When the Ruins Are Rebuilt and People Seek God

The meeting continued as the Apostles and elders met.  Jewish leaders and new converts had wanted to teach a doctrine proclaiming a necessity of circumcision and the law being part of the requirement for Gentiles to become Christians.  Paul and Barnabas had not been able to persuade them any differently, so the council met.  Peter reminded them that even though he had been skeptic, God had clearly shown him that Gentiles and Jew alike were to be saved by grace alone through faith alone.  The Jewish nation had proven their own inability to follow God by the works of the law-a yoke they could not bear.  The Holy Spirit’s baptism of Cornelius happened just as with the first Jewish believers, not requiring circumcision. Then James speaks of when the ruins are rebuilt, and people seek God as he quotes Amos.

Simon has declared how God at the first visited the Gentiles to take out of them a people for His name. 15 And with this the words of the prophets agree, just as it is written:

16 ‘After this I will return
And will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down;
I will rebuild its ruins,
And I will set it up;
17 So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord,
Even all the Gentiles who are called by My name,
Says the [
d]Lord who does all these things.’

Old Testament Proclamations

Continue reading “When the Ruins Are Rebuilt and People Seek God”

The Key-A Poem

Most of my Christian life I have wondered what is the key to living out this life with all the love, power and strength I have been so graciously given.  I do believe the book of Ephesians is the key.  First in knowing my true identity in Jesus Christ gained by grace alone through faith alone.  Even my faith was a gift from God’s Almighty Hand of Grace toward me.  This past week I spent a lot of time studying Ephesians 3:14-21.  I listened to John McArthur’s sermons and realized there within these verses lay the key to empowering my life for the work of Christ.

With it lay also the realization of just how much my heart fails in loving as Jesus loves.  There are those moments when a thought arises, even for a second of jealousies, desires, and selfishness.  Will my heart ever be what it needs to be?  Yes, one day.  For all the promises of God are yes in Jesus Christ, so that I will look like Him one day.  Until that day, I will daily fall before His throne of Grace and I will keep my eyes focused on Him, repenting of every selfish thought as it arises.  The victory is mine because of the redemptive work already done on my behalf by Jesus.  All I got to do is lean in to Him.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ

The Key

God’s Spirit does within me lie

The strength on which I must rely

The blood of Christ did set me free

That I might live in liberty


Yet, liberty demands my all

Surrender to the Spirit’s call

That filled with joy from Christ within

I rise above myself and sin


His presence filling me with love

That I might soar on clouds above

The clamor, hate, and jealous rage

That holds me in this wretched cage


Oh, that my mind might comprehend

Only His love can ever mend

This heart so broken, filled with pride

The evil darkness that I hide


The depth and breadth of Love He gave

As on the Cross He died to save

Me from the wretchedness within

To wash me white from crimson sin


Dear Lord, please take all of me

Fill my heart, that I might see

Only You, and nothing more

So, like an eagle I might soar


Your Spirit as my only guide

In Christ, I rest-in Him abide

Therein I rise to heights unknown

While prostrate lie before thy throne


Oh, fill me God with all of You

Until You are all that I view

Your Glorious Light might then shine bright

To this dark world in need of light



If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


The Mystery

I Am in Christ all I Am Not

The Great Pleasure of His Will-a Poem

If I in Silence Do Dismiss  (A Poem)

But for God, the Sorrows that Abound- a poem

How to Live a Life of Grace as God’s Beloved


If you have a prayer request feel free to email me by clicking here

Or if you would like to share  your story or thoughts, you can  comment here

Books Available

If you want to know more about books I have written, click on this link to discover my Book Resources.

Another option is going to Amazon.com. There you can find my books by searching for Effie Darlene Barba.  Or click this link to be taken there

Furthermore  for inspirational photos or home decor click here.


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2019
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Photo by CMDR Shane on Unsplash

How Is the Yoke of Jesus Not the Law?

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart. Ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30).  In this world we are in some ways under a yoke of some kind—whether it be the yoke of Government, the yoke of work, family, finances, health or even our own fleshly desires.  Yet, Jesus bids us to take his yoke upon us that we might find rest.  How is the Yoke of Jesus different and not the same as the Old Testament law?  And how does His yoke provide us rest from all the other yokes that bind us?

