When are Feelings of Guilt good or bad?

Feelings of Guilt

Feelings of guilt can be a catalyst to transform our hearts or it can become a despair which traps us in a dark abyss of depression.  For mom in her bipolar world, feelings of guilt drove her to the place of attempting suicide.  She wanted to escape from her own feelings of guilt, which caused her so much pain.  Never recognizing the forgiveness of God, the grace she had been given, she was tortured by sins of the past.  We cannot negate our sin, for it is real.  However, our guilt must be laid before the cross of Christ alongside our sin.  We can never gain victory over the sin while remaining so preoccupied with self that we cannot allow God to be the only strength to overcome it.  As Ravi Zacharias wrote in his book Cries of the Heart.

            When expelled by irreverence, guilt makes life in mutual harmony unlivable. .. smothered by pride it makes one’s life unaccountable.  When concealed by fear it makes the pain unbearable.  (If) dismissed as cultural it makes morality untenable.  When claiming absolute innocence before God it makes the claim unjustifiable.  (Yet) when guilt surrenders to the grace of God, it makes the sin forgivable.  [1]

Haunted by Guilt

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How to Discover God’s Joy when Feeling Rejected

While caught up in my own feelings, I could not see that Mom also struggled with feelings of rejection.  It is that way so often, you see.  Our own feelings of rejection cause us to reject the person we are projecting these feelings on.  Then, our actions cause them to feel rejected and a vicious cycle begins.

In her bipolar world, mom would walk into a room and believe she could hear what others were thinking.  What she heard were voices rejecting and critical of her.  Although these were her own thoughts about herself, it was easier to believe they came from others.  She was dealing with feelings of rejection and a desperate desire to be loved.

As I began to grow in Christ and understand more about His unconditional love and grace, I should have been able to reach out to Mom and help her see the same.  At moments I do; but, at other times, I fail to do that.  Why?  Because, I too, must each morning remind myself of who I am in Christ.  Daily, I must take up my cross, die to self, and live for Christ.  It is a day to day journey, seeking Him early in the morning, at moments through the day, and before I go to sleep at night.

Pride and quasi humility is always lurking at the door of our hearts, for as long as we walk upon this earth.  Yet, the Holy Spirit is there within us to guide us, to remind us of who we are in Christ, and to slay this dragon that would destroy us.

God’s Grace Overcomes

Continue reading “How to Discover God’s Joy when Feeling Rejected”

“The Cry of Rejection” in a Dark Broken World

In a dark, broken world where anger and hatred abound, the cry of rejection resounds loudly in our ears.  Where do we turn to find the love that our hearts long for?

The Cry of Rejection in a Dark Broken World

By Effie Darlene Barba


The sound of their words

What they had said

Repeatedly playing sad tunes in my head

The Scars from my past

The sorrows, regret

Like sirens whose blaring I could not forget


In darkness, alone

My heart’s cry does long

To desperately feel somewhere I belong

To know I am loved

To make my appeal

Rejection the thought that seemed all too real


It wasn’t their fault

How could they have known?

The scars I hid deep and never had shown

The secrets of heart

That longed to be found

That they might be healed by love to abound


The counterfeit lies

Were just a mistake

Like shattering glass my heart then to break

Oh, where is the truth

In a Dark, broken world

Where sorrows and pain are relentlessly hurled


The sin of man’s pride

Has taken its toll

Wreaking havoc on each and every dear soul

Yet, if truth be told

Beneath all our will

Is a void only God’s love could refill!


His Love reached beyond

The abyss we had crossed

He never considered it too great a cost

To accept rejection

Of man toward His Son

Who in His despair our victory was won!


Unworthy though I

He loved me the same

And called me as His by my very name

To be loved as His child

He is all that I need

In Him to be known and truly be freed


Freed from desires

Of counterfeit things

From trinkets and toys or frivolous flings

Grounded, secured

In God’s loving arms

Freed from the lure of all this world’s charms


As He draws me near

To sit for a while

Enwrapped with His joy, I truly can smile

My worries all fade

As in Him I belong

My heart can now sing a joyous love song

Only One Answer

There is only one answer:  Jesus.  Only He can heal all the pain and sorrow that lies within your heart.  He stands with open arms and bids you come to Him.


