The Jewish nation had awaited and even longed for their messiah to come. They desired to be rescued from their sorrow and affliction. Their Messiah was to come, establish His Kingdom and save them from all their enemies. Certainly, they wanted to be a Part of all His Glory! But they did not see the whole picture. The sacrifices up until then made by the priests had not made their hearts clean. These years under the law and the sacrificial system were merely like a band aid to cover a wound far too deep. God was Holy, Perfect Justice and Righteousness and they were not. From the time of Adam’s first sin, it had been necessary that the blood of animals be shed to cover the sin of mankind. But the sacrifice did not transform their hearts, which would continually through the ages revolt against God.
How many times did God’s hand of mercy save a remnant of true worshippers? Meanwhile the rest would go on to corrupt the land, bent on having their way and never willing to accept God as Lord over all? Thinking themselves to be clever, they sought after other idols. Wanting to fulfill every desire of their heart with counterfeit joys, they denied the only source of true joy. Yes, the Messiah must come to establish His Kingdom, one day; but first He had to come to be the final sacrificial lamb. Only He could pay the price to cover our sins for an eternity.
For Him to truly release them from bondage, He would have to release them from the bondage of sin that held their hearts. Otherwise, it was futile to merely release them from the human bondage their own sin had led them into.
A Much Bigger Story of His Glory
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