How Can Suffering Teach Obedience Resulting in True Joy?

Within the previous chapters, I addressed my own responses to Mom.  Reactions of shame, guilt, and jealousy. Also, I began telling you of God’s lessons of life through each phase.  Furthermore, I spoke of how God used my marriage to Pete to learn of God’s unconditional love toward me by allowing my heart to experience unconditional love and forgiveness toward Pete.  But what of Mom and Pete?  What were the emotions that they suffered?  How could it be that God allowed their suffering? Could their suffering have divine purpose?  Such agonizing suffering within their minds! Only time allowed me to see their suffering.  Wrought with guilt over their own actions, they demonstrated often a forgiveness unparalleled toward me.  At times, like a lion caged, I lashed out with words that cut deep. My anger and response, I felt were justified; but, alas, they were not.

My journey, as well as theirs, through dark and winding paths of suffering were all guided by God’s Hand of love.  My angry response to perceived wrongs, in truth were born out of a lack of faith or obedience to God.  Though I may at times have believed, my anger, sorrow, and unrest were born out of a righteous indignation for their wrongs.  The truth is: God is Sovereign.  My suffering, as was theirs, came from an Almighty, Sovereign God who always remains more concerned with our eternity than our momentary comfort. Yet, in the midst of all that suffering, He bids us to draw closer to Him.  There, abiding in His arms of Grace, we learn to lay aside all else that we might find true Joy, Peace, and Rest in Him.


Continue reading “How Can Suffering Teach Obedience Resulting in True Joy?”

A Jealous Thread Had Filled My Heart

A Jealous Thread Had filled my Heart

by Effie Darlene Barba


A jealous thread had filled my heart

That from God’s truth I did depart

So, blinded by my thoughts of me

His love no longer could I see


Forgotten was the truth of grace

No longer could I see His face

Nor understand His plan for me

Was forged by Him to set me free


Desiring then His plan for her

His love for me became a blur

How could He love her more than me?

While sorrow then became my plea


His patient, gentle love then held

Unto my heart, though I rebelled

The flames of anger rose in me

Only His truth could set me free


Twas there He reached into my heart

To wash my sin, His love impart

His plan designed was best for me

Wrought from His love eternally


The trials that my life had faced

Had brought me low, til I embraced

Him as the only hope for me

The only treasure I could see


His love and grace there did abound

And overflow with joyous sound

His glory reaching forth to me

And point me to that rugged tree


On which He died that I might be

His precious love eternally

He’d planned the perfect life for me

That I might love with purity


He broke the chains that held me tight

The jealous threads that bound my night

Then filled me with His Love for me

Opened my eyes His heart to see


Amazing Grace! My Sovereign King

Had filled my heart with joy to sing

His plan had been His best for me

To learn to love with purity


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


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Or if you would like to tell me your story or thoughts  comment here

For more information regarding jealousy refer to the previous posts:

5 Lessons from God to Overcome Jealous Rage

How is Jealousy Like Flames From Hell

The Utter Insanity of My Jealous Thoughts

If God is a Jealous God, Why is Jealousy Bad?

Do You Want to Know the Secret to Abiding Steadfast Joy?

Abiding, Steadfast JoyABIDING, STEADFAST JOY

A labor of love, this book provides you with 3 foundations of truth from the scripture which once known will provide you with abiding, steadfast joy. Undaunted by the storms of life; your joy will overflow.




Through a study of Nahum, Habukkuk, and Zephaniah; I brought their message into our modern times. Answering the questions of “Why, God?”

Providing a foundation of faith and hope; even, as we see so much evil in the world and in our nation. With so much sorrow and despair, this book I wrote to guide you into discovering God’s Perfect Plan of love; amid this chaotic world filled with life’s storms.

You may click on the picture for more information on either of these books.

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Footnotes and Credits

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

5 Lessons from God to Overcome Jealous Rage

The longer I stuffed those insane feelings of jealousy toward Mom into a box within my heart, the larger the flames grew.  I tried to tell myself I only wanted her best.  After all, sooner or later those whom I paid to care for her would all be gone. Only I would be standing, fighting for her.  I desperately wanted her to see that and to just love me.  Didn’t she see the sacrifices I was making? I tried to proclaim my sacrifice as love for her. However, the lies I told my heart did not make the jealousy go away.  Instead they fanned the flames into a jealous rage, burning within me.  I could not see, that my love was not really love if I was more concerned about me than her. My sacrifice was not born out of love; rather, it was a vain attempt at self-exaltation.

5 Lessons from God to Overcome Jealous Rage

Continue reading “5 Lessons from God to Overcome Jealous Rage”

If God Is A Jealous God, Why Is Jealousy Bad?

If God Is A Jealous God, Why Is Jealousy Bad?

In the book of Exodus, we find that the children of Israel became impatient and fearful.  Moses had gone high into the mountain to meet with God.  They could only see the fire surrounding the mountain.  Despite all that God had done to guide and protect them, they became restless while waiting.  Then, they decided to build a golden calf to worship. They sang and danced in worship to this golden image of their own making.  God commanded Moses to descend and deal with the people.  When he did, in anger he broke the tablets of the law.  Once he had destroyed the golden calf and rebuked the people, he pleaded to God for the people.  God forgave them. Moses ascended the mountain with new tablets.  God said, “thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” Exodus 34:14.

So, how are we to interpret this?  If God is a jealous god, then is jealousy bad?  How is His jealousy different than ours?  To help us understand this, we need to first of all look to the preceding verses.

A Righteous and Jealous God?

Continue reading “If God Is A Jealous God, Why Is Jealousy Bad?”

The Utter Insanity of My Jealous Thoughts

        Both Mom and Pete found it difficult to demonstrate love.  Within their bipolar minds, there lay a fear of vulnerability.  Therefore, any action of love would soon be followed by a harsh rebuke or criticism.  Living in that world, I spent a lifetime in search of love. Desperate to find love, only to discover it had been there with me all along. God’s love had been there expectantly waiting for me from eternity past.  It was His love that had brought me to Him that day I accepted Christ as my Savior.  And it was His love that indwelled me, guiding every step.  So that I might come to know His fullness of joy.  Along this journey, His precious hands were guiding me every step of the way.  So, I even understood the utter insanity of my jealous thoughts, which is probably why I neatly tried to hide them.

Yet, just as you cannot get rid of a cancer by ignoring it, neither can you get rid of jealous thoughts by pretending their nonexistence.  The only way to deal with cancer is to biopsy it, name it, and then attack it aggressively.  Jealous thoughts must be confronted with the same aggressiveness as one would attack a cancer.  Because Jealous thoughts when ignored will grow to consume you with anger.  Which in turn, will cause you to take yours eyes off of Jesus and place walls.  Hoping God would not notice the jealousy and anger, you withdraw into your own spiraling insanity of guilt, shame and depression.  While at the same time, putting on an outward show of self-righteous behavior and righteous indignation.  Placing all the blame on the object of your jealous thoughts.

Dissecting My Jealous Thoughts

Continue reading “The Utter Insanity of My Jealous Thoughts”