One Unlikely Believer
Naaman was the chief captain of the Syrian Army, a man of great valor and position. Yet, he was a leper. The leprosy must have been in its early stages. However, it would only be a matter of time until the disease would take its toll and Naaman would lose his ability to lead. On many occasions they were the enemy of Israel. Their position played a key role and at times treaties were made with Syria either by Israel or Judah. It was during a moment of relative peace between Syria and Israel that our story takes place; although, peace was only a relative term. Syria still held captive slaves taken from previous conquests and that seemed to not bother the King of Israel. So, in this event we are about to see the grace of God poured out upon one unlikely believer.
Naaman would never have heard of God. Oh, perhaps there were rumors and stories of the God of Israel having protected Israel. However, from what Naaman had seen, he had won many battles against Israel in the past. Indeed, there was an Israelite maiden captive who attended to his wife. A little slave girl who was about to be the one who opens the eyes of this powerful captain. Although a slave child, she with a compassion, faith and care that only God could have instilled, she told Naaman’s wife about God’s ability to heal. She told her of Elisha, God’s spokesman who could in God’s power heal Naaman. Well, Naaman knew he was in desperate need of healing and wanted to be healed. That is of course the first step. Before we can be healed, we must realize we need healing.
A Kings Disbelief
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