Until My One Desire-A Sunday Poem

One Desire

Friday, I had worked very late into the night.  There had been the emergency case I assisted with that lasted 7 hours.  Once finished, it was 8:30 pm and I still had 3 and half hours of work to complete before I could leave.  The next week I would be on vacation to spend times with my grandchildren; so, I pushed on to finish.

Then Saturday, as I bought groceries and prepared a meal to take to In2Action, a Christian ministry to men transitioning from jail to life again: I felt so tired, I wondered why I had set up this special Saturday (usually, I went once a month; but, last month and this I set it up to go twice).  Then, once there; I remembered why.  There are none who so appreciate Grace than these men.  Their love toward me genuine, unadulterated by any false pretenses or desires; as is mine for them. No one could be more blessed than I for having gone to see these men.


As I got ready for church today, I thought of all I needed to get ready.  I need to clean the house, prepare the guest rooms and in general get everything else done.  However, today I rushed out to working in Crossing Kids with the 3 year old children for the 8 am service; then, came the 9:30 service for which I chose to also stay because my grand daughter was there and two other little girls were clinging tightly to me.

Finally, heading out to the 11 am service; I listened to an amazing sermon.  In that sermon, Keith said, “Some of you here, wonder if your service counts.  You remain unknown.  Perhaps, your ministry remains obscure or you write a blog and wonder if it all matters; yet, God sees all that you do and it matters to Him.”  It was during that service that these words came to my mind and I wrote this poem for you.

Until My One Desire

by Effie Darlene Barba


There is no place I’d rather be

Than here with Him on bended knee

Beloved, I am a child of God

Who walks with me each step I’ve trod


As all the world, around me turns

My heart with passion for Him yearns

To step aside with God, alone

And come before His precious throne


Then, as I gaze upon His face

Reminded of His heart of Grace

My heart transformed by His love so true

That I might see the world! His view!


The Broken Hearts, so filled with pain

With shame and guilt their crimson stain

Whom need the Gospel message clear

To wipe their tears, allay their fear


So, Lord, I bow my head to plead

“Please fill me with the strength I need

To reach someone for You, today

And help them then to find their way


No life too broken for Your reach

Touched by Your Grace, Your love to teach

That into their darkest, deepest night

To shine Your Brilliant, Glorious light


So, take my heart and light Your fire

Flames burn until my one desire

Is tell the world of Your Dear Son!

Who Gave His Life that theirs be won!


And strip away each ounce of pride

That I might humbly stand at Your side

Conform my will to be Your own

That those who pass, see You Alone”

What Is Our One Desire?

When we look around us and see the mass of people who live lives filled with quiet desperation in a desert without hope; do we yearn to tell them that Christ is the living water?  Does our heart break for what breaks God’s heart?  Do we burn with passion, desiring to spread the gospel of Jesus to a world in need?  Like Jesus, are we willing to see past the outward appearances and reach into the darkness to help someone in need? Broken, shattered lives; often, stand ready, seeking the truth of love.

My simple, unknown ministries including the Sunday evenings at the Juvenile jail where I can be found most months; may mean little by the world’s standards.  Some would call me a fool; because, of the financial cost to me and my aging body.  Perhaps, I should be saving for more for my retirement one day; but, you see–if one person comes to know Christ as a result of any one of my ministries; then, it is worth it all!

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16



[tweetthis]Transform my heart, O Lord; until my One Desire is You & Your Will Be Done[/tweetthis]

[tweetthis]Not my light Lord, but yours alone; so men may know you[/tweetthis]

If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link, if you have a prayer request email me by clicking here or comment here


If you want to know more about the books I have written:  You can find a link at: Book Resources.

Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash The inscription I added.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.



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