When Evil Begins Within, The Walls Are Broken. How?

Evil enters and walls are broken

Nineveh that great city who experienced a revival during the days of Jonah, now faced the full wrath of God.  Nahum foretells of their destruction with detail in chapter 2 of his vision.  Chapter 1 gives us a clue of how this all began within; while chapter 2 details the fall of that city. Although, God had for a moment withheld his hand of grace toward Israel and Judah; He has now returned in wrath against Nineveh for all their evil deeds in their attempt to destroy God’s people.  Following their great revival, this gentile nation now would see their walls broken down because of allowing evil to overtake their hearts while forgetting the very God who presented to them grace 150 years prior.  Now evil reigns within and their terror is spread throughout the neighboring lands.

Evil begins with such subtlety.  From within arises ideologies that first sound good; but, lead to full destruction of any semblance of faith in the very God who presented His grace and light of hope.  God spoke of this through Nahum when he wrote:

 There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the Lord, a wicked counsellor. Thus saith the Lord; Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall pass through. Though I have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more. For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder. Nahum 1:11-13

The yoke against Israel would be broken and Assyria would be destroyed; because, God’s people would return to worship under King Josiah.


Evil enters quietly through wicked counsellors.  It had within the nation of Israel; where, in times of prosperity the people allowed their hearts to be drawn aside.  The truth is distorted and people’s hearts are turned against the God of grace who has provided for them, shepherded them, and upheld them.  Thus, God justly withheld His hand of grace as described in Nahum 2:2.  Blinded by their own evil hearts, the nation of Israel stood on the brink of utter destruction.

What about Nineveh?  Was it not the same?  God had shown forth His light and revival had swept the city; however, they turned from light to the utter darkness of evil.  No longer was there even a shimmer of light left.  The people of God would return to worship Him for a time, under the wise counsel of King Josiah.  Thus, Judah was saved and Nineveh destroyed by God; because, Nineveh loved darkness rather than light.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved (John 3:19-20).


So, what about the United States of America.  Have we not through subtle, quiet counselors begun to lay down our faith in God.  There are those who would in the name of peace and love; protest all of God’s commands.  Our nation born on Christian principles; now questioned or assigned ulterior motives.  Indeed, our Declaration of Independence and Constitution formed a foundation of faith in God first.  All that we fought and ultimately abolished: slavery, tyranny, and governmental reign over men’s faith;  because of God’s people rising to shine light into darkness and overcome evil with God’s goodness.

Now we have many who want to erase that history.  They wish to insinuate that we are at the core an evil society.  Some would say all the years standing as a beacon of light to the world, all the generosity, the missionary work, and our stance for life only demonstrated evil ideologies. Furthermore, they want to erase God from all the history books.  Where will we stand when darkness has overcome the light?


As we look at God’s judgement on Nineveh, we cannot help but see some parallels between them and us.  First, as he describes their destruction in Nahum 2: 4

 The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings.

The destruction of Nineveh began with rioting in the streets.  People in their chariots wreaking havoc upon their city.  There was drunkenness and lascivious living. “For while they be folden together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry (Nahum 1:10).

Furthermore, the rioting within  left the walls unprotected.  The walls were broken down; then, their enemies could enter in and destroy them.

Robert Calkins wrote, “Nahum portrays (the) siege, reproduces its horrors and its savagery, its cruelties and mercilessness, in language so realistic that one is able to see it and feel it.  First comes the fighting in the suburbs.  Then the assault upon the walls.  (Followed by) the capture of the city and its destruction.”1

                Shouldn’t that awaken your heart to seek God?  Two nations stood.  One heeded the warning and turned to God; while, the other did not.  Destruction followed; because, justice would reign.   First began the rioting in the streets; then, the walls fell.  Once the walls break, destruction follows.


[tweetthis]Which will we be? Nineveh or Judah? Revival or Destruction? You choose![/tweetthis]

[bctt tweet=”As a nation, will we stand in the light of God’s Word, or be destroyed by darkness?” username=”effiedarlene”]

[bctt tweet=”Nineveh’s fall began with riots within, the wall was broken; then, utter destruction” username=”effiedarlene”]


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.



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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

1 Robert Calkins, The Modern Message of the Minor Prophets, (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947), 82.

Photo by Andy Omvik on Unsplash

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