What do you do when it all falls apart?

falls apart

Anyone following my website would know that this week, many things went wrong with my posts.  It has taken all week to get it at least partially fixed.  Still, I am uncertain how or why it all got changed around and turned upside down.  I noticed first that the cellphone version wasn’t working.  That I found out was due to the PHP needing to be upgraded (whatever a php is?).  Got that fixed with some help from the host.  Then, I the continue reading button seemed to have broken.  So, what do you do when it all falls apart? Are we to just quit and sit down in frustration?  Do we question God as to whether He is sending us in a different direction?  Or question if He is angry?  Searching our hearts for some answer.

Perhaps for some, something so simple as maintaining a website would seem such a unimportant triviality.  After all, I make no money from this website nor even my books for that matter.  All of it is at a cost.  Yet, every time over the years when I considered shutting it all down or believing that it is unimportant in the scheme of things; someone would reach out to me.  Some were encouraged and some even saved by God’s grace.  Not that God needs me or this website; however, He can use even my sometimes stammering words or imperfect text to do His work.  His only request is that I be willing to do whatever He asks of me and let Him do the rest.


Well as for the website.  After multiple phone calls and prayers (yep, my site runs on prayers because I really have such limited knowledge myself).  Well, finally found out my permalinks got changed; but, I didn’t change them. Scary thought since I have all the securities running on my site and pay a heavy price for sitelock to keep it safe.  Still, they had been changed and I finally got them fixed.  Some of the links along the way were also changed and I am uncertain how; but, the only fix is to go one by one through each post to fix the links.  However, I hope going forward they will work.

Whatever the reason God allowed it to be broken, it did cause me to look once more at my own heart.  So, we should whenever all falls apart.  In all that we do, are we seeking to bring Him glory?  Are we willing to sacrifice our time, our money, and our comforts to follow after Him where ever He may lead us?  He who “restoreth our soul” and “leadeth us in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:3).

His Sovereignty When All Falls Apart

As a result of all this, I did change my antivirus company and did a lot of soul searching.  Both of which I believe was God’s guiding hand; as He is Sovereign over every detail in my life.  Even when my website breaks.  He leads and brings everything for my guide to show me the path of righteousness.

It all comes down to one question, when all falls apart.  Do I trust Him?

Seeking Guidance when All Falls Apart

For months now I have lived with a  large ventral (incisional hernia).  Every morning, I must strap and brace it into place to keep my intestines safe.  Vanity would want it fixed; but, my question was whether it was safer to get it fixed or not to.  I had reached out to a surgeon I trusted, who at first said he was certain he could fix it.  Then I sent him pictures.  One morning I awoke with severe nausea and knew the signs, something was out of place. So very gently I manipulated my small intestines (easily done since the hernia means only skin and fat are covering them).  Well anyway, I knew I needed an answer once and for all from God regarding surgery.

So, I called the surgeons office.  My plan, leave for Florida the next week, get the surgery, and then return.  But, I laid it at the foot of the cross.  Two things needed to happen for me to go; if not, I knew God had spoken.  I laid the fleece on the ground before God.  If by Friday, I heard back from the surgeon and received the letter from my prospective employer (who had promised to send the letter soon); then, I was to go.  If either one did not happen, God had spoken.  Only He knows what is best.  Well, neither happened.  The letter was delayed (although it did come later) and I have not heard back from the surgeon at all.  (It is important that the fleece cannot be manipulated by you or I.)

Concluding thoughts

So, here is the thing.  When everything falls apart, do you trust Him?  When your health is questionable, your finances upside down, or your marriage falls apart, will you trust Him to guide you? Are you seeking Him first?  Examine your heart.  He may be leading you to a place closer to Him, His path of righteousness.  We are all broken and we need the Good Shepherd to mend our wounds and carry safely in His arms.  He knows what is best for you and for me.

Oh, and why do I keep writing?  I write for you; because, God loves you and He commands I write.  My prayer is that He uses it for His Glory and to be a comfort to you.  Do you know Him?


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here

Or if you would like to tell me your story or thoughts  comment here

Books Available

If you want to know more about books I have written: please click on this link  Book Resources.

You can find all my books on Amazon.com, search Effie Darlene Barba or click this link to be taken there

Or for inspirational photos or home decor click here.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Footnotes and Credits:

Photo by Daniel Tafjord on Unsplash


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