Is Your Life Overflowing with Joy, Hope and Love?

life overflowing

Is Your Life Overflowing with Joy, Hope and Love? If not, why?  Christ came that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10).  “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance” (Galatians 5:22-23).  David in his praise said, “My cup runneth over” (Psalm 23:5).  It overflows with the goodness of God, His mercy, love and joy.  Yet, how often in our day to day lives do we find our life overflowing with bitterness, anger, doubt or fear?  Certainly, there may come into our lives: trials, pains, and afflictions.  But I daresay that all too often, we allow the trials to squelch the Spirit.  How quickly we forget our identity in Christ Jesus: our place, position, and purpose as God’s dearly beloved children!

Our eyes lose focus of all that we have been given of grace, forgiveness, and love. We lose sight of the Great Shepherd’s Sovereignty and His love toward us.  If only we took the time to look at our Savior, who so willingly left His throne to come, walk among us, suffer and die that we might be saved.   He paid the price our self-centered, pride filled hearts of sin deserved that we might be redeemed to one day live in His Glorious presence eternally.  He rose again and sits at the right hand of the Father, ever making intercession for us.

However, we too often lose sight of that truth.  We get caught of in the here and now.  Our hearts lose sight of Him.  We want the gratifications to be now!  Ah, but you see, when we truly see all that He has so richly given us; we find our life overflowing with His Joy, Hope, and Love here and now.

Life Overflowing

That is much of what I wrote about in Abiding, Steadfast Joy: Never Again Bound in a Life of Quiet Desperation.  Whenever we find ourselves surrounded by fears, anger, bitterness, and doubt, we must remind ourselves of the truth.  Perhaps, in a sense, we must preach to ourselves of the goodness of God’s promises to us.  Stop, lift your eyes toward heaven, and remember that God is Sovereign on His throne.  Nothing, absolutely nothing comes into our lives but what He has allowed and therefore, it is for our good. (Hebrews 6:11).   Then, we must remember that the whole purpose for which He created us was to pour out upon us His Joy, shower us with love, and allow us to partake of His Glory (John 17).

Thirdly, we need to recognize our identity (our being) in Christ Jesus.  In Him, I am His blessed, beloved, redeemed child, heir of the kingdom, a servant by choice, a mighty warrior who has been gifted with Spiritual gifts.  If I stop, pray, and refocus my eyes upon Him, even amid life’s greatest trials or suffering, I see His goodness and kindness shining through to me.  Then, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, I live a life overflowing to those around me of His joy, mercy, and love.  Only in the power of His might, I can live a life overflowing with forgiveness, love, and joy.  The miracle is even greater, I become the cup of life overflowing to others so desperately in need of Him.

Concluding Thoughts

As we walk through great trials with faith, joy, and hope; we may never know how many people’s eternities may be transformed.  When we live a life overflowing with joy, hope and love even in the darkest of nights, we point others to Him-the source of our life overflowing.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


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Previous Posts from series on Psalm 23

How Does God Protect Us from Evil Thoughts

What is the Table God Prepares for His Sheep?

Do You Know the Comfort of the Shepherd’s Staff?

What is the Rod of God that Comforts Me?

Fearless in the Darkest Valleys

How to Follow the Shepherd as He Leads

Have Your Soul Restored by God

How to Surrender as He Leadeth Beside Still Waters

When God Makes His Sheep to Lie Down. Why?

I Shall Not Want. What Can It Mean?

Do You Know and Trust the Good Shepherd?

Previous Poem:

Transforming Grace

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Footnotes and Credits

Photo by Eiliv Aceron on Unsplash

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