How to Know Peace and Joy when Life is Devastating

peace and joy when life is devastating

Life is filled with complex relationships, pains, heartbreaks, and sorrows. There are times when the circumstances around us appear impossible.  We don’t know how to survive the storms of work, relationships, politics, finances, illnesses or life itself.  There appears to be no way out as our hearts break, our will is destroyed, anger builds, and the night becomes so dark we see no way out.  The last thing we think is possible would be to find peace, much less joy amid the devastating circumstances of life.  Our mind circles in chaotic turmoil with dark depression proclaiming our own defeat.  Such can be our lives at times.  Human instinct desires to scratch and fight our way out as the devastating box of circumstances closes in around us. Or we resign to exist within a world of quiet desperation, never knowing peace or joy.

There is a way to truly know peace and joy even when life is devastating.  This is something I have spoken of often and wrote in detail about in Abiding, Steadfast Joy-Never Again Bound in a Life of Desperation.  My Christian Journey has been through many devastating circumstances. Often impossible mountains to cross!  There were moments when glimmers of joy and peace seemed within arm’s reach; but, once more the crashing waves of life would pull me under.  Well, that was then.  Now, there may be moments in which devastating circumstances would try to pull me under.  Moments in which my focus is pulled away from the truth I had learned along the way.  Or those moments when I take my eyes off God, forsaking to start my day with His word and prayer. However, He reminds me quickly He is my Joy before I am bound again in desperation.


We plead with God to change the circumstances and move the mountain that looms before us.  If only He would transform the heart of those around us, we could find peace and joy! What we do not want to accept is that it is our heart that needs to be transformed.  We do not recognize or accept the truth that transformation must come from the inside out.  The circumstances are not the problem.  Instead the problem is how we view the circumstances.  Oh yes, along this journey evil surrounds us.  However, Jesus Christ has proclaimed victory over sin and evil’s devastating effects in our lives.  The circumstances may remain; however, I have His power residing in me to not be overcome by them.  His peace and joy can remain steadfast in my heart, regardless of the circumstances, when I remember these three truths from His word.

Truth #1

We learn in Hebrews 11:6: Faith is knowing God IS and He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.  God is Sovereign.  His plan for me is perfect.  Not because I am perfect or deserve His Grace.  Rather, because He loved me enough to die on a cruel cross, that I might be saved.  Not only did He die on the cross to pay the penalty of my sin, He rose victorious over death and sin.

I too must daily die to self that His Joy and peace may fully reign in my heart.  Dying to selfish desires, self-will, I surrender to His desires and will for my life.  Knowing that He desires for me to be bathed in His love, joy and glory.  Therein I know peace and joy, trusting Him with the circumstances.  This is a daily dying to self as I seek Him each morning by studying His Love Letters given me in the Bible and spending time alone with Him in prayer.

Whenever I fail to start my day with Him, I find that once more my selfish heart tries to usurp the throne.  That is when the devastating circumstances press me into a box of despair. Or I find myself, reacting to the circumstances with anger and frustration.  However, if I start each morning with Him, I find myself leaping over the devastating circumstances with peace and joy in my heart.

Truth #2

I must cling tight to the purpose for which I was created as Jesus so beautifully prayed for us in John 17.  He desires that we be filled with His joy, His love, and to share with us a piece of His Glory.  Never does He really need my help to bring someone to Christ. Therefore, when He uses me to testify of Him, He is graciously sharing His glory with me.

Salvation is His most glorious act of love and Grace.  And to think that He would allow me to ever be used by Him to be an instrument in telling others the gospel is more wondrous than I could ever hope for.  Even if that means I walk through devastating circumstances, so others might see His Glory shine forth. I am humbled by His Grace to use my life in His Glorious Act of Salvation of even one.

Truth #3

Never forget that in Christ we are His redeemed, Beloved, Blessed, Chosen Child.  Heir of the Kingdom, Mighty Warriors, Humbled Servants who are gifted for the ministry and united with every other believer in Jesus Christ to complete all that He has planned for us.  Ephesians chapters 1-3 outline these truths for us.

How to Know Peace and Joy in the Devastating Circumstances of Life

Begin each day in His word and prayer.  He will transform your heart from the inside out, that you might know His Peace and Joy.  The biggest miracle of all, others will see your transformation and seek Him.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; Because, He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here

Furthermore, if you would like to tell me your story or thoughts  comment here

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Previous Posts to Consider

How to See Everything Through the Eyes of God

Is Your Life Overflowing with Joy, Hope, and Love?

How to fill the Void with Abounding, Steadfast Joy

One Journey from Darkness to Light, Sorrow to Joy


Along the Road of Life-Joy to Rise Above

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash

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