Can You Really Know the Will of God for You?

Finding the Will of God

This year has certainly been one in which I so needed to know the Will of God for me. My life had reached a point of great joy.  Here I was with full contentment.  I loved my job with even all its challenges. At home I was at perfect peace with being alone for it gave me so much time to spend alone with God.  In fact, I had started an on-line endeavor to gain my master’s degree in Theology from Liberty University.  How I loved the challenge and the opportunity to learn more from God’s word.  Certainly, I believed I was in the center of the Will of God for my life.  Peace flowed through my spirit with overflowing joy.  Then, the call came from my son in Florida.  Mom, I need you here.

When I came to Missouri, I was certain that was the Will of God for me.  All the blessings that had flowed into my life had been the reassurance.  All the wonderful people I met here.  The wondrous opportunity to be near my oldest son and his beautiful family filled my heart with joy.  It was here I first saw Mom happy.  God’s presence filled my life to the overflowing with joy.  Never did I think I would move back to Florida; but I knew my youngest needed me.  I heard the plea in his voice.  Could “perfect love” as Christ taught us deny that plea?  Yes, my selfish heart railed against the thought.  I would have to give up most of my possessions to make this move.  “Things” I had grown to cherish as gifts from God’s gracious hand.

Knowing the Will of God

Then, I heard him say, “Mom, with all that we have gone through, I feel I have never had the chance to really know you.  I want that chance.  Even if we sit on opposite sides of the room, silently doing our own things.  I want to get to really know you.”  Suddenly, the Holy Spirit shown forth a light on a dark, selfish blemish in my own heart.  One I would have declared wasn’t there.  Scriptures began pouring into my brain, reminding me that perfect love can not be concerned with “my things”.  After all they are only things.  Still, what I really needed to know was the will of God in this move.  If only I could know His perfect plan.  The where and the how of it all.    I sought help from a pastor to sort things out.

He said, “God never speaks to us directly in these matters.  Then, without presenting any scriptures, he outlined a line of reasoning based on human reasoning as to why I should not go.” Yet, all the years of my life had taught me that the Holy Spirit does guide us to know the will of God in every matter.  Certainly, I have never seen aberrations or heard actual voices to tell me what the will of God is. Yet, I have through deep prayer asked for guidance then patiently waited for God to reveal His will.  For me, that has been His guiding voice to show me the will of God.  His Spirit, revealing to me the truth.  The Holy Spirit indwells us to comfort and to guide us.  There are those moments when I, like Gideon, have asked for signs to prove what is the will of God.

Gideon’s Fleece

Gideon wanted to know the will of God concerning the battle before him, so he presented to God a proposal to help him know the truth.  Some would say this is a lack of faith on Gideon’s part; but I don’t think so.  In fact, Gideon wanted to know for certain it was the will of God and not his own.

Reverend Fountain Elwin saw it as follows:

The state of Gideon’s mind, if we may judge from these words, seems to have been that of the man who cried, “Lord I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.” He had already experienced the power of God to be on his side, by the touching of the rock and the consuming of the sacrifice. He had been already assured of the favour of God towards him, by the declaration of the angel — “The Lord is with thee.” Yet he seeks further assurance. We must, not, however, too hastily condemn Gideon in this matter. The assurances which he had before received had given him strength equal to his day. In that strength he had already thrown down the altar of Baal, and cut down the grove that was by it, and this at the risk of his life.

But here he is called to new duties; we cannot, therefore, wonder at his seeking new assurances. So fights the soldier of the Cross “the good fight of faith,” against the world, the flesh, and the devil, under the banner of the Captain of his salvation. The world wonders to see him so continually going to his God in prayer, for fresh tokens of His favour; but they do not know as he does the necessity for such renewed applications. Many a shameful defeat would be spared Israel if they were more careful to assure themselves of God’s presence and blessing in what they undertake, even if they sought again and again for the tokens. It would prevent many mistakes, for instance, with regard to what are termed providences.[1]

Concluding thoughts

There is a way to truly know the will of God in every circumstance which I will detail further next time.  Also, I will let you know how I discovered the will of God in my own circumstance.  But for now, I do want to remind you, that to know the will of God you must study scripture, pray, and wait for God to answer.  He will answer.  His answer will never go against His scripture or His character, which is why you must diligently study His word.  Yet, in those things like moving across the country, no scripture directly answers.  Those answers come with diligent prayer, patience, and sometimes require fleece.  Fleece however must be used with caution as well, for all too often, our human hearts want to manipulate the fleece.  True fleece that desire the will of God must not be able to be manipulated by us.

Let me leave you with these words of Jesus from John 16:13. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; Because, He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


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Previous Posts to Consider

Is God Calling You to Be a Mighty Warrior?


To Be Made Perfect in Love

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


[1] F. Elwin,

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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