With all the voices in our head, how can one discern the voice of God? Is it possible to ever really know with certainty that “this is God’s will” in any given situation or choice we face? Granted, too often we hear people say, “God told me to do this or that!” Then, they march down some path that could never have been God’s plan; because, it goes against everything scripture tells us of God. They believe themselves justified by merely stating, “God told me.” So, I understand when pastors discourage this. However, just because many blaspheme those words, does not mean we cannot learn to discern His voice. Nor does it mean, He does not provide clear guidance when we come to Him with open heart to seek His will.
It begins an open heart. Every morning, we must die to self before we can even hope to discern the voice of God in a situation. Not an easy task since our hearts desire to retake the throne of our life. Yet, we are called to “take up our cross daily and follow Him” (Luke 9:23). For me, I had to first place all my selfish desires for not going at the foot of the cross, so I could with open heart listen for the voice of God. Then, I had to wait patiently to know His will. I could not rush ahead of Him; but I had to be willing to follow wherever He led. Once I was certain I was to go; again, I had to wait for Him to work out the when and how. Patience and faith are required to discern the voice of God.
Fleece to Discern the Voice of God
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