How to Have One Harmonious, Strong Family


In Monday’s post, I explained the need for us to understand each others Motivational gift; because, God gave differing gifts to each. Through knowledge and understanding, with grace; we harmoniously stand strong, united, invincible.  So, let me try to demonstrate by example; how, this functions by exposing my own family and our dynamics.  There was a time; before, I listened to Charles Stanley’s tapes that I found our inter-working dynamics at times difficult to say the least; because of our wide differences.  Certainly, we could cause each other as much harm as good; so, we pent up a lot of emotions; because, we just didn’t know how the other one thinks so differently and responds so differently.  Now, I know what a blessing and gift from God our differences truly are.

Earlier I related a story about a moment in time when I was drowning emotionally, financially, and ultimately spiritually; because, I tried to do it all without talking to my children at all.  My reasoning: to avoid burdening them with my problems. Yet, I was drowning; with nowhere to turn; never realizing that God had already equipped my family with everything we ever needed to stand strong against Satan.


My gift: Mercy.  Mercy needs a protector and a wise counselor to survive!   I knew the struggles deep within my own heart; yet, could never fully comprehend them until I heard Charles Stanley’s sermon that day on Mercy.  Yes, Mercy is the bright, shining light of hope, joy, and unwavering faith; however, Mercy is always getting tangled up in the “how to” and “when’s” of helping others in this life.  Always giving money, I did not have, to help others who did not or could not change; I needed help.  I begged God for discernment, which never came.  Little did I know; my own son was the one who could rescue me from myself; if I only learned to confess and listen.  He could devise the plan for success.


Alberto has that gift of discernment regarding money.  He can find the best bargain, know when to spend and when not to.  Brilliantly, he manages his money so that he is positioned to give to God’s work; yet, even that he does with careful discernment that his money will have the greatest impact on the world.  Recognizing his gift, I should have been open to listening; yet, I daresay, my own fear of losing his respect, drove me away.  after all, if he knew how foolish his mom was; would he still love me?

Of course, the truth is: he always knew and respectfully didn’t say anything.  That is until, I was moving to Missouri and he said, “Mom, my guess you don’t have the down payment for a house and yours in Florida is underwater.  So, I will buy you a house; you make the monthly payments.  Love you.”  And that was that.


Alberto also has a second motivational gift: leadership.  In the case of our family, some would need to carry two for our survival.  He sees the big picture and can focus on completing the task.  For that same reason, he does not accept the emotions which interfere with moving forward.  Never listen to the naysayers; because, negativity stops the progress.  Also, he truly is the “forgetting that which is behind” (Philippians 3:13), press forward kind of guy.  Every family needs at least one.  He always says, “Mom, I love you.  I am here; but, if you need someone to listen to you, Call Ron or Melissa.”  He knows his limitations; yet, if we need someone to complete any project or to pull us forward, it is Alberto we turn to.


Ron’s Gift is Justice.  He quickly can see any situation with clarity, knowing right and wrong.  Also, he is very persuasive at laying out the argument as to why or why not to proceed.  Along with that means, he listens astutely to all that is said, filing and dissecting it with accuracy.  Then, when he pronounces his judgement of the situation; he presents it clearly, like a prosecutor laying out his case.  At the same time, he has a slight touch of Mercy sprinkled in; making him the “go to guy” for any tough decisions.  However, as the case for those with the gift of justice; he can be way too harsh on himself as well.


Melissa’s gift is clearly service.  Always available, she flitters about serving and helping.  Quick to always be ready to help anywhere, everywhere and anybody who needs her to.  She would drop everything to run to my side if I needed her there.  The best friend on the phone, always ready to listen and serve with kindness.  Before, I failed to recognize her needs for gratitude and demonstrations of love in return; yet, I am learning each day how to give back what she needs.  Well at least, sometimes.  Still working on that; because, those with the gift of service need to know they are appreciated fully.


Perhaps, lurking in the background; I had a touch of this gift, always studying in search of truth both in God’s Word and life.  Although, I must say; a busy life allowed complacency. Yet, I have found the motivational gift of teaching is increasing in its significance in my life.  Now the busier I am, the more time I also devote to Bible Study. Now, I yearn to spend hours “rightly dividing the truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).  The point there being that as we grow in Christ, we may gain another Motivational Gift of the Spirit taking on a much higher role than it did in the past.  Studying God’s word and sharing that through my writing and speaking have become my greatest pleasures in life, now as I get older.


I cannot say that any of us in my little family have this one; however, each of us have been granted it when needed in a moment of crisis.  Remember Jesus Christ holds all the Motivational Gifts; therefore, can fill us as needed for a situation we are facing.  Much like when Alberto called me to say “Mom, this is what you need to do!”; while laying out a perfect 3 step plan as how to do it.


So, there you have it.  Just as God equipped my family with all the gifts; He does His Church.  Also, knowledge of how these each work is key to harmony in the family and in the church.  I hope I have at least whet your appetite to learn more about the Spiritual Motivational gifts and encourage you to get Charles Stanley sermon series.  It can change the dynamics of your home, church, work and where ever you go for the good.  United we stand, always with greater strength, hope, and joy.


[tweetthis]Seeing the value of each others special motivational gift harmony comes[/tweetthis]

[tweetthis]A single thread may break yet many threads intertwined make a strong rope[/tweetthis]

[tweetthis]United Harmoniously we stand strong against Satan’s Destructive Attacks[/tweetthis]


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here or comment here


A Broken and Contrite Heart, I published in 2010.  It answers the question, “What do I do when I keep falling into the same sin? Does God hate me because I keep failing to get this right?  So, where do I begin again and find joy in my salvation; after, falling.  If you want to know more about this book or the other books I have written:  You can find a link at: Book Resources.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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