If I tried to tell you that tragedy, pain, and suffering just will not come into your life; you would know I was lying. Tragic suffering comes at us from all sides. Whether that be the widow or widower overwhelmed by grief, the fear of an unseen enemy, or it be the deep dark sorrows hidden within your heart. Tragic suffering surrounds us. Just as Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation”.
Right now, the world is facing a virus. A microscopic evil so tiny yet has brought the world to a sudden halt. Fear, economical chaos, and death counts all keep rising. We are forced to confront the idea that we are no invincible when something so tiny with no ability to reason can wreak such havoc. It just floats from person to person at random; yet, it’s power to destroy our lives is evident. No longer can we take for granted all the blessings we were living. Tragic suffering that came upon us so suddenly.
Yet, is that not a lot like sin. We cannot see it; but its effects have been producing such tragic consequences since human life began. We have seen it in the bitter fighting throughout our nation, the disdain for those who protect us, the slithering of evil into every institution, the mass shootings, and the careless disrespect of life from the fetus to the aged senior citizen. Our world was running rampantly out of control before it was brought to a sudden halting screech by another tiny invisible force.
But what if I told you, this is nothing new. Not really. And even in such times, there are 3 truths for you to know steadfast joy-ever abiding within you to overcome the effects of tragic suffering in your life.
Rejoicing Steadfast Joy to Overcome Tragic Suffering
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