Humility How to Develop and Why It Matters


Humility-just when you think you have it: often, it has slipped from your heart. Humility plays a central role to our sense of well being and joy in life; however, it remains under attack by new liberal ideas and stands counter to our own “me-first thought patterns.”  Our natural thought pattern focuses around our own feelings, ideas, experiences, and responses to the world around us; while always searching for purpose, meaning and happiness within the confines of our own emotions and thoughts.  Yet, our self-absorption leads to isolation followed by frustration and anger.  In contrast, the central message of the gospel compels us to humility; but, how can a self-centered, egocentric heart ever truly develop humility and why does it matter?  How can humility be central to our happiness and true success in this world? Paul urges us to look to Jesus.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:5-11


So, it remains ever true that Christ Jesus reigns supreme; both in His Humble Servanthood toward the Father’s Will and His willingness to lay aside Himself; because of His love for us.  Yet, proclaiming myself humble, desiring myself to be humble; doesn’t make me humble.  Going out and working very hard to please God so that He might think me to be humble doesn’t either. In fact, often we become like Elijah when things look difficult; begin to pout and say, “Lord, look at what I have done or sacrificed for you!”

True humility comes from a heart that fully realizes, I deserve nothing; because, God, the creator of this Universe doesn’t owe me anything.  He, who formed the earth, who gave me life stands Supreme, Glorious above all else in His majesty, love.  When we begin to truly see God for all His majesty, His righteousness, His Glory; then, we begin to realize we are nothingness, until we find our being in He who created us.  That begins the transformation of our hearts to one of humility and gratitude.  Then, I find joy, gratitude, hope and love in the tiniest of favors-a drink of water when I am thirsty becomes a gracious gift rather than a right.


Once upon a time in my own journey, postoperatively; my small intestines damaged severely by the obstruction wouldn’t awaken.  For a full month, I lived with a Nasogastric tube–unable to eat or drink anything.  Let me tell you; what gracious pleasure I found in a cup of broth.  The gratitude toward God for having allowed me to get well.  I lingered over that first cup of broth as though it were the most wondrous meal I ever had eaten.  At that moment, I felt tremendous joy with a simple cup of broth; then, I realized my joy overflowed even more because God had allowed me to go through the suffering, so I could experience greater joy.

Every sorrow, trial or pain I faced along this journey brought me closer to God.  My life now is filled with gratitude for even the sorrows I walked; because, they were stepping stones to bring me to this place of steadfast joy.  I cannot tell you that I always get this right; but, I look for the rainbow in every storm; because, I know God’s plan for me always is for my good–100% of the time.  He has taught me to trust Him.  God built and taught me the foundations I need to live this life with all its chaos; with joy everlasting in Him; everyday looking toward Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith.  Not by my strength; but His.


5I am Jehovah; there is no other God. I will strengthen you and send you out to victory even though you don’t know me, and all the world from east to west will know there is no other God. I am Jehovah and there is no one else. I alone am God. I form the light and make the dark. I send good times and bad. I, Jehovah, am he who does these things. Open up, O heavens. Let the skies pour out their righteousness. Let salvation and righteousness sprout up together from the earth. I, Jehovah, created them.

Woe to the man who fights with his Creator. Does the pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with him who forms it, saying, “Stop, you’re doing it wrong!” or the pot exclaim, “How clumsy can you be!”? 10 Woe to the baby just being born who squalls to his father and mother, “Why have you produced me? Can’t you do anything right at all?”

11 Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, Israel’s Creator, says: What right have you to question what I do? Who are you to command me concerning the work of my hands? 12 I have made the earth and created man upon it. With my hands I have stretched out the heavens and commanded all the vast myriads of stars.


When we begin to truly see God, ours hearts transform–step by step into hearts filled with humility.  Just to think the Creator of the Universe, loves me with all my frailties and failures is a humbling thought and an empowering thought at the same time.  Furthermore, the more I trust Him, the greater my joy and my ability to be grateful for all that He has surrounded me with–a bird’s song, the sunrise, or a glass of water on a hot day. My Joy becomes complete; because, when I see the world through the eyes of grace, everything changes. Because Jesus gave up everything for me, I can lay aside everything for Him.

If you don’t know how to accept Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link, email me by clicking here or comment here


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[tweetthis]True Humility leads to gratitude and steadfast joy in life[/tweetthis]

[tweetthis]Because Jesus gave up everything for me I can lay aside everything for Him[/tweetthis]

Newest Release

This newly released book, I dedicated to anyone who searched for love, lost a loved one, or felt the pangs of loneliness; because, I want them to realize the hope they can find in Jesus. Furthermore, It is a poem, I wrote reflecting my own search for love, beautifully illustrated by Ronald Barba, Most importantly, the book displays the story of God’s ever abiding love even when facing tragedy and heartbreak.  Available on Amazon.

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

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