How to defend the truth: Jesus Christ is Risen!

Jesus Christ Risen
Jesus Christ, Our Risen Lord

Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christianity would be a hopeless faith, leaving mankind forever lost in his sin.  It is for that reason, every Christian must prepare themselves to defend the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ to a world of skeptics with facts; and not, just because “the Bible tells me so.”  Therefore, this discussion, will present the case for Jesus Christ, as the risen Lord; based on the evidence, drawing the best logical conclusion of the data as compared to the various theories presented by the skeptics.

Death on the Cross

Before any discussion of resurrection, one must begin with death; because, for there to be a resurrection, one must have died.  “It is a well-established fact that Jesus died by crucifixion in the early 30s.”[1] (Groothius 2011) His death is written about, not only in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John;  but, is also reported by the letters of Paul, the sermons recorded in Acts, and the writing of James.

Furthermore, it is recorded by Josephus, a Jewish Priest who went on to become a historian; having joined the Romans (even in battle against the Jews) and adopting the last name of Flavius, the family name of the Roman Emperor.  He wrote about the death of Jesus in his Antiquities of the Jews 18.3.3. Tactius, another secular historian who held Christians in contempt; also, reported the death of Jesus in his Annals as fact.  Despite this, some would propose the “swoon theory” that Jesus had not died or as Islam, that Allah miraculously substituted another person on the cross and made them appear to be Jesus.


Neither of these theories hold any credibility.  Death on the cross, was very cruel and the Centurions carrying out this sentence were experts in death.  Crucifixion death occurs by asphyxiation, when the person is unable to pull or push their body up to take a breath. Unlike the thieves beside him, Jesus had been severely flogged and beaten with whips containing steel bits that tore his flesh from his ribcage, had not been given any food or water; and therefore, “was so weakened by his beatings that he was unable to carry his cross all the way to Golgotha, the execution site (Matthew 27:32)”[2] (Groothius 2011). His severe state of hypovolemia from blood loss with the addition of excrutiating pain, left him in a near shock state, too weak to pull or push his body upward.


Beyond that, when the Centurion thrust the spear in his side; both, water and blood poured forth (John 19:34, I John 5:6,8).  The only possibilty for water and blood would be a pericardial and/or pulmonary effusion; with the spear piercing either the aorta or the heart itself. This medical fact, John would not have even known. Yet, as a true witness of the event, he recorded what he saw.  John was the only apostle standing at the foot of the cross.  No human body could have survived the final piercing of the sword; even if, not already dead as confirmed by the Centurion (John 19:33, Mark 15:45).

Furthermore, the “miraculous substitution” idealogy was an ad hoc to be able to maintain Jesus as a prophet, not the son of God; confirming that someone certainly died on that cross that day who was proclaimed to be Jesus Christ.  Remember too, that the women had followed every step of the way from his arrest, beatings, to the cross, and even to his burial.

The Burial

“Besides his death, scholars agree that Jesus was buried in a tomb owned by Joseph of Arimathea”[3] (Groothius 2011). Most criminals who were crucified in that day were placed in a common grave for at least a year, with name tags.  The family were not allowed the body for about one year.  Jewish custom; however, was that the body receive a proper burial.

Since Pilate had always shown tolerance to many of the Jewish customs and indeed, had crucified Christ due to the Jewish High Council condemning Jesus to death; Pilate willingly answered the petition of Joseph of Arimathea, who himself was part of the Jewish High Council, to bury Jesus.  The tomb was not far from Golgotha and could be easily guarded by his soldiers.  Furthermore, it was Passover and millions of people were roaming about Jerusalem which made it unlikely that anyone could steal the body unnoticed.  Everyone would know where the body was laid and that would be the end of the story.  Again, the women followed his body; so, they could return with spices after the Sabbath to anoint the body (Mark 15:47, Matthew 27:61).


Then Pilate decreed that the tomb be sealed by the soldiers and heavily guarded (Matthew 27: 64-66).  All Roman soldiers knew very well that they faced the death penalty, were they to fail at their post or fall asleep.  The apostles surely would not have wanted Jesus Christ, buried by one of the Jewish High Council since the counsel had condemned him to death. Although, scripture did say that Joseph of Arimathea was sympathetic to Jesus (Matthew 27:57, Mark 15:43, John 19:38) and had not agreed with the other members of the council (Luke 23:51).

Beyond that, the apostles could not raise any objections; because, they had all scattered in fear.  Peter had followed briefly; but, then in fear denied Christ.  Only John was present at the cross with Mary, the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene; and John recorded that Joseph of Arimathea was a “secret disciple” of Christ (John 19:38).


