As soon as Paul knew the truth of the gospel message, he felt an urgency to spread the truth. It was with an even greater urgency than he had felt when persecuting the Christian church. There was an immediacy about all that he did. However, with all the immediacy, he also listened very closely to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in all that he did. As we noted last time, he did spend 3 years of intense training by God in Nabatean Arabia, further preparing him to be the missionary to the gentile nation that he became. Yet, from the moment he first believed, he felt the urgency to spread the truth of the gospel wherever he went. Paul taught told everyone about Jesus Christ.
He never minced words, rather declaring that Jesus was the true Messiah, the Son of God, who came, died on a cross to pay the sin debt for all, and rose again on the third day. Then, he would proclaim the truth that no one could come to the Father apart from believing in Jesus Christ. Only those who would believe in Jesus, accepting Him as Lord and Savior could be saved. This truth caused Paul to feel an urgency because all who did not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior would never enter heaven. All who died without Christ would face an eternity in hell, separated from God. No matter how pious a life they had lived. Boldly, Paul went about teaching this truth and for that many wanted him dead. The persecutor of Christians became the persecuted Christian.
So, they lowered him in a basket outside the wall of Damascus so he could go to Jerusalem where he longed to meet the apostles.
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