What Happens When We Fail to Teach our Children?

little children

In 2 Kings 6, we saw that Elisha was able to face the impossible battles of life; because he saw the armies of God surrounding him.  That began this our study into Elisha’s ministry.  Each step of his journey was orchestrated by a Sovereign, just and righteous God.  Elisha had been chosen by God.  He was mentored by Elijah.  Ultimately, Elisha stood witness as Elijah was raptured into God’s presence.  It was a time in Israel’s history where idolatrous worship had replaced God worship.  Therefore, it was perilous times for God’s true teachers.  But as is always the case, the failures of the mothers and fathers to teach their children well led to generations of regenerate ideologies.  King Solomon had allowed his pagan wives to teach their children to worship Baal and other pagan gods; despite his knowing the truth.

The warning found in 2 Kings 2 concerning the youth of Bethel is one we should heed as well.  Raised in homes that failed to teach them of God, these children or youth came out in number to mock God through mocking His servant Elisha.  Some look at these verses and try to speak of the injustice in the Bible.  But the Bible is clear.  Either we teach our children of God’s great love and mercy to all who seek Him, or we too doom our children to eternal death.  Many go about trying to explain away these verses by saying they are not “little children” referred to; but, rather youth of an accountable age.  Perhaps that is the case; but the word used here can be either while the adjective is small.  Therefore, I intend to look at it from both perspectives and not shy away from God’s Word.

2 Kings 2: 23-24

And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

Bethel was filled with worshippers who no longer worshipped the true God.  It was one of the two Israeli epicenters of idolatrous worship.  Years before King Jeroboam had placed golden calves in Bethel and Dan, establishing alternative worship to coax the people not to go to Jerusalem to worship God.  Over time, Bethel had grown to be a prosperous city; however, true worship of God had essentially disappeared.  Elisha was to warn the people of their peril.  The nation would be destroyed, and their people taken captive by Assyria unless they repented and turned to God.  God cannot be a righteous and just God if He allowed this kind of worship to continue.  Nor could He be a God of love; because He knew that the farther they went away from Him the greater the evil and discontent their hearts would achieve.

He also knew that the children had been raised with all the false ideologies that kept them from worshipping God.  Hence, these children came to attack God’s prophet.  Their purpose—run him out or stone him.  They called him bald to say he was a disgrace and they cried for him to “go up” like Elijah and get out of their lives.

Little Children

So, were they little children?  By all indication it would appear they were old enough to understand and be accountable for mob like behavior.  If not, and they were below the age of accountability; well, God took them out of this world before their destined vile, evil future.  However, most likely they were of an age of accountability and God already knew that they would never turn to worship Him.  They would only continue to teach others to hate God and all He stood for.  Their mockery of God’s Prophet was a direct mockery of God Himself.  God, in His perfect love cannot accept evil and remain just in His love.  It is for that reason, He provided the only means of salvation through Jesus Christ, His only son paying the penalty for our sin.

They did not perish because of some cruel act of God.  Rather, they perished because of their rejection of God, Himself.  If we should desire to accuse anyone would it not be their parents for having taught them such disdain or failing to teach them of all that God had done for the nation of Israel?  Had they been told of all God’s promises to those who came to Him seeking Him with all their hearts, minds and strength?

What About Our Little Children?

Yet, the same remains true today as then, we must teach our children the truth of the gospel or be prepared that one day they will perish because of their unbelief.  We cannot sit back and hope that the church will teach our children.  Nor can we close our eyes and ears as the secular humanistic ideologies infiltrate our schools.

Our children will learn the truth of the gospel message only if we are willing to stand upon that truth.  Otherwise, they will one day die and face judgement.  All who have rejected Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, will face eternal death.  There is no other way of salvation.  So, my question to you is: “Have you taught your little Children the gospel message?  Are you willing to stand on the truth of God’s Word even if all others turn away?  Do you help your children with their homework and discuss what they are being taught in school? Or do you turn your head, uninvolved in what they are learning?”

Christ bids that we bring the “little Children” unto Him.  Are you teaching your little Children that He is the hope, the joy, the peace, and the treasure that their hearts should seek above all else?  Evil lurks around every corner, even those we think are safe.  But all we who know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, need not fear for He has won the victory.  We need to teach our little children well how to seek and follow Him into victory by grace through faith.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


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Previous Post in This Series:

How to Revive Barren Lands with Living Waters

Who will Carry the Torch for God Against Evil?

What if God’s Work Leaves You Alone and Depressed?

Can You See The Army of God Surrounding You?


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Footnote and Credits

Photo by Vitaliy Paykov on Unsplash

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