[bctt tweet=”Oh, where is the truth In a Dark, broken world Where sorrows and pain are relentlessly hurled The sin of man’s pride Has taken its toll Wreaking havoc on each and every dear soul” username=”effiedarlene”]


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here

Or if you would like to tell me your story or thoughts  comment here

Do You Want to Know the Secret to Abiding Steadfast Joy?

Abiding, Steadfast JoyABIDING, STEADFAST JOY

A labor of love, this book provides you with 3 foundations of truth from the scripture which once known will provide you with abiding, steadfast joy. Undaunted by the storms of life; your joy will overflow.




Through a study of Nahum, Habukkuk, and Zephaniah; I brought their message into our modern times. Answering the questions of “Why, God?”

Providing a foundation of faith and hope; even, as we see so much evil in the world and in our nation. With so much sorrow and despair, this book I wrote to guide you into discovering God’s Perfect Plan of love; amid this chaotic world filled with life’s storms.

You may click on the picture for more information on either of these books.

ANOTHER Book Available

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If you want to know more about other books I have written: You can read more about each one at: Book Resources.

Or for inspirational photos or home decor click here.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Footnotes and Credits

Photo by Iheb AB on Unsplash

Why is Quasi-humility really Pride in disguise?

In the previous post we began a look at feelings of rejection.  To deal with feelings of rejection; one must first recognize it for what it is: Pride.  As Christians so often declare, “I am but a sinner saved by Grace.”  Although this is true, all too often, it is used as a Quasi-humility.  For if you and I truly grasp that truth, we could never doubt God’s eternal love for us.  Never would we feel as though God has rejected us nor walk around depressed over our situation; believing, God must not want to bless us.  Even after we have laid our sin at the cross, our own injured pride refuses to let go of our feelings of rejection and accept the love God is pouring out upon us.

Then, trying to hold onto our self-worth, we project our own inner feelings onto others.  That way we blame someone else for our feelings.  Of course, we could begin by blaming our parents.  For me, that was easy.  Certainly, I blamed mom for my feelings of rejection, my turmoil with wanting so desperately to be loved.  Ah, but I was wrong.  I could not deal with those feelings of rejection until I saw them for what they really were: my own sin of pride.  You might wonder, “How can feelings of rejection be a form of pride?”

Simon Peter Comes Face to Face with Pride

Continue reading “Why is Quasi-humility really Pride in disguise?”

Not good Enough for love? Feelings of Rejection

Feelings of Rejection

Most of my life, I battled with feelings of rejection; somehow, feeling I never measured up.  To gain God’s love, I felt I must try harder.  Somewhere amid the turmoil of my own mind, I believed love must be earned.  A dangerous place to stand before a Holy God.  My mind knew the truth of scripture; but, my heart longed to feel the reality of God’s love.  It would be a long road to discover the truth of God’s unconditional love and grace toward me.  Perhaps it was clearer, when at the age of five, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior.  I knew then that it was grace alone that saved me.  Yet, I had to learn that it is His Grace alone that loved me every step of this journey, no matter what.

There within our emotions, the battle ground lies.  When facing feelings of rejection, we must first recognize it for what it is; an internal battle with the sin of pride.  One of the hardest things for pride to accept is an unmerited gift.  We want to believe we have earned it.  Our “self” rises up to heights of aggrandizement, seeing the world through our own eyes.  Yet, Christ calls us to crucify that self, so that our identity can be found in Him.  Though on this earth, Christ faced the rejection of men, the only time He faced the feeling of rejection was when all our sin lay upon Him. The Father and Holy Spirit, unable to look upon sin, had turned their back toward Him for a second in time and the wrath of God against sin was poured out upon Him, so that we might be redeemed.

Despair Within Rejection

Continue reading “Not good Enough for love? Feelings of Rejection”