In a world with so many ideologies surrounding us both in society and even our churches; how, does one recognize and combat against false doctrine? The mission of the church is to bring sinners to Christ. As such, we want to allow in all others; yet, in doing so we must not compromise the truth of the gospel by embracing false doctrine in the name of “inclusivity.” The Galatian church had allowed in leaders who tried to teach that circumcision was a requirement of salvation. As such, these teachers demanded that the Christians submit themselves to the “letter of the law”; rather than the heart of the gospel. Christ came to fulfill the law and to pay the price; that, men and women might be saved by Grace through faith. The law only revealed mankind’s inability to live a life of righteousness before a Holy God.
What the law could not do; because, mankind’s heart was in bondage to sin and death; Christ came to provide the only means of Redemption. His completed work on the cross and His resurrection set all who would believe free from this bondage to the law. Instead of the outward circumcision required under the law; God would take the responsibility to “circumcise the heart.” Outward circumcision could not transform men’s hearts; but, the indwelling Holy Spirit could. The false doctrine that the Judaizers brought in may seem innocent; however, as Paul wrote: “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” (Galatians 5:9). Allowing in false doctrine (however innocent it might seem) ultimately transforms the truth of the gospel into a lie.
False Doctrine: Legalism
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