How to Glorify God with Our Life

Often, growing up; I heard Christians say, “I was created to Glorify God.” Yet, as I grew in my faith, I came to realize there was nothing inside of me that could Glorify God.  Nothing that I could do to increase His Glory, for He did not need me.  If anything, the harder I tried, the more I brought only shame or sorrow to Him.  My own guilty hands had nothing to bring that could Glorify God for He was holy and fully Glorious. I, on the other hand, often wanted too much, desired too much, and became entangled in my own self-centered desire for self-exaltation or comfort.  God said, “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him” (Isaiah 43:7).  So, how can we Glorify God with our life?

Yet, He also said, “ I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house. I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images” (Isaiah 42: 6-8).

Therefore, the glory is His Alone and really never is accomplished by me.  It can only be displayed by emptying of me, so His light might shine for to all who do not know Him.  So, again how can we Glorify God with our light?

Glorify God with Our Praise

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How was the Glory of God Revealed to Moses?

Throughout the Bible, God has revealed Himself to us.  His desire is that we might come to see His Glory shining forth, drawing us to Him.  He reveals His Glory in many ways.  Sometimes, it is through revealing His Sovereignty, His Grace, His Love, His Faithfulness, His Just Righteousness, and His Almighty Power.  In the life of Moses, He revealed His Glory through all of these methods.  Moses saw His Glory in a burning bush that called Him into service.  He watched the mighty Hand of God at work in redeeming His people from Egyptian Slavery.  His Grace and Faithfulness were displayed in His dealings with His people.  However, never did His Loving Grace overshadow His Just Righteousness.  All were displayed with equal significance.

He led His people with a cloud by day and fire by night.  We must not forget this.  In everything He did, He remained true to Himself.  Faithfully, He led the people; even, when they disappointed Him. Through hardship and trial, they learned to trust in Him.  Sometimes, they foolishly forgot all of what He had already done.  Much like we, they at times doubted Him; forgetting He Sovereignly knew what was best.  He parted the Red Sea that they might cross over on dry land, safely allowing them to cross and destroying their enemy.  Despite all that He did to display His Glory, how often did they fail to trust Him with the next trial they faced? How often, did they moan and complain rather than to praise Him?

What About Us?

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Sometimes When I’m Tired, Afraid, and Alone

There are times along this journey, when we are tired.  And with that weariness of heart, fear or loneliness creeps into our being.  Yesterday, was such a day.  This came after weeks of abounding faith; yet, it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I found myself irritable, afraid, and depressed.   You might think it strange, after my last post was filled with how to have faith.  But, you see, that is when Satan loves to attack us.  It began the evening before when my hopes soared as an email said my application was referred on; however, in going into the website, it said “not referred” as your qualifications were not enough. Rejected.

Knowing I am needed in Florida, I took this as God tearing my heart in two, as though He was saying, your not good enough. (Although that is Satan’s lie every time).  For a few hours, I fought the fear, the tears, and the pain, not even knowing what to ask from God.  He had heard it all before from me.  I then awoke yesterday with the same feelings of despair, making it hard to even read my Bible.  After multiple errands, I came home and took a nap.  When I awoke I listened to a sermon by Charles Stanley, read the scriptures, and asked God to forgive my unbelief.  Then it came again, that peace of knowing God Is and He blesses all those who seek Him.

So, I wrote for you today this poem.


Sometimes When I’m Tired, Afraid, and Alone


Sometimes when I’m tired, afraid, and alone

My heart cries to you with tears or a moan

Forgetting that you are still on Your throne

And all of the Grace to me that you’ve shown


My eyes lose their focus, a moment or two

I fall to my knees and cry out to You

Seeking Your face, Your love I pursue

Quiet and still, Your face then I view


Filled with remorse, Oh, what have I done

Forgetting to trust in Your Beloved Son

Tis then to the cross, I heartily run

Broken, Contrite, and feeling undone


Yet, You’re standing there with arms open wide

Instilling the faith that I had let slide

Removing the dust of my human pride

That there in Your Grace, my heart may abide


Then, peace like a river covers my life

Removing the stress, the pain and the strife

Reminding me that Your will is the best

And in Your dear love, I always find rest


Dear Lord, take my life, conform it to be

The life that you’ve planned by Your love for me

And when I am blind, please Lord, help me to see

That You are the treasure, that brings my heart glee.

