How to Truly Love God by His Design, His Will

How to Truly Love God by His Design, His Will

As we move through Numbers, somewhat quickly, we next come to Numbers 28.  Therein and following through Numbers 30, God lays out His Design for worship.  It was apparent that the children of Israel continued to stumble whenever they designed worship.  After all they had fallen into idolatrous worship, repeatedly.  It became apparent that if one tries to God in the way one designs, they will ultimately worship a God of their own design and not truly Jehovah God, Yahweh, the Great I AM.  We see that quite often in our modern society. People cast aside the truth of the word and say they worship “God”.  But, in truth, they worship some self-made concept of who they think God should be.  How often had the Israelites fallen victim to their own self-will.

So it is that God laid out a very extensive sacrificial system to ever keep before them the truth of their own sin and the need for redemption.  Only God could be the true redeemer.  All the sacrificial system pointed to Jesus Christ.  No one was able to keep themselves cleansed from sin without the grace of God providing them a way of redemption.  Just as then, this is true today.

Oh, we may set up a thousand rituals which make us feel better.  We may even think or pretend this to be true worship.  Yet, it too often is only some means of a “feel good about me” worship.  But, how do we truly Love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls.

Numbers 31

Remember Balaam?  He was the pagan sorcerer whom God used to speak blessings over His people in front of the Moabite King.  Balaam put on some pretense of worshiping and obeying God.  However, he never truly loved God.  He knew of God’s power; but, never loved God for His Glorious Righteousness.  Well, in the end of Balaam’s story, he had whispered a secret into the King’s ears.  “you can only cause their destruction by appealing to the lusts of their flesh”.  And so, that is exactly what the king did.  The people were so easily seduced by the Moabite women.  The men so filled with sensuous pleasures, quickly began to worship other gods, forsaking God Almighty.  In truth, the sensuous affairs became their worship.

All who had fallen had to be destroyed.  Because God knew the future of the nation depended on the Israelite nation worshiping God by His Design and His Will, not their own design.  It was also necessary to wipe out all the “Midianites”, except for the children and the virgins.  Once the battle was complete, the Israelite nation had to enter a purification process.  Following the purification period, the spoils were divided, including herds of cattle, sheep and donkeys.

His Design, His Will

It was necessary that all follow God by worshiping and loving Him by His design and His Will.  Not because God is bad. Nor is it that God doesn’t love His people with a truly unconditional love.  Rather God has to remove the evil in our hearts and those who would harm, because He who created everything in the Universe, knows that only in Him can we find true joy, love, hope, and harmony.  He is the being that we so desperately seek and without Him there is nothingness.  Knowing what is best for us, we can only truly love Him with all our hearts, minds, and strength through worshiping Him by His Design, His will.

Sometimes, God permits what He hates to accomplish what He loves for those who are His.

A Question is Raised

Now as we come to this week’s main lesson, we find that the tribes of Reuben and Gad come before Moses and ask to remain east of the Jordan.  The land there was very fertile and perfect for raising cattle and sheep, of which they had an abundance after overtaking the Midianites.  After all God had given them the victory and the land were theirs for the taking.

As we will find, God does agree with the plan.  He had after all given the land to them; but the problem wasn’t their receiving the land.  The initial problem was their hearts.  This is what they initially said,

Even the country which the Lord smote before the congregation of Israel, is a land for cattle, and thy servants have cattle. Wherefore, said they, if we have found grace in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants for a possession, and bring us not over Jordan.”  (Numbers 32:4-5).

You, see initially, they saw, they desired, and they asked to remain, taking no consideration for the other tribes and the battles they must face.  Moses rightfully saw the selfishness of their hearts and rebuked them.

God had by His Design promised them Canaan.  His will was that the Israelite nation inhabit the land flowing with milk and honey.  If these two tribes settled down before crossing the Jordan, the army would be seriously compromised.  Many would lose heart and want to stay behind.  It could even lead to their being so discouraged that they would once more rebel against God rather than to follow His Design, His Will.


To Truly Love God

The tribes of Reuben and Gad returned with a proposal.  Let us have these lands.  We will build fortresses for our livestock and then we will go to battle across the Jordan and not return until all the people have their land.

Moses returned with, yes.  But that yes came with stipulations.

  1. You will go at the front of the battle.
  2. Before going you will build cities to protect your families from invaders.

Oddly enough it appears they were more concerned with protecting their livestock than protecting their families.  Invaders could come in and lead their families into idolatrous worship.  To truly love God, they must be concerned with their family’s knowledge and worship of God.  And, so they made a vow to do just that.  Moses gave them this warning, “ But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out.” (Numbers 32:23).

Concluding Thoughts:

God has a perfect plan for the life for each believer.  His design and His will is for our good.  We sometimes want to settle down in the comforts of the here and now or run after something we desire.  His Grace may even allow just that.  It does not remove us from the obligations to love God with all our hearts, minds, and strength.  Even though that may be harder in the place we have chosen, we still must seek Him first.  We will in those situations face harsh battles.

Furthermore, we must be ever more vigilant to not allow in the influences of evil.  We must learn to always love God by His Design, His Will.  Any other way leaves us vulnerable to our destruction, at least here and now.  But thank God, He even then has a plan for our escape if we truly know Him as Savior.  He will be Lord of our life before our time on earth ends and we stand before him.  Of that I am certain.  For Jesus is the Author and the Finisher of our faith.  Hebrews 12:2.

To truly Love God is to trust Him, no matter what.  It is stepping out to follow His Design, His Will even when that looks too hard or costs everything we desire here and now.  Knowing with all our hearts, that His plan is better than anything I can design.  His Love is greater than any I can find here on this earth.  And His Joy will fill my heart to overflowing.  Though it be a valley of tears that leads me ever closer to His heart, there I will trust Him.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2019
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

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