In Acts 15, there rises a new challenge for the early church.  There were many who spread a doctrine regarding the believers needing to all be circumcised and brought under the Mosaic law in order to be saved.  There arose such an uproar among the believers in the church of Antioch that Paul and Barnabas were sent to the elders and Apostles in Jerusalem to secure an answer.  Paul and Barnabas had stood for the truth of salvation through grace alone by faith alone; but their words were being drowned out by the crowds who questioned their authority in the matter.  So, they returned to speak to the council in Jerusalem.

There in Jerusalem the council met.  The Holy Spirit evidently strongly fixed within the council, filling every member with wisdom and truth to respond.

The Yoke of Jesus Not the Yoke of the Law

Continue reading “How Is the Yoke of Jesus Not the Law?”

How to Persist in Faith and Missions

Think of this.  Paul and Barnabas on their first Missionary Journey to spread the news of the gospel.  There was no doubt as to the call of the Holy Spirit on their lives.  They could have comfortably remained teaching and preaching in Antioch. Afterall, they were leaders in that church.  Already having faced the opposition, the church was flourishing.  Surely that was God would allow them to remain, growing that church and teaching them in the faith.  But instead God called them to leave that church and go out into the world.  They surrendered fully to the calling of the Holy Spirit.  No hesitation!  No questions asked! Off they went, embarking on a treacherous journey and leaving the familiar behind.  What gave them the strength to persist in faith and missions, regardless of what treacherous trials they might face?

What if God calls you out of your comfort zone into lands unknown? Perhaps it is merely a new job He has called you to (or even has shoved you into by it being the only open door).  It may not have been what you wanted or what you had planned.  Yet, it is where God’s Sovereign Hand had placed you.  Remember there are no “oops” in God’s plan for your life.  Have you landed in a place where you feel silenced? “Surely God does not mean for me to be a witness here!”, you think.  Still this is where He placed you.  Or perhaps you see the need for ministry but feel yourself to be the wrong person for the task.  You want to; but you feel your faith is not big enough.  How do you persist in faith and missions, when you see your own failures looming?

Paul and Barnabas Persist in Faith and Missions

Continue reading “How to Persist in Faith and Missions”

The Mystery-A Poem

The Mystery

Oh, mystery so sweet, divine

That called me out and made me thine

Before the world was even formed

You chose my heart to be transformed

To one that rests upon thy grace

And seeks to see thy glorious face


Your wisdom Lord shines forth each day

Your spirit drawing me to pray

That there amid my sorrow, pain

Your joy within my heart doth reign

While Angels sing their song of praise

Because from death your Son did raise


They do not know such Grace Profound

Salvation brings, when lost are found

The wrath that justly had been mine

Thou did upon thy Son assign

The depth of pain He must have known

As wrath for sin poured from Thy Throne


The magnitude of riches thine

Poured forth to me, you made them mine

Unworthy though I am to gain

From all the agony and pain

That Jesus bore for me that day

Yet, here I am you bid me stay


How can I Lord, ever complain

About the sunshine or the rain

Must not my heart forever sing

A song of praise to You my King

The mystery the world must see

Was there proclaimed on Calvary


Even the demons must proclaim

That Jesus is the only name

Who can fulfill my heart’s desire

So willingly I face the rapid fire

Of Satan’s arrows aimed at me

Because You’ve won the victory


I will not bow beneath the weight

Of earthly cares though they are great

My eyes transfixed on You, my Lord

Bound heart in heart with one Accord

The mystery the world might see

My joy in Thee shall ever be.


In Darkest Night or bright Sunshine

My Faith Held Tight, For I am Thine


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


I Am in Christ all I Am Not

The Great Pleasure of His Will-a Poem

If I in Silence Do Dismiss  (A Poem)

But for God, the Sorrows that Abound- a poem

How to Live a Life of Grace as God’s Beloved


If you have a prayer request feel free to email me by clicking here

Or if you would like to share  your story or thoughts, you can  comment here

Books Available

If you want to know more about books I have written, click on this link to discover my Book Resources.

Another option is going to Amazon.com. There you can find my books by searching for Effie Darlene Barba.  Or click this link to be taken there

Furthermore  for inspirational photos or home decor click here.


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2019
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash