How Does God Protect Us from Evil Thoughts?

Protected from evil thoughts

There on the high luscious fields with springs of fresh water, the sheep spend their summers.  With their shepherd near protecting them from the predators that would cause them harm, they are content.  That is, until the nagging pests begin to attack them.  These pests are subtler at first; but, devastating.  Flies will surround their heads.  Particularly, the nasal fly will lay its larvae in the soft, moist nares of the sheep.  As the worms hatch they travel upward into the brains of the sheep causing such severe discomfort that the sheep will bang their heads against rocks.  Some are even blinded by these pests.  Much the same way, erroneous and even evil thoughts subtly enter our minds. Ideas, philosophies, and even erroneous doctrines surround us.  From the movies we watch, the TV shows we are exposed to, and even from our pulpits, our minds are bombarded with false ideologies.

When the sheep are attacked by these flies, they run about in great distress.  Shaking their heads violently, they cannot graze.  The young lambs may starve, as their mother’s milk dries up from her own distress with the situation.  Much as young Christians starve for truth, as the elders in the church run to and from false ideologies and doctrines that have entered the church much like the hatching larvae of the nasal flies.  The shepherd sees the danger of these pests creates a mixture of oil, Sulphur and tar to cover the sheep’s heads and nares.  This oil mixture prevents the pests from entering the nares of the sheep.  God “anointeth my head with oil” (Psalm 23:5) to protect my mind from erroneous and evil thoughts.

The Dangers of Erroneous and Evil Thoughts

The Holy Spirit is that oil protecting our minds from erroneous and evil thoughts.  It is through allowing Him to decipher all that enters our minds, protecting us from being drawn aside by the voices that surround us.  This means however that I must be willing to quietly be in His presence to allow Him to pour the oil upon my heads.  When in the mountaintop, I prefer to run about and feast upon the joyous pastures surrounding me.  Yet, I must take time each day to be in His presence and to allow Him to teach me from the word.

Insidiously, Satan is constantly trying to capture our minds and thoughts.  Paul warned us of this while at the same time reminding us that the battle for our minds is a Spiritual battle.  “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

Another Washing of the Oil

For sheep, another danger is that of scabs.  When scabs form, the shepherd must wash the sheep in big troughs of the oil and tar mixture.  With great care, he repeatedly covers the head with the same mixture.  During our journey, we too become covered with scab like scars.  Our hearts at times are broken.  Furthermore, our minds become filled with worries and guilt.  Yet, our great Shepherd has poured out His lifesaving blood to cover all our blemishes and our guilt.  He covers us in His righteousness.

Our clinging to our guilt separates us from the peace and joy of our salvation.  We are to lay our guilt before the cross of Christ.  There are those who desire to destroy us.  And there is no easier way than through accusations that drive us into depression.  Once we forget the Grace by which we are saved, and our position of justification purchased at the cross, our minds become wrought with guilt.  That guilt prevents us from witnessing for Christ.  We determine, much as Peter did after his denial of Christ, that He cannot use us.  But just as Peter, Christ comes to wherever we are to remind us of our commission for Him.

Phillip Keller Wrote

The only possible, practical path to attaining such a mind free of the world’s contamination is to be conscious daily, hourly of the purging presence of God’s Holy Spirit, applying Himself to my mind….In a sense we are a stiff-necked lot and were it not for Christ’s continuing compassion and concern for us, most of us would be beyond hope or help.  Sometimes I am quite sure Christ comes to us and applies the oil of His own Spirit to our minds in spite of our own objections.  Were this not so, where would most of us be? Surely every gracious thought that enters my mind had its origin in Him.[1]

Oh, that we might sit in His presence quietly allowing Him to anoint our heads with oil.  Then, and only then, would we be freed from the erroneous and evil thoughts that attack our minds.  Furthermore, we would be reminded that all our blemishes are healed by His precious blood shed for us.  The Holy Spirit has sealed us unto the day of redemption and is there to remind us daily that we are God’s beloved, redeemed, chosen children.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


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Previous Posts from series on Psalm 23

What is the Table God Prepares for His Sheep?

Do You Know the Comfort of the Shepherd’s Staff?

What is the Rod of God that Comforts Me?

Fearless in the Darkest Valleys

How to Follow the Shepherd as He Leads

Have Your Soul Restored by God

How to Surrender as He Leadeth Beside Still Waters

When God Makes His Sheep to Lie Down. Why?

I Shall Not Want. What Can It Mean?

Do You Know and Trust the Good Shepherd?

Previous Poem:

Transforming Grace

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Footnotes and Credits

Photo by Roberta Sorge on Unsplash


[1] Phillip Keller, A Shepherd’s Look at Psalm 23, in The Inspirational Writings of Phillip Keller, (New York, NY: Inspirational Press, 1993), 103.

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