Into the Wilderness I Ran-a poem of reflection

Into the Wilderness

As we over the past few months have studied the nation of Israel in the wilderness on their way to the promised land, we have seen so much our our own lives as Christians.  Moments of great triumph followed by moments of failure in their faith.  They would choose other things thinking in them they would find joy and happiness instead of relying on the only true source of happiness.  By their chose into the wilderness they ran, where God would have to come stir up everything and through the great trial turn them back to Him where joy was there.  That is until they would allow discontentment to creep in again and once more they would turn from God.

But has that not also been the case in my own life.   Or perhaps yours.  Trials would come that caused me to turn back to Him.  Just as the mother eagle replaces the downy nest with rocks to force the baby eaglets to stretch forth and learn to fly.  So it is, God fills our self made comfortable beds with rocks and stone until we learn to soar with Him.  Trials come to awaken us, to draw us closer to Him, and to prove our love.  Sometimes it is because we ran headlong into the wilderness of our own making.  And sometimes they come in the moments of growth when we were reaching high.  Either way they come to help us learn more of Him.

This is a poem for any of you, who into the wilderness have run.  I have along this journey more than once.  But God’s grace always came to get me and bring back home where I realized my greatest treasure is knowing Him.

Into the Wilderness I ran


Into the wilderness I ran

Pursuing my desire

How was it that I did not see

The flames, the raging fire


The shining hope of love and joy

Had drawn me far away

From God’s dear truth, His Love and grace

I found that I did stray


It seemed so innocent at first

I thought a gift from God

But then that gift consumed my heart

And on God’s word I trod


So, marching forward I did go

Ignoring all I knew

Of God, His Righteous just demands

Were what would get me through


And so, hell bent I ran away

Into the dark abyss

Where there I found such sorrow

That led to bitterness


For God had been the only one

Whose joy could fill my heart

To lift me high above the clouds

Oh, why did I depart


If I had waited, maybe then

I would not know such pain

For all my wretchedness and sin

The crimson bloody stain


And yet, God came to rescue me

He spread His wings so wide

That I might rest a little while

And in His love abide


I could not ever comprehend

The Grace He’s given me

That from this wilderness I formed

He came to set me free


He cut away the hardened scar

So, wrapped around my heart

That I might feel His warmth and love

Just as I did to start


Oh, lord I only ask of you

To hold me in your arms

That I might never stray again

Lured by such earthly charms

He Leads Us Out of The Wilderness

Even if you ran into the Wilderness in pursuit of pleasures you thought would satisfy, denying that God IS Enough, He will not forsake you there.  He loves you and all you need do is turn your eyes to Him once more.  There He will fill you with His joy, love, hope and peace until you realize He is your greatest treasure.  I know because He did for me although I was so undeserving of His grace.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


How to be Carried Upon God’s Wings Once More

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2019
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.



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