Why Secular Humanism Really Fails as a Worldview?

Secular Humanism Fails as a Worldview

For any worldview to stand as true, there are basic criteria it must meet.  Yet, despite its proclamations of being based on scientific evidence; Secular Humanism continued to expand, grow and engulf much of modern thought without any of those foundations. To begin with, they laid forth in Humanist Manifest I what is considered an open door to radical ad hoc readjustment.  That is, if any part fails; they could just rewrite that portion and still claim the rest as true, despite its inconsistencies.  The first two sentences were just that, “The Manifesto is a product of many minds.  It was designed to represent a developing point of view, not a new creed.”  Despite this statement, they held fast to most of their developing point of view as though it were written in stone as truth.

Untested, the ideas were no more than the developing thought of some men.  Perhaps like a social theory, they again held fast to “man is what he makes himself to be.”  While they could find no basis for mankind being innately good, desiring to be truthful, loving and kind: that remained a part of their mantra.  How did evolution bring about the ideas of right and wrong?  Who decides what is good or evil, if there is nothing outside of nature to establish it?  Jean Paul Sartre said as much.  Although himself an atheist, he said in “existentialism is a humanism”; “Existentialists on the other hand find it extremely disturbing that God no longer exists…there could no longer be any a priori good, since there would be no infinite and perfect consciousness to conceive of it.”[1]


Monday, I let their own words describe for you the views presented by secular humanism.  Douglas Groothius in Christian Apologetics wrote: “The credibility of a worldview is determined by whether or not arguments marshaled in its favor are compelling and logically consistent.”[2]  In his book, he laid out the foundations agreed upon by philosophers utilized to evaluate any worldview.  Among those are internal logical consistency, existential viability, as well as intellectual and cultural fecundity.   Based upon the core beliefs outlined in the previous post; let’s objectively evaluate Secular Humanism. We will begin with Internal Logical Consistency.

Internal Logical Consistency


Secular humanism’s epistemology is based on science as the best method for determining knowledge through observation, experimentation, and rational analysis as declared in the Humanist Manifesto III.  The scientific process begins with observation, leading to a hypothesis, followed further experimentation to determine if that hypothesis is true. Only after multiple reproducible experiments, can something be considered a law.  In the case of Darwinism, despite their being no reproducible experiments and no fossil records to support its claims; the secular humanists proclaim it as a proven law.

While, at the same time, the Big Bang Singularity theory proven by physicists through the expanding universe, the radiation echo and the second law of Thermodynamics was viewed with contempt and skepticism; because, it might give credence to the possibility of a creator God.[3] So, science is the end all for secular humanists; unless, true science fails to correspond to the secular humanist’s other beliefs.  And they wonder why scientific relativism resulted from their promotion?


They also actively advocate for tolerance, social justice, and freedom of thought; unless, someone has a different view; particularly theism.  Then they call the person bigoted, prejudiced and intolerant. Indeed, Paul Kurtz wrote about the common moral decencies including tolerance[4] on page 32 of Multi-secularism; after having spewed these words of hate toward Christianity on page 31. “The books of Abraham present the mythic figures of Moses (an imposing, patriarchal figure, offering the Promised Land to God’s “chosen people”); Jesus (a bisexual, androgynous Son, sacrificed by God so that true believers can achieve “Rapture”)”[5]


they proclaim humans as moral beings; however, with Utilitarianism and Objective Morality from evolution, on what basis?  Certainly, they condemn the atrocities of the Nazi’s; although, the Society led by Hitler believed they were acting for the social good of the world, due to evolutionary superiority.  Furthermore, they are against our prison systems holding so many, particularly the drug offenders; while, at the same time not considering the social implications of higher crime, rape, and murder among the drug cartels.


while proclaiming “We need to cultivate ethical wisdom and to appreciate the intrinsic value of life for its own sake.”[6]  Yet, the secular humanist at the same time is pro-abortion, pro-suicide, and pro-euthanasia.


With so many internal inconsistencies how did Secular Humanism gain such power in transforming our thoughts?  The answer is we invited them in with an open door.  Even into our churches.  Note all the changes within our own thought patterns.  To win the crowds, we lay aside many fundamental truths.  Instead of Christian counseling for marriages, we provide divorce care; accepting that divorce is a norm.  So, many preach now the prosperity, feel good gospel.  We embraced the ideas that we must create an environment for our children in which they do not face reality, for fear it will hurt their ego.  Certainly, we cannot point out that sin is a reality in the hearts of men and women; for they might not “feel good” about themselves.

How many Christians flocked to “50 Shades of Gray”; because, love can transform the heart.  We wanted to believe the lies of Satan.  So desperately, we want to believe that “without God” we are good, kind, truthful, and benevolent.  Instead of seeking God’s Grace, we wanted to stand as good ourselves.  Did we not realize, that our longing to be; comes from our lack of being without God?  Only in Him, can we find our way.

On Friday, we will turn to look at two more ways in which Secular Humanism fails as a Worldview; before, we turn to full defense of Christianity.  Until then,


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Credits and Footnotes

Photo by Anthony Intraversato on Unsplash

[1] Jean Paul Sartre, Existentialism is a Humanism, Carol Macomber trans., (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007), 28

[2] Douglas Groothius, Christian Apologetics, (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2011), 50

[3] David Berlinski, The Devil’s Delusion, (New York: Basic Books, 2009), 70-78.

[4] Kurtz, Multi-Secularism, 32

[5] Ibid.,31

[6] Kurtz, Multi-Secularism, 32

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