Could We as A Nation Be in Peril Of God’s Judgment?


Could we, as a nation, be in Peril of God’s judgment? Considering all that we have learned from Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah; what is the message for us today.

God is love.  Because of His love; He must remain true to Himself.  Perfect love demands justice as well.  Love always looks for the good of the beloved; therefore, true love cannot watch idly as the beloved wanders down pathways leading to their own destruction, chaos, pain, and sorrow.  God pleads with His Beloved to open their eyes to see their folly.  He knows that joy, hope, and fullness of life are found in Him.  He who created us so that we might be showered with His love, filled with His joy and share in His Magnificent Glory; knows our hearts can never be satisfied apart from Him.  He paved the pathway and paid the ultimate price for us to know Him and the fullness of His Joy.

Yet, love cannot be forced upon the Beloved.  He pleads with each of us and with our nation, to open our eyes to see and receive His perfect love.  Desiring that which is perfect and beautiful for each of us.  However, alas; many turn their backs and walk away.  Believing that they can make a better path for themselves, they turn away and chase after idols.  Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy (Proverbs 12:20).  We look around us today and realize how many declare truth as relative to how one perceives it; demanding that there cannot be any absolute truths.  By thus, they deny the existence of God.

A Falling Nation

We have seen the results of this vanity played out on the stages of our own nation. The death of morality, the rise in drug abuse, the ever-increasing violence, all are results of such vain ideologies leading to despair, anger and chaos. Zephaniah listed the reasons for which a nation can fall under the judgment of God and I think we should review those once more, considering how they apply to our nation today.

1.Idolatry, particularly as it enters the realms of government and the people’s hearts. (verse 4)

  1. Those who worship in blackened robes, Satanic worship. (verse 4)
  2. People that worship the stars; rather than, the creator of the stars. (verse 5)
  3. Those who combined worshipping God with worshipping false Gods (verse 5).
  4. People who have heard the gospel message and have turned their backs on God (verse 6)
  5. Those who never sought the Lord, nor inquired of Him. (verse 6)



Listed as one of the five woes in Habakkuk as well, Zephaniah begins with idolatry first.  He refers to it both in the realms of false teachers within the churches and in government.

I will also stretch out mine hand upon Judah, and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims with the priests (Zephaniah 1:4).

J.Vernon McGee writes:

The Scriptures, beginning with the Book of Judges, teach a philosophy of human government, which you find was true of God’s people and of every nation.  The first step in a nations decline is religious apostasy, a turning from the living and true God.  The second step downward is for a nation is moral awfulness.  The third step downward is political anarchy. 1

Anyone who looks at the news of today in the United States of America, must recognize that we have reached step three.  It began within our churches, where arose so many that preached “the prosperity gospel”, a one-sided God of love with no hint of his righteous, just nature, a removal of the cross from the pulpit in fear it would offend some; and the “Johnson Act” forbidding pastors from weighing in on politics. Then, as the nation began to worship the flesh rather than God, we removed the right to pray or read a Bible in school, legitimized abortion as a means of birth control, upheld sexual freedoms of all kinds, and deny the scientific legitimacy of gender. Furthermore, each individual’s “pursuit of happiness” at whatever cost; has led to the breakdown of the family.  We worship money, power, and self; wherein, the end justifies the means.

 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh (Luke 6:45).


A quick google search of satanic worship would bring you to many churches which have grown out of a movement began by Anton LaVey in 1966. But, I daresay; their belief that we each are our own gods; mimics the new-age movement as well.  Furthermore, although their robes are white in color; the message of the Ku Klux Klan is as black as these other.  Within our midst lie many with blackened robes worshipping Satan; rather, than the one true God.

The Chemarims mentioned in Zephaniah 1:4 were idolatrous priests who wore blackened robes.  Yet, we find many who worship themselves; rather, than their Creator.  All would fall within this category; particularly, those who teach others to follow them while even using scripture.  One such teacher/ writer that comes to mind is Wayne Dyer.  He passed away in 2015; however, his books and teachings live on and all too often have lead a lot of people to worship self, rather than God.


Many people follow astrology.  It seems harmless to read your horoscope, seek astrological advice; however, it is a form of idol worship.  God is in control of our destiny; not, the stars that He created.

 And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops (Zephaniah 1:5)

There also are those who worship the stars as a means of guiding our lives through the study of the galaxies.  One such famous star worshiper was the gentle, soft spoken Carl Sagan; who lead us on a journey of discovery through his video series, “Cosmos.” He presented this with such beauty and grandeur that it would have been easy for those who did not recognize the truth, would begin a journey of star worship.  God created the heavens, with all their beauty and wonder.  Imagine how much more grandeur is His Presence.  Those who worship the heavens and not the creator of the heavens, are in peril of judgment.


I addressed this somewhat under the title of idolatry; however, I do think it bares readdressing at this point.

them that worship and that swear by the Lord, and that swear by Malcham (Zephaniah 1:5).

“Malcham is the name for Molech, the god of the Ammonites.  It was a worship in which they actually sacrificed their children.  The subtlety of it was that at the same time they professed to worhip the living and true God…  Molech was the god of the flesh.2

As a nation, do we not so worship the flesh and it’s sexual desires to the extent that we sacrifice our children?  When we turn a blind eye to abortions, are we not sacrificing our children?  We worship the right to control our own flesh; while, killing the innocent fetus. Does this not place us in peril of God’s just wrath?


As a nation, we have spent many centuries with the freedom to teach and spread the gospel message; yet, we cannot help but see our religious freedoms be challenged every day.  Those who desire to squelch our voices have created a nation that has turned its back on God.  We must awaken; before we stand in peril of judgment.  We need missionaries to rise within our own nation who will unashamedly preach the gospel of Christ.


This is a grave warning to us as a people and as a nation.  Judgment will come. We, as a nation face the peril of judgment; if we don’t awaken to the truth.

And them that are turned back from the Lord; and those that have not sought the Lord, nor enquired for him (Zephaniah 1:6).

Yet, now; God bids us to come and be saved.  How long will He tarry?  We do not know; but, today is the day of salvation.  We can turn from all our follies and follow Him.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6).

Are you seeking Him today?  Are you reading His Word, the Bible?  What about prayer: are you seeking His presence?  Do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?  If not, I bid you come.  He is the greatest treasure you will ever find, and He provides all your heart needs.  In Him is life, abundant and full of joy.


[bctt tweet=”Either we, as a nation, awaken from our slumber or face the peril of God’s judgment.” username=”effiedarlene”]

[tweetthis]God is a just and righteous God who offers grace to all who seek Him[/tweetthis]

[tweetthis]All who refuse the gift of salvation; will face the peril of judgment.[/tweetthis]


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here or if you wish to leave a comment:  comment here


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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

1 J. Vernon McGee, Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee: Volume III: Proverbs through Malachi, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1982),864

2 Ibid, 866

Although, I added the inscription. The Photo is by Jonatan Pie on Unsplash

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