A Child’s Woeful Cry and God’s Reply-Poetry Sunday

OH FATHER-A Child’s Woeful Cry and God’s Reply

by Effie Darlene Barba

A Child’s Woeful Cry

Oh, Father I came to you first in my youth

Ready to run and tell of Your truth

I studied and worked to make you so proud

You’d see all I’d done- I’m not like the crowd


Polished and shined Your Glory I’d show

From mountaintops shout to the valleys below

I knew I could do it-then you would see

All of my beauty-then you’d love me


Then came the years when all seemed so wrong

I fell to the ground-crushed by the throng

Though I struggled so hard with all of my might

Nothing seemed good, nothing seemed right


Oh Father, my Father; I don’t understand

Weary and worn by the years in this land

I’ve failed you so often, I’ve made You so sad

When all that I wanted was to make your heart glad


All of the struggles, the trials of life

The sickness, the pain, the sorrow and strife

I’m covered with scars, the battles I’ve lost

While chasing vain dreams at such a high cost

God’s Reply

“Dear Child, don’t you see it is all as I planned

So, please, my dear child, come take my hand

Your beauty doth shine as bright as the stars

Aglow with a radiance shone forth from the scars


Your eyes are so tender, washed by a tear

My Grace to reflect to all who draw near

Your heart that was broken-stripped of your will

A vessel now emptied- my spirit could fill


Oh, how I love you, my child don’t you see

I’ve heard every whisper, I’ve heard every plea

It was I who held you in the dark of the night

I sang a love song til the dawning of light


I’ve watched how you’ve grown, the love in your heart

That sparkle of joy you to strangers impart

You could not become the person you are

Were it not for the tears or occasional scar


I’m so proud of you child, all you’ve become

I’ll shout from the heavens, my child “Well Done”

I’ve been faithful and true through all of your life

Through the trials, the heart breaks, and even the strife


Covered with righteousness bought by my son

Redeemed you have been, your victory won

You never were meant to win by your might

The battle was mine, mine only to fight”

The End of Things

Oh, Father, I love you with all of my heart

My greatest treasure you’ve been from the start

The Joy I know now, came from all those years

A precious, rare gift you gave me through tears

[bctt tweet=”The Joy I know now, came from all those years A precious, rare gift you gave me through tears” username=”effiedarlene”]

Wherever the roads of life led me, God has been there every step of the way.  So often, I had strayed or ran down paths of my own making.  Yet, He knew before I was ever born, every mistake I would make and He loved me just the same.  He chose me to be His precious, beloved, blessed, redeemed Child.  There was not a moment of my life He did not redeem and use to bring me ever closer to Him.  That is His Grace to all who accept Him as Lord and Savior of their life.


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Picture used by permission of RoninRon’s Pencil Art.


Social Outcry on Behalf of the Widow and the Fatherless

Throughout Biblical History, God has commissioned His people to care for the stranger, the widow and the fatherless.  He has declared Himself to be A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows (Psalms 68:5, NKJV).  Throughout the law, this was evident.  It was also evident in the words of the prophets when pronouncing judgement against Israel for having forsaken their duties.  As the early church exploded in numbers, including people who came to Jerusalem for the feast of harvests from many parts of the worlds, there was a necessity to provide for those who remained.  They remained because the first church needed to bathe in the gospel truth before going out to teach others.  Ah, but the massive crowds included the widow and the fatherless; therefore, came a social outcry amongst the early church as to how they were being provided for.

What lead to so many widows to be included in the early church? Deuteronomy 16:9-15 lays forth the regulations concerning the feast of the weeks or feast of the Harvest which occurred on the 50th day after the Day of First Fruits which occurred the day after the Passover.  All from far and wide were to come to “God’s appointed place” to bring the harvest.  At this feast they were to bring strangers, widows, and the fatherless with them.  Therefore, on the day of Pentecost when so many were saved, these were among those in the crowd and among those saved.  The initial church in Jerusalem had many obstacles to overcome beyond that of the Jewish leaders.  Such rapid growth to above 20,000 presented many logistical problems as well concerning housing and feeding the crowds who were displaced from their homes.

