How to Defend God Against Secular Ideologies

Defend God

We must learn how to defend God against the secular ideologies of our day.  In the previous two posts How to Defend Your Faith When Attacked  and 3 Powerful Defenses Facing the Power of Evil   I have given you some of the ways to defend against what is called the problem of evil.  There are many other defenses for God’s existence, many more than I could hope to cover here.  Although I do want to present for you a few more, just to whet your appetite to further study yourself.

Ontological Argument

            The basis of this argument was formed initially by St. Anselm.  It is a deductive reasoning which begins with the idea that within our subconscious, we conceive of a being that is greater than anything else.  Indeed, our fascination with superheroes and our own drive to push toward grandeur, is such an idea.  The fact that such a being is even conceptually supplanted in our minds, can lead us to believe that either he exists only in our mind or also in reality.  It is greater to exist in reality; therefore, God exists not merely in the understanding, but also in reality.[1]  (Groothius 2011)

Even they see grandeur

The argument presented against this is that just because someone can conceive something; doesn’t mean it exists.  Perhaps; but, even atheists such as Carl Sagan or Paul Kurtz speak of viewing the sky, or a beautiful sunset with a feeling of awe and wonder.  Why would human beings even experience awe or wonder? It is that kind of awe and wonder that Paul Kurtz refers to when he wrote that we are “part of a vast cosmic scene, a magnificent awe-inspiring universe that we can unravel and comprehend”[2] (Kurtz 2010) But, why do we even know wonder and awe? There has been no evidence to suggest that any of the animals upon this earth other than humans can conceive of grandeur, long for it, or desire to be in its presence.

Our consciousness of and desire for grandeur should cause one to wonder where that desire came from.  It certainly did not come from a random mixing of atomic particles.  Our ability to reason; suggests we were created for a much higher purpose; and our longing for glory suggests something far more glorious. How can I long for perfect righteousness, if there is no such thing?  Or transcendent love?

The Cosmological Argument

For a long time, the belief was held that the Universe was constant.  Many scientists, philosophers believed that the universe itself was eternal; although, even then there was a “faith” that something had existed eternally.  Even if that something was some subatomic particle that somehow became the creator of all we now can see.  Their faith was that sooner or later, science could find the answer of how everything arrived on earth as it is.  But, it still begs the question, “Why is there something rather than nothing?”[3] (Groothius 2011)

However, with further exploration and discovery; all their theories were blown out of the water with the big bang singularity theory.  Despite many scientists, physicists, and philosophers trying to dismiss the idea that the universe came into being suddenly; all of the scientific evidence began to pile up, until now, it is certain that the universe came into existence suddenly. The Big Bang Cosmology “was first predicted in esoteric equations and later confirmed through multiple layers of evidence. So, while the big ban cosmology is hardly Holy Writ, it is the prevailing incumbent, whose impeachment seems unlikely.”[4] (Groothius 2011) This despite desperate atheistic scientists trying with all their might to prove it wasn’t so.  However, the big bang appeared first in literature in Genesis 1.

Intelligent Design

Intelligent design “argues that key features of the regularly functioning natural world are best explained by the influence of design at some stage in the distant past.”[5] (Groothius 2011) This is not a theory presented by theists only; however, many atheistic scientists recognize there are complexities that cannot be explained.  Indeed, Darwin had said that if such a complex organism could be found unexplainable by gradual mutations, his theory would break down.[6] (Groothius 2011). Naturally, the atheist are in search for other possibilities such as aliens or other undiscovered universes; yet, the fact of intelligent design would have been necessary for the DNA molecule or the flagellum to exist. This leads to a strong case that the designer had to have surpassing intelligence.  Even, the fact that we have the state of consciousness and intelligence to wonder about such things; begs, for an Almighty, Omniscient Creator.

Within the Ontological Arguments, the Cosmological Arguments, and the Intelligent Design Arguments; it is evident that there must have been a something outside of space (omnipresent),  outside of time (eternal), and outside of energy/matter (omnipotent) to have caused the beginning the universe.  That something had to be intelligent and had to be the greatest someone or something we could ever imagine, which by definition is God.

Defense of Objective Truth and Moral Values

What are the foundations for morality to begin with?  Often, the secular humanist will try to say that because evil exists in the world, God cannot exist, or He is impotent, or He is unloving.  That, however, is a different debate as presented in the previous chapter; yet, it does present the acknowledgement that evil and good do exist in the world.  But then where is there a foundation for that?  Can we say in a world formed through evolutionary means, that such an idea could exist at all?  After all, do we consider it evil within the animal kingdom for one animal to murder, or to eat their own offspring to survive?  Why would humans be any different, if survival, flourishing and pleasure are the ultimate goal?

The Debate

William Lane Craig in his debate with Paul Kurtz very clearly presented the case that “if theism is true, we have a sound foundation for morality”[7] (Craig 2009). He went to present three major points regarding this in his opening statement.  1) To say, “that there are objective moral values is to say that something is good or evil independently of whether anybody believes it to be so.”[8] 2) “if theism is true, we have a sound basis for objective moral duties”[9] 3) “if, theism is true, we have a sound basis for moral accountability”[10]

Often the arguments presented by the secular humanist is that “you don’t have to believe in God to be good.”  Certainly, we know that is true.  Furthermore, we have all seen many professing Christians, who commit horrendous acts.  But that is not the question.  The question is why is there any moral code or goodness, were there not a God.  As Groothius wrote, “we need to find a worldview that accounts for the origin, existence and knowledge of such good and such evil, and provides us sufficient moral motivation to pursue good and oppose evil.

The basic argument from goodness to deity
  1. If a personal God does not exist, then objective moral values do not exist.
  2. Objective moral values do exist.
  3. Therefore, a personal God exists”[11] (Groothius 2011)

The areas of defense I have thus far presented are for the existence of God and some basics of the Christian Faith.  However, no defense of Christianity is more important than being able to defend the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, I would will present that next time.


As Christians, we must not allow our voices to be silenced; nor to respond with anger to our critics. However, we must learn to speak with humility, intelligence and strength; to defend God Against Secular Ideologies. Our goal is to win others to Christ, not further divide our nation.  We need revival; but, it will require that every Christian is willing to pull up their sleeves, dig deep into the scripture, and pray unceasingly.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. Because there is nothing more important than this, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here or comment here

Two Newest Books Available

Abiding, Steadfast JoyABIDING, STEADFAST JOY

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Through a study of Nahum, Habukkuk, and Zephaniah; I brought their message into our modern times. Answering the questions of “Why, God?”

Providing a foundation of faith and hope; even, as we see so much evil in the world and in our nation. With so much sorrow and despair, this book I wrote to guide you into discovering God’s Perfect Plan of love; amid this chaotic world filled with life’s storms.

You may click on the picture for more information on either of these books.


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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Credits and Footnotes

Photo from Aaron Burden on Unsplash.  Awesome photographer–check out his website.

[1] Groothius, Apologetics, 187-189

[2] Kurtz, Multi-secularism, 256

[3] Groothius, Apologetics, 213

[4] Ibid., 230

[5] Groothius, Apologetics, 300

[6] Ibid., 308

[7] William Lane Craig, “The Kurtz/Craig Debate: Is Goodness without God Good Enough?” Is Goodness Without God Good Enough?: A Debate on Faith, Secularism, and Ethics, (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009), 30.

[8] Ibid.

[9] William Lane Craig as above

[10] Ibid., 31

[11] Groothius, Apologetics, 345

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