Then, once the sabbath was over, the women returned to the tomb to anoint the body; but, the tomb lay empty, and the stone rolled away.  Matthew even tells us  the soldiers witnessed an earthquake, the stone rolled away and an angelic like being sat atop the stone; the tomb already empty (Matthew 28:1-4).  The guards were very frightened and fainted; but, the chief priests paid them hush money to say the body was stolen, with a promise he would smooth things out with Pilate as well.

Were the body stolen, how was it never discovered?  This was the biggest case ever; and, if, the body were stolen; the Roman Army would leave no stone unturned until the body could be recovered.  All they would have needed to do was find the body to disclaim the Resurrection Story.  Yet, no body was ever found (except the living, resurrected Jesus).  There were too many witnesses who knew where Jesus had been buried; so, there is no doubt the tomb lay empty.

The Transformation of Jesus Disciples

If, the followers of Christ wanted to create a reasonable, credible story to start a new religion; they were failures in telling this story.  They report women as the first witnesses when women could not even speak in the court of law.  Furthermore, they were a bunch of frightened apostles who at first say the women’s story of seeing the empty tomb and the risen Christ, were a bunch of “idle tales” (Luke 24: 11).

Certainly, if one was creating a fable, they would have not made themselves look like a bunch of bumbling fools. Knowing the ideology of those whom they would preach this new faith too; they would have taught a miraculous ascension of some kind; never teaching of a touchable body who could eat, drink. This was not a religion that anyone could peddle to anyone; much less, by a bunch of frightened, confused men who didn’t even understand when Jesus foretold of His death, burial and resurrection.   Thus, debunking  the “conspiracy theory.”  Surely, they could have come up with a better story and they would not have started their little religious sect in the very place all of this took place, Jerusalem.


The truth: the Apostles transformed from frightened, mealy mouthed men to bold proclaimers of the gospel of Jesus Christ; because, they truly believed that they saw the risen Lord.    Furthermore, they taught a religion that presented a crucified, humiliated Messiah, to Jews who only believed in a Conquering Messiah and to Romans who thrived on honor and status.  Their message would not be appealing to anyone; were it not for the Holy Spirit opening hearts to the truth.  People of that time thrived on honor and status, this new gospel message would be disgusting and unwanted.  Yet, they died martyrs because they truly believed they saw the resurrected Jesus.

Hallucination Theory Debunked

Already dealt with are the “swoon theory” and the “conspiracy theory.”  Another theory which the skeptics present is the “hallucination theory.”    The hallucination theory; however, also fails in its ability to produce a reasonable hypothesis; because, of several factors.

First of all, hallucinations generally occur individually and involve only one of the senses-either audio or visual.  Hallucination very rarely occur as a group. When they do there is wide variance in what the eyewitnesses experience or account.   Typically, hallucinations occur in a grieving period and bring a comforting message to the one grieving.  Jesus; however, appeared on multiple occasions and to multiple groups, including a group of 500; which is unexplainable.

Hallucinations Explored

Furthermore, nothing known about hallucinations can possibly explain the conversion of Paul; who was at the top of his game, powerful, a prominent leader on the rise.  He hated this heretic Jesus; who, preached nonsense until he met the risen Jesus, face to face.  Then, he became the chief apostle, the chief witness, and the chief apologists for the gospel.  There is no way the hallucination theory could fit Paul; nor, could it fit James, the brother of Jesus.

James had thought his brother crazy, possessed, or an egotistical liar (John 7:5, Mark 3:30-35).  There is no way, he would have hallucinated the risen Jesus.  After all, he did not come to the crucifixion; because, in his eyes Jesus was a small minority leader, killed shamefully who had dishonored his family name.  Yet, James, the brother of Christ; became the leader of the Jerusalem church.  The last place anyone would want to preach; unless, they truly saw the risen Christ.

Concluding thoughts

Hopefully, you are beginning to get the idea of how to defend your faith in God when confronted; but, it will require study and prayer.  I suggest you read Christian Apologetics by Douglas Groothius or The Advancement by L. Russ Bush.  Prepare yourself by listening to debates or talks by Ravi Zacharias or the late Nabeel Qureshi.  We can no longer sit quietly on the sidelines.  It is imperative that Christians study and boldly stand, always prepared to defend our faith with intellectual fervor.  Then, we must teach our children to do the same.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017
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Credits and Footnotes

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[1] Groothius, Apologetics, 540.

[2] Ibid., 541.

[3] Groothius, Apologetics, 543

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