One Unlikely Believer and The Grace of God

An Unlikely Believer finds the Grace of God
One Unlikely Believer

Naaman was the chief captain of the Syrian Army, a man of great valor and position. Yet, he was a leper.  The leprosy must have been in its early stages. However, it would only be a matter of time until the disease would take its toll and Naaman would lose his ability to lead.  On many occasions they were the enemy of Israel.  Their position played a key role and at times treaties were made with Syria either by Israel or Judah.  It was during a moment of relative peace between Syria and Israel that our story takes place; although, peace was only a relative term.  Syria still held captive slaves taken from previous conquests and that seemed to not bother the King of Israel.  So, in this event we are about to see the grace of God poured out upon one unlikely believer.

Naaman would never have heard of God.  Oh, perhaps there were rumors and stories of the God of Israel having protected Israel.  However, from what Naaman had seen, he had won many battles against Israel in the past.  Indeed, there was an Israelite maiden captive who attended to his wife.  A little slave girl who was about to be the one who opens the eyes of this powerful captain.  Although a slave child, she with a compassion, faith and care that only God could have instilled, she told Naaman’s wife about God’s ability to heal.  She told her of Elisha, God’s spokesman who could in God’s power heal Naaman.  Well, Naaman knew he was in desperate need of healing and wanted to be healed.  That is of course the first step.  Before we can be healed, we must realize we need healing.

A Kings Disbelief

When Naaman went before his king telling him of the possibility, the king quickly grasped hold of the possibility.  After all, if there was any possibility of healing his mightiest warrior and strategist, he would.  So, he sends a letter accompanied by gold, silver and fine clothing to the king of Israel requesting his help.  Oh, but you see, the king of Israel had no truth faith in God.  In fact, he had led his people in idolatrous worship and by his very life blasphemed God.  He believed that the letter and gold were a trick by the Syrian king to create a reason to break their treaty or make a pretense for war.  So, the king of Israel rent his clothes in great distress.  An act that should have been for repentance before God; but, alas in this case was not.

Indeed, the king did not call for Elisha to hear what God had to say; however, Elisha reached out to the king and told him to send Naaman to himself.  Naaman with his caravan went to see Elisha; but, was very wroth that Elisha only sent out a messenger to tell him to go wash in the Jordan (fully immersing himself) seven times and he would be healed.    “How dare him!”, thought Naaman.  “Doesn’t he know who I am.  I command the entire Syrian army and could wipe him out in a second.”  Indignantly in his pride he left to head back to Syria.

Second Step

Second step to being healed is casting aside all prize and realizing, I cannot work my way into God’s favor.  I am nothing and have nothing to bring.  Only when I humble myself before an Almighty Righteous God, believing that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate who came, suffered and died to pay the penalty for my sin and that He is the only way of salvation.  Only then, can I be healed.  The spiritual death separating me from God, leading to eternal separation from God can only be healed when I acknowledge first that I am lost.  Then I must humbly admit that I cannot reach across that chasm separating me from God myself.  There is no other way of salvation apart from accepting the gift freely given by God through Jesus Christ.

Naaman wanted there to be another way for him.  He did not want to do it God’s way.  God had sent the message that Naaman must go to the Jordan and wash himself seven times there.  Instead, Naaman nearly walked away in his pride.  He said, “our Syrian rivers are cleaner and better, I will go there.”   Such an unlikely believer, almost turning his back on the Grace of God.

So many try to say “there are many ways to find God or be saved.  It doesn’t matter the way, rather it only matters one’s sincerity.”  Alas, the saddest part is many who say that do so under the pretext of being pastors and teachers of God.  Jesus said, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

Trust and Obey

In his pride and in his outrage, Naaman nearly missed out on his opportunity to be healed.  His men convinced him to do what Elisha had told him.  So, he went to the Jordan and washed himself with full emersion seven times.  I am certain each time he went down and came up he was probably frustrated as nothing had happened.  It took a little more faith each time to go under the water once more.  Then when he had gone under for the seventh time and came up again, he was healed.  Furthermore, not only was he healed; but, his skin was soft and smooth like that of a newborn baby.

So, the third step was to obey completely.  Romans 10:9-19 says, “if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”  There is no other way.  No substitute.  Nor is there a partial obedience.  Unless you believe that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate (part of the one true triune God), the creator of the world who took on flesh, born of a virgin, died on a cross to pay the penalty for your sin, was buried and rose again victorious over death and sin; then, believing accept His gift of salvation by faith asking Him into your heart then you cannot be saved. Either you believe the full truth of the Gospel or you don’t.  There is no in between nor is there any substitute.

If Naaman had stopped after 6 washing he would have left a leper still.  This unlikely believer would have never known the grace of God had he not fully surrendered and obeyed.

The Grace of God

Amazed by the Grace of God, this unlikely believer ran back to Elisha’s place to give him all the gifts he had brought to give the king.  However, Elisha said no.  He wanted to pay God for what he had done for him; but, then be freed from the debt.  Ah, but you see we cannot pay for our salvation and walk away to our old life.  Our indebtedness lasts for eternity; because, that is how long our healing is for.  Instead, through faith we willingly become His servant as well as His child.  My love for all He did demands I give Him my life, all of it.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


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Previous Post in This Series:

Do You Trust God in  the Famine?

Is Love Really Worth the Heartbreak?

Are you Really Seeking God in All You Do?

Do You Believe God is Your Provider?

What Can One God Fearing Man Do?

What Happens When We Fail to Teach Our Children?

How to Revive Barren Lands with Living Waters

Who will Carry the Torch for God Against Evil?

What if God’s Work Leaves You Alone and Depressed?

Can You See The Army of God Surrounding You?


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
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