

The doctor standing there

The saddened face, the sense of gloom

An illness, very rare


A Hero stood with stoic grace

Though sadness filled his eyes

The gentle smile upon his face

His broken heart’s disguise


These veteran Heroes stood the test

With all that they did do

We must now give to them our best

Our service, our “Thank you”


We cannot see the battle scars

The evil they did face

The pain within their own memoirs

We cannot ere erase


They chose to go for you and me

Because of love you see

They paid the price that we might be

A land where all are free


So, let us sing our anthems loud

Salute the flag with pride

Their sacrifice made us endowed

With hope we’re unified

These veteran Heroes stood the test

With all that they did do

We must now give to them our best

Our service, our “Thank you”

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.