Concluding Thoughts

When life looks impossible and you are tired, afraid, and alone; run home, fall on your knees with your Bible in hand.  God will restore your faith.  His plan is best for You and I.

Twitters to share:

[bctt tweet=”Dear Lord, take my life, conform it to be The life that you’ve planned by Your love for me” username=”effiedarlene”]

[bctt tweet=”Sometimes when I’m tired, afraid, and alone My heart cries to you with tears or a moan” username=”effiedarlene”]

[bctt tweet=”Forgetting that you are still on Your throne And all of the Grace to me that you’ve shown” username=”effiedarlene”]


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here or comment here

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Photo by Mihail Macri on Unsplash

How to See Life Through Eyes of Faith Like Joseph

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers.  Falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife, he spent years in prison.  Yet, despite it all; Joseph clearly believed as he said, “it was not you that sent me hither, but God” (Genesis 45:8).  He was not bitter or angry about his circumstances.  His brothers were afraid.  Knowing what they had done, they thought certainly Joseph must harbor anger against them.  After all, their hearts would have.  Their hearts, filled with selfishness, jealously hated him; because, his righteousness was beloved by both God and their father.  They despised his position of honor.  Instead of learning to live by faith, they took life into their own hands, rather than to trust God.  All too often, we are more like his brothers than we are like Joseph.

Have you ever looked at the difficulties in your life and jealously despised others whom God has blessed?  Be honest here. Do you see the difficult circumstances as God’s Sovereign Grace working in your life to make you a blessing to those who have wronged you?  Despite the years of trials, Joseph trusted God.  He even told his brothers, “Fear not, for I am in the place of God.  But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive” (Genesis 50:19-20).

Do you trust God, no matter what the circumstances?  Your response to life’s bitter circumstances may be the testimony that changes the eternity of another soul.  Can you forgive those who have wronged you, recognizing God is Sovereign and ALL that comes into your life is for your good? EVERYTHING is God’s act of grace toward you, drawing you closer to Him, His purpose, His plan for you.

Joseph-Keeping Focused on the Finish Line

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Why Was Jacob Broken to Become a Blessing?

Jacob had deceived his father Isaac to obtain the blessing, after having taken his brother’s birthright through selfish means.  Despite all this God had remained faithful to His promises to Abraham.  Indeed, God had foretold that it would be Jacob whom He chose (Genesis 25:23).  Yet, Rebekah, his mother, nor Jacob waited and rested upon God to do this.  Instead he took possession through trickery and deceit. It would be necessary for Jacob to be broken before he could become a blessing for God.  He fled in fear from his brother; yet, God met him along the road and promised that he would return to the land one day (Genesis 28:16-19).  Ah, but you see the vow he made to God that day was insufficient.  In a sense he like we too often do, placed conditions upon his worship.

Jacob’s vow to God, “If you do this for me, then will I worship you.” (Genesis 28:20-22).  It would be many years before he returned. He would need to be broken first.  For in the land with Laban, Jacob met his match concerning deceit and trickery.  Still, God blessed Jacob, more because of God’s faithfulness than that of Jacob.  He had become content with his wealth and his position in the land of Haran.  So, God allowed a conflict to arise, driving Jacob out of the land to return to home.  Still, Jacob had not learned to trust God with his future, at least not yet.  Fearing his reunion with the brother, he divided up all that he had just in case his brother destroys one group, he would have the other. Alone Jacob met with God that night.

Broken to Become a Blessing

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