What Does Agape Love Really Look Like?

agape love

Having accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord, I am adopted into the family of God.  He, being the loving Father that He is, desires that I fully reap the blessings of being His child.  As such, God recognizes my heart needs to be transformed.  Outside adornment of Christ’s righteous robes affords me His presence.  However, underneath those robes I have a stony heart requiring transformation.  When I accepted God’s gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, I immediately was hidden in Christ. Furthermore, I was given a helper, the Holy Spirit.  His task is to transform me into the image of Christ, perfecting me both in righteousness and love.  Not a simple task; but, one He will complete; whatever it takes.  One day, my heart will love like God does with an Agape Love.

Yet, what does Agape Love really look like?  It is the love of God, the Father for His Son and the Son for His Father outflowing, encircling and abounding within the Holy Spirit.  Furthermore, scripture tells us in John 17:23, God saw through the corridors of time and knew each one who would come to know Him through faith and loved each one with the same love that Father and Son experienced together. Imagine that!  God loves me with the same love as He loved His perfect, righteous son.  However, He does not stop there. He paid the price that I might be brought into His family where His love could shower His blessings upon me.  I am not referring to material blessings here.  But, I am referring to blessings far greater, that of love, joy, hope and peace in Him and through Him.

Agape Love

We are given an idea of what agape love looks like in I Corinthians 13:4-7 (TLB)[1]

Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude.  Love does not demand its own way.  It is not irritable or touchy.  Love does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.  It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever truth wins out.  If you love someone, you will be loyal to him (or her) no matter what the cost.  You will always believe in him (or her), always expect (believe) the best of him (or her), and always stand your ground in defending him (or her).

Although a very popular scripture for weddings, how many can truly love with agape love.  We fall so far short.  At least, I know my self-exalting human heart cannot.  My only hope to love with the slightest resemblance of this, is to die to my own selfish desires that God’s love might shine through me.  I must take up my cross daily, dying to self that He might live.  And this, I cannot do without His doing it for me.  He must through whatever means necessary slay the dragon of selfish pride within my heart and chip away the stony walls surrounding my heart to transform it.

Through Sorrows and Pains to Abiding Steadfast Joy

Through trials, pains, suffering and brokenness we are transformed into the image of Christ. Yet, it is worth every tear, scar, and despairing moment; because, as we learn to love God, trusting Him, we find in Him an abiding, steadfast joy that lifts us above all the circumstances of this life.  We can see Jesus Christ, in the face of eternity.  Therefore, we labor own.

Thank God, He did not leave me where He found me clothed in my filthy rags of self-righteousness, buried in my stony grave of counterfeit love.  Instead, He chose to transform me.  Oh, I am not done yet; but, neither I am where I began.  He loved me too much to leave me there.  God saw what I could become, believed in what He could transformed me into, and was willing to stand beside me no matter what.  What about you? Do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, trusting by faith in His finished work on the cross?


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here

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For  previous posts regarding  God’s love

5 Lessons from God regarding Loving like Jesus

Learning the Truth in Love and Forgiveness

Can Two Broken Vessels Ever Hope to Know Love?

How to Really Love with God’s Heart

Can Broken People Love Unconditionally?

Being Rooted and Grounded in the Magnitude of God’s Love

Or for poetry

If I could Only See the Truth of God’s Love for Me

God’s Plan of Love

To Be Made Perfect in Love

Do You Want to Know the Secret to Abiding Steadfast Joy?

Abiding, Steadfast JoyABIDING, STEADFAST JOY

A labor of love, this book provides you with 3 foundations of truth from the scripture which once known will provide you with abiding, steadfast joy. Undaunted by the storms of life; your joy will overflow.




Through a study of Nahum, Habukkuk, and Zephaniah; I brought their message into our modern times. Answering the questions of “Why, God?”

Providing a foundation of faith and hope; even, as we see so much evil in the world and in our nation. With so much sorrow and despair, this book I wrote to guide you into discovering God’s Perfect Plan of love; amid this chaotic world filled with life’s storms.

You may click on the picture for more information on either of these books.

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Footnotes and Credits

[1]The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. The Living Bible, TLB, and the The Living Bible logo are registered trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash  I added the inscription.

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