Social Outcry

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If It Be of God, No One Can Stop It

God, through the Holy Spirit gave special gifts of healing to the Apostles.  The initial church in Jerusalem grew rapidly.  Nowhere was there space to meet with such large crowds except within the courtyards of the temple, precisely Solomon’s Porch.  Here is where all the crowds of people met to listen to Peter preach.  Oh, yes!  Peter was warned to never speak the name of Jesus again.  Yet, his voice could not be stopped.  Even if it meant his death, he was not willing to go speechless.  His fear had caused him to deny His Lord once upon a time.  Never again!  For this same Jesus who died on the cross, rose from the grave, forgave him and commissioned him to preach the gospel.  Nothing and no one can stop the spread of the gospel because it is of God. Neither can anything Thwart God’s Plan.

Whatever the personal cost, Peter knew he must continue to speak God’s word to the people, crying out for them to repent and be saved.  Furthermore, he knew that this must be done in the power of the Holy Spirit and not his own power.  Afterall, he experienced defeat before when trying to stand for Jesus in his own strength.  Nothing and no one can stop the growth of the church when it be of God.  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).  Peter’s task: obey God and leave the consequences to Him.

No One Can Stop It

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What is the Big Deal with Hypocrisy?

The earliest church was made up of many pilgrims who arrived into Jerusalem for Jewish events, found Jesus, and stayed.  That did make for some unique challenges.  Where would they all stay? How would they be fed, clothed, and housed?  Furthermore, the Jewish Priests, Sadducees and leaders wanted their voices squelched.  Yet, if they returned home too soon, they would leave unprepared, since the only preachers at first were there in Jerusalem.  All the new converts needed to grow in their knowledge of Christ before heading out to spread the gospel throughout the world.  Satan had tried to silence them with a threat; but that only lead to praise worship and more converts.  Now he would try to sow seeds of hypocrisy within their own ranks.  So, what is the big deal with hypocrisy within this early church? For that we turn to Acts 5.

First, lets take a step back to the last few verses of Acts 4.  As pointed out, this early church was challenged with problems housing and feeding some 20,000 people.  Furthermore, the church kept expanding in size so rapidly.  There were some among the church who with open hearts of love sold land that they had, gave everything to the apostles to distribute among the needy within this newly formed community of believers.  One such person was Barnabas.  Throughout the book of Acts, we come to learn of his heart.  He loved Jesus, was so overwhelmingly filled with gratitude for his salvation that he was compelled to love and share everything for the sake of Jesus name.  Always humble, he used his liberty in Christ to be a comforter and giver.  As a result, everyone loved him in return for his kindness.

Where Hypocrisy Entered

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One United Prayer of Praise! How with Perilous Threats?

Peter, John and the healed cripple stood before the court.  They were threatened.  The command to them?  Never speak the name of Jesus again in Jerusalem!  Despite the perilous threats, when released they joined other Christians in one United prayer of Praise. Why?

The priests included the same who paid the Roman Guards to lie and say Jesus body was stolen.  Knowing the truth, they paid for a lie and persisted in denying Christ.  Now this miracle, evidence of the power of Jesus they wanted to squelch before people believed.  After all, their reputations and political power were at stake. Peter boldly accused them of killing the long-awaited Messiah.  Even though, He offered a means of salvation, their arrogant pride forbids the acknowledgement of truth. The crowd who were witness to this newest miracle and all the new converts frightened them.  So, once more they doubled down on their threats but let Peter, John and the man go.  Joyously praising God, they joined other Christians.

They could have just said, ok.  After all next time could mean imprisonment and death.  If fact, we find that to be the case as we move through the history of the early church.  They knew full well the danger ahead of them.  It was possible to go into hiding, avoid the priests.  However, for them it was not an option they considered.  After all, they knew the truth.  They realized that the gospel message was the only treasure worth having on this earth and throughout eternity.  Joy could only be found in knowing Jesus Christ.  Whatever the perilous threats, their hearts compelled them to tell the world before it was too late.  So, in one United Prayer of Praise they lifted their voice to God, asking for boldness to continue spreading the gospel message.

Facing Perilous Threats

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