How to Really Know Wisdom for Life

To REally Know Wisdom for Life

We search for truth.  Born within us is a desire for knowledge and truth; however, that longing is misguided by our sin nature.  What can only be filled by an intimate knowledge of God, leaves us always searching to know wisdom for life.  That is until, we come to know Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.  Then and only then can we really know wisdom for life.

We can learn much by an indepth study of Proverbs.  To know Jesus Christ is to know the wisdom of God.  Solomon, King of Israel was given the wisdom of God to be a foreshadowing of the King who would come.  Solomon for all his knowledge of wisdom, still failed to always apply it in his own life.  Thereby, what began so beautifully, still had such moments of tragedy because he failed to abide by the restraints he so knew.  What about you?  Do you really know wisdom for Life?

As for Solomon, we see in Ecclesiastes that after all the wandering, he finally concluded that nothing is as important as knowing God.  At the end of it all, all we really have is Christ?  And for those who do not know Him, the end is more tragic than the beginning.  Because then, those who do not have Christ, have nothing but a life void of being—utter nothingness.

To Really Know Wisdom for Life

First is to know Christ as your Savior, then study His word every morning and every evening.  I would recommend also including Proverbs in your daily study habits.

The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel:

To know wisdom and instruction,
To [a]perceive the words of understanding,
To receive the instruction of wisdom,
Justice, judgment, and equity;
To give prudence to the simple,
To the young man knowledge and discretion—
A wise man will hear and increase learning,
And a man of understanding will [b]attain wise counsel,
To understand a proverb and an enigma,
The words of the wise and their riddles.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

                                       Proverbs 1:1-7
The book of Proverbs begins by addressing its purpose.

Of the 3000 proverbs and the 1005 songs of Solomon (I Kings 4:32), these were chosen by God to record for us.  Afterall, He was the source of King Solomon’s wisdom (I Kings 4:29), just as Jesus is our power and wisdom (for all who believe) (I Corinthians 1:24).

To Know Wisdom for life

Therefore, the book of Proverbs was recorded to know wisdom for lifeIf Jesus is our wisdom and God is the source of wisdom, we are to learn of Jesus.  His character is displayed as we are provided with the means of making right choices because has provided the atonement for our sins.  Our hearts are unable to truly discern right from wrong without Him.  Perhaps that explains how all the humanist’s experiments in social behavior have failed.   Just look at the increases in suicide, drug addiction, and violence within our schools, homes, and countries since we removed God from the corridors of our schools and our lives.  Our political correctness has lead to political nightmares of ginormous proportions.  Why?  Because we want to do it our way and ignore instruction.

To Perceive the Words of Understanding

 We fail to even perceive the words of understanding; because, we believe that “we know best.” Our pride shuts down our hearing, so that we cannot realize that God’s plan is for our best life.  He is not being punitive, but substantive in His instructions.

Furthermore, Studying Proverbs is
  1. To Receive Instruction IN
  2. Wisdom—the truth of God proclaimed that we might learn to know wisdom for life and its journey
  3. Justice– to truly discern what is right and good.
  4. Judgement—to make the right choices when confronted with a decision
  5. Equity—to know what is fair and right to all involved.
  6. Provide Prudence to the Simple—Even the least intelligent can govern and discipline oneself using reason.
  7. Instill Knowledge and discretion to the youth—allowing them to stop and ponder before willfully sinning or going against God
  8. A wise man will hear and increase learning—Wise men and women are willing to learn and grow instead of thinking they already know it all.  Indeed, the more we learn, the more we realize we do not know.
  9. And a man of understanding will [b]attain wise counsel—when seeking help a man of understanding seeks out those who are wise instead of listening to just anybody. He or she can discern truth because they know God.  The Holy Spirit guides them through their spirit and through recalling the Word which they have hid in their hearts.
    10. To understand a proverb and an enigma,

    The words of the wise and their riddles—to really and truly understand the depth of the meaning. That is to see it through God’s eyes rather than from a human perspective.   When we look at all that is going on in the world today, we would certainly despair.  But for those who understand that God is Sovereign, and His plan is good, we can see all the tragedy through His eyes.  WE recognize the depths to which He will allow things for the salvation of one soul.  That has been the case throughout the ages.  And those who deny Him still?  Well they would never bow to understanding though God seeks them with all His heart, He knows they will turn away, so He lets them have what they wanted all along.  (Proverbs 1:21)


11. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,

But fools despise wisdom and instruction—Should we have a reverent fear of He who can condemn our soul to hell?  Yes!  And that is the beginning of knowledge.  I cannot be changed until I recognize both the just wrath of God against sin and His Grace to provide the propitiation for my sin with His own son.  But that wrath is just against me for all I am.  My sin separates me from His perfect righteousness, and I could not cross that chasm were it not for Jesus Christ.  For sin is anything that diminishes His Glory.  I cannot love Him as He deserves to be loved.  Nor can I cherish Him as I should, were it not for Jesus Christ.  Only in knowing Christ can we really know wisdom for life.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because   He is the way, the truth and the life.   Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.

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Why is Reading the Book of Proverbs so Important?

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2019
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


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