When God Makes His Sheep to Lie Down. Why?

sheep lie down

As David, a shepherd, wrote the 23rd Psalm, he with first hand knowledge spoke of the Good Shepherd.  The Bible often speaks of God as the Good Shepherd and we, who follow Him, as His sheep.  We may want to believe we are lions and lionesses; however, God sees us as helpless sheep in need of the Shepherd to protect and guide us.  “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures” (Psalm 23:1-2).  Why would God have to make us to lie down in green pastures?  Wouldn’t that be what we would want to do?  To be filled with the nourishing, lush word of God that helps us to grow.  To rest in His presence.  Imagine the scene.  Filled with all the nourishing grain, to then rest, digesting His word, unafraid or touched by the world around us.

Phillip Keller, also a shepherd, wrote a book titled, A Shepherd’s Look at Psalm 23.  In it he points out that for sheep to lie down, four requirements must be met.  They will not lie down unless they are free from fear, as they are very timid easily frightened creatures.  Because their only defense is to run from the enemy, they stand ready to bolt away.  Secondly, because of their social structure, when left alone they tend to set up an order in which the larger or older sheep seek dominance by butting or knocking down the weaker ones. The weaker ones then cannot rest.  (Sounds a little like us).  Thirdly, they cannot lie down or rest when being tortured by pests such as flies or parasites.  And fourth, they will not lie down when feeling hunger. When the hunger of our soul is not fed, we seek satisfaction elsewhere.



In the pastures surrounding Jerusalem, David knew very well that the shepherd must work diligently to provide green pastures.  As Keller points out, “Green pastures did not just happen by chance. Green pastures were the product of tremendous labor, time and skill in land use.  Green pastures were the result of clearing rough, rocky land;  tearing out brush and roots and stumps; of deep plowing and careful soil preparation; seeding and planting special grains and legumes; of irrigating with water and husbanding with care the crops of forage that would fed the flocks”[1]  Is that not what God does with our lives as well?  He clears the brush, plants and waters the seeds in our minds and hearts that we might find the rich, nourishing foliage in His word, where we can lie down to rest in His presence.


In Ezekiel 34, Israel was warned when those priests called to shepherd the flock took care of only themselves pushing aside and not allowing the flock to be nourished as God intended.  How often today, do we see the same!  Those who call themselves Christians placing stumbling blocks for other Christians.  Wanting to make themselves seem superior in their own eyes, they fail to teach the truth of the word or encourage other Christians to grow.  Instead of reaching out a helping hand, they condemn a fallen one, not realizing their own sin of pride.  We all stumble and fail God at times and it behooves us to humbly remember that it is grace alone that saved us. In that humility, we must reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ with a helping hand to guide them safely back to the green pasture.

God promised that even if our earthly shepherds fail, He will seek us out when we have wandered astray.  Then, He will judge the false shepherds who drove us away. (Ezekiel 34:10). “For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out…. I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God.  I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick” Ezekiel 34: 11,15-16).


The shepherd must carefully tend to his sheep and keep the “pests” from penetrating and molesting the sheep.  God has provided every believer with the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide and to protect us from the pestering words of Satan which whispers in our hearts and minds.  We have the Comforter with us to remind us of the truth of the word.  He recalls in our hearts, scriptures, words and even songs to counterattack Satan’s lies. Ah, but so we may recall them, we do need to diligently seek His word, feast in worship of Him.  A children’s song comes to mind, be careful little ears what you hear and be careful little eyes what you see.



We hunger for love, contentment, and peace.  Yet, all too often we seek it where it cannot be found.  We chase after love, careers, and a name for ourselves; however, we search for it in a dry and barren land.  Jesus said: “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst” (John 6:35).  Also, He said: “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6).


Maketh Me to Lie Down

Many times, in my life, God has placed me in situations where I am forced to lie down and rest.  Sometimes, I would be so busy with my own world and He would force me to slow down for a while to just rest in the green meadows of His word.

It was 2010, busy about my work and life, God had called me to write “A Broken and Contrite Heart.”  I really didn’t have the time to complete the task.  Suddenly, one day I went emergently to the hospital with a bowel obstruction.  Having had my colon removed years before and having had Breast Cancer, I was aware that this was very serious.  My small intestine was so damaged by the obstruction the physicians feared they might not recover.  Recover they did; but it took 2 months of my having to remain at the hospital and then home.  During the time in the hospital, I studied God’s word, prayed and listened to worship songs.  When I got home, I had my recliner moved over beside my computer, where I finished writing and editing the book.

God made me lie down in green pastures, where all I could do was grow in the word.  He removed all fear, though I faced a fearful situation; because, He was there present with me.  There was none who could condemn me; because, He had set me free.  Anyone who has read that book, A Broken and Contrite Heart, would see how a Gracious God had been faithful to this wandering sheep, even when she had failed Him.  He brought me back, mended the wounds and made me to lie down in green pastures.


The Shepherd’s loving care can bring peace, hope, and quietness to our hearts.  We find the green pastures in His presence where He has prepared the fields to satisfy our hungering souls.  Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sin, the pests and bullies must all flee in His presence.  There is no fear, for He is protecting us.  Therefore, we may lay down in the green pastures and rest where we grow in Him.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


[1] http://www.antipas.org/commentaries/articles/shepherd_psa23/shepherd_02.html

Photo by Xavier Teo on Unsplash

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