7 Steps to Anchor You When Tragedy Strikes

When facing tragedy, what do you do?  Sorrow, pain and tears overwhelm your heart until you cannot see how to take even one more step.  Darkness surrounds and questions fill your mind with no answers.  The best you can do is scream into the sky, “Why?”   Oh, yes; I have been there many times in my life; despairing of life itself. Those moments when the pain is so great that you cannot even find the strength to pray.  How can one hold on when all seems lost? When joy and hope are all gone, how do you hold fast to faith.  Over the course of a lifetime, I have discovered these 7 steps.  In the last post, I reminded you of three foundational truths to Abiding, Steadfast Joy.  Now, lets look at the steps when tragedy strikes. Continue reading “7 Steps to Anchor You When Tragedy Strikes”

One Journey from Darkness to Light, Sorrow to Joy

I cannot tell you how many years sorrow filled my soul. Though I knew that Christ had saved me and because of His grace, one day I would be with Him.  Yet, sorrow followed.  So often that search for joy lead me down pathways searching for fleeting counterfeit joys.  If only I could get this Christian walk right; then, maybe God would be pleased and bring me joy.  But, alas, the harder I tried, the more often I failed.  Then, I began to accept the tragedies as punishment for my own frailties.  Little did I realize the truth; my sins past, present and future were already covered by the cross. So, like a dutiful little Christian; I carried my cross with great sorrow and darkness with only glimpses of light.

It was only a few short years after Pete’s death that I faced cancer.  Deep in the depth of that darkness, I began to ask, “God, are you taking me home.  I am tired, and the journey has been long.”  Despite my desire to go home, I looked at my teenage sons and wept for them.  When the chemotherapy was done, I then battled ulcerative colitis until the surgeons removed my colon.  Again, my prayer remained the same.  Once I recovered from the surgeries and began to recover from the havocs of high dose steroids, there was found a mass on my pancreas.  Perhaps this time, He would take me home.  Yet, all the biopsies showed no cancer.  The mass was scars from an autoimmune pancreatitis.  Somehow, I believed my only hope for joy would be to leave this world; but, God had other plans.

Over the course of the next few years laden with trials, God reached down to show me, He is my joy and my greatest treasure.

Light shone into darkness

Continue reading “One Journey from Darkness to Light, Sorrow to Joy”

I Did But Pray-A Poem

There are sorrows in this world so great, that darkness surrounds us.  In those moments no ray of light shines in and all hope disappears.  There are no words that can comfort the soul.  I daresay there are no words and no theology that can bring peace.  That I have known all too well when my suffering was too great in my own life.  My only pleas to God was, “Why?” But none of the pain I suffered compared to the pain I felt when a child of mine faced despair.  Although, I had learned so much of God’s grace through my own suffering; I had no words to say to comfort my child in theirs; so, all I could do is pray.

I wrote this poem at such a moment when one of my children was hurting, despairing of life itself.  When all there is are questions, with no answers;  the only thing we can do is quietly walk beside and pray.  Today, I share this with everyone within its reach who is hurting today.  As I share it I lift up a prayer for each and everyone of you.

I Did But Pray

by Effie Darlene Barba


In your darkness filled with fear

I walked beside and drew you near

There were no words that I could say

So Quietly I did but pray


What more could I have said or done

Than point you to God’s own dear son

By showing you the grace of God

As on this road we both did trod


My words would mean so little now

Unless I were to live somehow

Displaying Grace by what I do

Forgetting self to think of you


No distance then would be too far

Willing to go where e’er you are

To walk beside to take your hand

To bring you hope, to firmly stand


That when the world a dark abyss

Upon your brow my gentle kiss

Awakening to see God’s light

A hope within could rise and fight


Against the tides that pull you down

The anguish that would bid you drown

Please take my hand and come with me

Oh how I wish your heart could see


The love of God, His Grace to you

That as His face comes into view

Amidst the sorrows in your heart

God’s comfort bidding them depart


His love can wrap you in His arms

Protecting you from evil’s harms

Oh, how I wish that you could see

My strength, my love is Christ in me



 In your darkness filled with fear

I walked beside and drew you near

There were no words that I could say

So Quietly I did but pray

concluding thoughts

No matter how dark the night; this I have learned and know: God loves you, His plan is good, and you can trust Him–even if today you cannot see how.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here or comment here

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Can Man Really See God Through Suffering?

After all the vain talking about God; God spoke, and all the men were silent.  Job had commanded that God come down and make right his injustice toward him.  Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar spoke incessantly about God, as though they had all the answers.  These three spoke lofty words, declaring that God was judging Job for blatant sin; as though they knew the mind of God. Finally, God spoke.  He did not explain to Job the reasons He allowed Job to endure such trials. Instead, He presented to Job a series of questions that forced Job to see God as the Sovereign, Just, and Gracious King of the Universe.  At the final end of all the questioning, Job’s response was: “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.  Wherefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:5-6).

In other words, “Everything I knew of God before today, were words within my mind; but, today I see God in all His Glory and Majesty with the eyes of my heart.  Therefore, I humbly bow; recognizing my own foolish pride.”  Until God spoke through the whirlwind and the suffering; Job believed in his own righteous acts and his own virtue.  When confronted by the truth; Job now could see the threads of pride and arrogance which lay deeply in his own heart.  Only when pressed by the pains of sorrow, did Job recognize fully God’s Sovereign Grace and Kingship over everything.  What suffering is too great to endure to be able to see God?

Eyes Opened Wide to See God

Continue reading “Can Man Really See God Through Suffering?”

When Truth Is Exposed, Are You Listening?

When facing trials and pain, all too often we become so focused on our pain; we forget the truth of God’s goodness and mercy.  Never does God allow suffering in our life without His Divine Purpose being to use it for our good.  At the beginning of the book of Job, he so rightly said; “What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?” (Job 2:10). Then, his “counselors” began to say, “all this is because of your sin.  God rightly judges you. Repent”.  Job became so intent on proving himself righteous in their eyes, that he lost focus on God, demanding that God was unjust in His acts.  Thus, as the layers began to be peeled away; there was exposed that thread of pride and arrogance, he had never known was there.

Although, God remained present; Job could not hear Him; because, Job was so focused on himself.  Never had I thought of myself as vain or even concerned with my looks; until, cancer stole it from me.  Then, as I stared into the mirror at a bald, overweight image; I loathed the image which brought back the cruel mocking sounds of others criticism of a fat little girl.  I lost focus.  To make matters worse, following the cancer, came the ulcerative colitis.  High dose steroids caused me to develop a buffalo hump, a moon face, inability to lose weight, plus, I grew a full beard and mustache.  Suddenly, exposed was my own vanity, pride and prejudices.   In a society that places so much value on looks, I wanted to scream, “look inside, not on the outside.” But how often, had I failed to do the same.


Continue reading “When Truth Is Exposed, Are You Listening?”