Is Our Greatest Threat the Evil Without or Within?

Is Our Greatest Threat the Evil Without or Within?

When the children of Israel moved forward through the Land toward Canaan, they had many victories over those who opposed them.  So, as they neared the land of the Moabites, King Balak feared.  He did not realize that God had already told them not to fight the Moabites as they were kin (descendants of Lot) (Deuteronomy 2:9).  Instead Balak hired a famous pagan sorcerer and psychic to curse the people of God; but the Sovereignty of God did not allow the words to even be spoken against His People.  God fully protected them from the Evil without.  Yet that was not their greatest threat, for it came from within.  The sin prone hearts of many within the Israeli camps desired the Moabite women for sexual pleasure and hence succumbed to the worship of Baal.

Is this not true today within our nation, our churches and our own hearts?  Our greatest threat is from within, rather than the evil without.  God dealt with this as well.  He ordered all involved be beheaded.  The total death count was 24,000.  One was so brazen, he brought a Midianite woman into the camp in front of all the children of Israel.  Phinehas (Aarons grandson) “saw it, rose up from among the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand. He went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both through, the man of Israel and the woman through her belly.  So, the plague was stayed from the children of Israel” (Numbers 25:7).

Therefore, we see.   God does protect His Own from the evil threats without and within.  Just because they were blessed by God, never meant He turned a blind eye to rebellion and disobedience.  Yet, He stood as judge Himself.  No one could touch them without His express permission.

Balak And the Evil Without

So, Balak though surrounded by pagan idol worship still feared his “gods” alone could not protect him from the children of Israel.  Therefore, he sent for Balaam.  Balaam’s fame proceeded him throughout the lands as the greatest sorcerer and psychic around.  So, Balak sent his men to offer Balaam great wealth if only he would come and curse the children of Israel.  Perhaps Balaam knew the limits of his own power, or perhaps for show, he said he must consult with God first.  After all, everyone by now heard the story of the Exodus from Egypt and the people being led through the desert by a cloud during the day and fire by night.  Not so surprising, God answered him.  It is not uncommon that God spoke to evil leaders as well-such as Nebuchadnezzar.

Balaam, did put on a good front, like most false teachers in the church when he said, “the Lord, my God has forbidden me.”

But when God spoke, he told Balaam: “No, do not go and do not curse my people!”  So, soon the men, now even the princes returned to offer more money and fame.  Like us sometimes when God says “NO”, we return to ask again. We doubt His word, rationalizing that after all the Bible was written so long ago, surely God does not want to deny me this or that.  Therefore, we return to ask again.  This time, to say, “you’re going to anyway—so go; but you cannot say anything I do not tell you to say.”  Off Balaam went on his donkey.

When A Donkey Sees more than the Psychic

Balaam on his way reaches a place in the road where his donkey stops abruptly.  The donkey could see the “angel ahead with a sword” blocking the path.  Most likely this was the preincarnate Jesus Christ because later this angel accepts the fact that Balaam bowed before him and no angel would accept that.  Furthermore, He said that He would speak through Him which would be the Holy Spirit providing God’s words to Balaam to speak.  Indeed, we find in Deuteronomy 23:5 that Balaam really wanted to and tried to curse them; but God took over and blessings only came from his mouth.  “Nevertheless, the Lord thy God would not hearken unto Balaam; but the Lord thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee”

Two major points here should keep us humble.  1.  God does not need you or me to spread His message.  He can use a donkey or even a pagan sorcerer to do His bidding.  2.  God is Sovereign over all-those who do not worship Him and even the animal kingdom.

The Greatest Threat

Balaam went three times to different mountaintops to offer a sacrifice.  Each one was an area where pagan “gods” were worshipped.  Balak hoped in one of the places, Balaam would regain power.  Instead, all three times, God spoke through Balaam a blessing and a prophecy of their future including the foretelling that Christ would come.  At that time all who stood against God, including the Moabites will be judged.  Only those who are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ will be blessed.  He came and died that we might be saved.  Then, He rose again, victorious on our behalf.  He will return, soon.

Until His return, we must recognize and hold fast to this truth.  Our greatest threat is not from the evil forces outside.  Rather it is from the evil forces within.  That is true regarding our nation, our church and our own hearts.

The Evil Within

Within our nation we see those who like Balaam pretend to profess their faithfulness to God.  After all they could never hate anyone, they only pray for them.  While at the same time they promote the killing of millions of babies in the womb even the day of their birth.  Furthermore, they want to squelch the voices of the Christians, in the name of love and peace.  By their actions they hate all who stand for America, creating a stain echoing around the world.  Their desire like Balaam being money and power to themselves only.  Spitting in the face of all God has said, they like Balaam pretend they are His.

Within our churches, we have the prosperity gospel promising hope through counterfeit joys instead of the true hope found only in a relationship with God.  Material things can never fill our hearts with true joy, hope, love or peace.  In fact, hoping in the prosperity gospel, leads to despair as life goes on with all its complexities.

Furthermore, within the churches we have the false teachers trying to teach pluralism or an acceptance of sin as ok. Jesus is the only “way, the truth and the life.  NO man comes to the Father apart from Him.” (John 14:6).

And then, within.  We battle against those evil desires, the dark blemishes within our own hearts.  So often we are quickly drawn aside by fleshly desires to place our own wants above God.  As if this short life here on earth is more important than eternity with Him.


Concluding Thoughts:

Ah, yes, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ if we know Him as Savior and Lord.  But He will not leave us there either.  Whatever, it takes.  However, many heartbreaks we must face.  He will transform the hearts of those whom are His.  I know; because I have paid dearly for my own sin.  Yet, He loves me and keeps transforming me day by day into His likeness.  I may not be there yet; but one day I will.  Beyond that, this I know, every day that I live I grow deeper in love with Him.  All things truly do work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  By grace am I saved through faith and this is the work of God Himself, who is Sovereign.  He will never leave me nor forsake me.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


Victory Claimed by Worship, Faith and No more Grumbling

Repent! Look to Jesus Lifted High and be Saved

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2019
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


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