The last post discussed the miraculous way that Jesus Christ’s birth fulfilled so many prophecies; yet, I want to take that same discussion a little further. By doing so I hope that you may recognize God’s absolute Sovereignty over every detail. He really does work all things according to His will. No matter what! He reigns supreme. Even when all that surrounds us appears to have fallen into shambles and our hearts are bleeding from the pains. From the beginning, He knew that without the freedom to say no to His love and righteousness, we could never really know the depth of His love, His Grace, or His Magnificent Glory. Before the foundations of this world were laid, He knew that many would reject Him. Although His desire was that all would come, He knew there would only be the few. Yet, He loved each one with such an intensity.
Willing to suffer all the agonizing pain of His creation’s rejection for the sake of all those who would become His Children. He knew that Satan would try to thwart His plans. Furthermore, he knew men and women’s desire for self-exaltation would cause them to chase after frivolous attempts to find glory. Immediately after Adam chose to sin against God, the plan of salvation was revealed. And the Lord God said unto the serpent, I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:14-15). The first revelation the Savior would be born of a Virgen, for it was the seed of a woman only.
According to His Will
Continue reading “How God Really Works All Things According to His WiLL?”