How to Really Find a Greater Love in Life

Greater Love than Life

As Paul contemplated his future, he acutely considered that he might die a martyr for the cause of Christ. He knew that before he willingly obeyed God’s command to go to Rome.  Now, even more so as he sat in a jail cell, awaiting his sentence.  However, he continued to encourage the churches through letters.  Did he realize that all those hours as a prisoner would lead to our having the truth of the gospel explained with such eloquence today?  How much of our understanding comes from reading the letters written by Paul the Apostle?  Certainly, we recognize that the Holy Spirit working through Paul guided every word!  However, where did Paul find the strength to speak so often of joy in those dark, lonely moments?  He had found the truth of a greater love in life than life itself.

Because in Christ Jesus Paul found a greater love, he willingly sacrificed his life that others might live.  Had he not witnessed the stoning of Stephen, shortly before his own conversion?  Stephen gently, lovingly prayed that the people stoning him be forgiven? (Acts 7) Sitting in his jail cell, did Paul remember the radiance of joy and love that encircled Stephen’s face as he took his last breath? What part did that play in the preparation of his heart to then encounter Jesus along the road to Damascus?  He witnessed the power that greater love gave Stephen as he died proclaiming the gospel of Christ.  Then, Jesus came to him; calling him out to be the 12th apostle; although, he had been a persecutor of the early church and had not followed Christ when he walked on this earth. Yet, Christ presented himself to Paul and Paul immediately loved Jesus.


Paul’s encounter with Jesus along the road of Damascus allowed him to see Jesus as beautiful, Glorious beyond all else.  Therefore, Paul loved Jesus with a profound love that was greater than life itself.  Now, Paul understood the love Stephen had displayed.  Paul had seen a glimpse of glory and that was greater than anything he had ever known.  Furthermore, as Paul reflected upon his own zealous former life, he stood in awe of such grace that God would love him, choose him and commission him to preach the gospel to a world in need of God’s love.  Paul’s heart overflowed with love.  God’s love filled the heart of Paul to the overflowing with love for all–both these new young Christians; but, also for those who held him imprisoned.

God’s love growing within Paul’s heart filled him with the passion to spread the gospel.  He, then; began to see the world through God’s eyes; desiring that none should perish, but all come to find Jesus as their Savior and King.  Alas, his heart broke for the sinner so much, that he willingly preached the gospel to all; whatever the cost to himself.  He had found a greater love in this life than life itself–God the Father and Jesus Christ, His Son.  That love gave him steadfast, abiding joy in the face of life’s storms.  Because of love, Paul willingly faced every trial; allowing the Holy Spirit to work through him to fulfill the purpose of God through him.  He did not know his letters would one day remain the foundation of the gospel message to the world-God’s message written through one servants willing hands.


That question remains paramount in this journey we walk as Christians.  Does your love of Christ compel you to reach out to a world in need of a Savior?  Have you ever mourned for the eternity of another’s soul?  If so, what are you willing to sacrifice to lead them to Christ?  Can you say as Paul did?

Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. Philippians 2:17

How to Really Find a Greater Love in Life

Seek and savor Jesus above all else; allowing, the love of God to grow within your hearts and minds, then, you will discover a Greater love in life than life itself.  Therein, you will discover joy, hope, peace, strength and a new life abounding with love that overcomes every obstacle or trial you face.

If you don’t know how to accept Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link, email me by clicking here or comment here


[tweetthis]When Jesus Christ becomes your greater love, your life purpose changes[/tweetthis]

[tweetthis]abounding love, joy, hope and peace are found in Jesus Christ[/tweetthis]


I wrote and published Ultimate Inspiration-God’s Plan of Love detailing the effects of discovering this greater love and answering a lot of the really tough questions regarding faith.   I would encourage you to get a copy of it or one of my other books.  You can find a link at: Book Resources.

featured Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


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