God Will Complete the Good Pleasure of His Will

     Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:  According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,  To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Ephesians 1:3-6

 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;  Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:  That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:  In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:  That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. Ephesians 1:7-12

What is the good pleasure of His Will?  It is that those who accept His Gift of Salvation might know the Joy of basking in His Presence, surrounded by His love and His Glory!  Yet, knowing that without choice, no one would fully experience this magnificent glory; he allowed the darkness that we might truly see light.

The Good pleasure of his will

It was with great grace that God continued to deal with the Israelite nation.  Each victory and act of grace shining forth the love and glory of God to them.  Yet, their own selfish desire, their pride, and their foolish hearts sought after worldly pleasures and vain idols.  Repeatedly, God would reach out to them.  He sent prophets and teachers.  Yet, their dark, selfish hearts desired only what they desired.  Not wanting to surrender to God as Lord over them.  Each time they led the nation, their children, and their families away from God’s plan.  Sometimes out of the midst of the despair they led themselves into, they would cry out to God for help.  Then He would save them.  At other times, He allowed other nations to overtake and destroy all but a remnant.

Still, it was the good pleasure of His will that a remnant would survive and march on through the corridors of time to bring forth a Savior.  Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, God’s very own son came to die and pay the penalty for their sins and ours.  We have read of this again in 1 and 2 Kings.  Elijah grew weary as he preached the word of God to a crowd of people who continued to ignore God, believing their own “morality” was enough.  Yet, in their “morality” they sacrificed babies, worshipped golden idols, and denied the one true living God who called to them in love.  Much like our own nation today.

God Will Complete

Worn and weary, Elijah cried out to God in despair; believing there was no one left but he who worshipped God.  God then comforted Elijah.  He told him that judgement would surely come and the remnant would walk through the trials; but, come forth victorious.  Additionally, Elijah was to appoint Elisha to take over as prophet and Elijah was taken home to rest.  Although, it will be Elijah who returns to be a witness at the wailing wall and even martyred there when the prophecies of Revelations are fulfilled.  All that God foretold to Elijah in I Kings concerning Hazael and Jehu came to pass in 2 Kings 8 and 9.  Judgement came to all those who continued in the worship of Baal!

There are times when we look around us and shudder with the evil we see.  Furthermore, we look at so many who feign righteousness and moral indignation, yet do not know the truth of who God is.  We, like Elijah, wonder if any remain who truly seek God as Lord.  Beyond that, we look deep within our own hearts and plead that God cleanse us.  We desire that He accomplish all that is His will within our own hearts.

But this we know and may be confident in!  Just as He fulfilled all that His will planned through the corridors of time in bringing forth His only Son to pay the penalty for our sins on the cross, He will accomplish all the Good Pleasure of His Will.  Every detail of Christ’s birth, life on earth, death and resurrection were fulfilled just as foretold.  The same is true today that He will complete all the Good pleasure of His Will.  The victory is won! He will return one day.  Judgement will be completed.  Righteousness will reign.

Concluding Thoughts

Where do you stand?  If Jesus Christ returned today to take His church and reign in the seven years of tribulation, where would you be?  Would you be standing upon your own self-righteous ideologies or would your faith stand firm in the gospel of Jesus Christ? Therefore, let us pray, “Thy will be done, Lord”


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here

Furthermore, if you would like to tell me your story or thoughts  comment here

Books Available

If you want to know more about books I have written. Then, please click on this link to discover a world of Book Resources.

Or you can find all my books on Amazon.com, search just by searching Effie Darlene Barba.  Or click this link to be taken there

Furthermore,  for inspirational photos or home decor click here.

Previous Posts in This Series:

Do You Know All Things Work Together for Good?

What if Desperation Leads to Life and Joy?

Moralizers so Blinded to God’s Truth and Their Guilt

Do You Really Know God as Omnipotent, Omniscient Lord?

Does God Really Care About the Little Stuff?

How Can Someone So Close Not Know God?

Can a Missed Opportunity Leave a Nation to Fall?

One Unlikely Believer and the Grace of God

Do You Trust God in  the Famine?

Is Love Really Worth the Heartbreak?

Are you Really Seeking God in All You Do?

Do You Believe God is Your Provider?

What Can One God Fearing Man Do?

What Happens When We Fail to Teach Our Children?

How to Revive Barren Lands with Living Waters

Who will Carry the Torch for God Against Evil?

What if God’s Work Leaves You Alone and Depressed?

Can You See The Army of God Surrounding You?


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Photo courtesy of RoninRon Custom Art

What Is the Terror and Despair of Desiring Power?

Elisha went to Damascus, the capital of Syria.  From this we might realize that Elisha’ ministry of teaching God’s truth extended beyond the borders of the Jewish nation.  Remember the miracle of saving Naaman from his leprosy.  Years before Elijah was told to ordain Hazael to become king of Syria, Jehu to be king of Israel, and Elisha to replace him as prophet.  Why?  Yet, Hazael at that time did not take the throne.  Later, desiring power, Hazael became the terror and the despair of Israel?  Why would God have ordained this when we find later all that Hazael did against Israel?

God commanded Elijah to arise, go to Damascus and anoint Hazael to be come king of Syria at a time when Israel had turned their back on God to worship Baal.  Idolatry and sin reigned throughout the land.  Elijah came to believe that he alone worshipped God and wondered why God did not just destroy them all.  A very sad moment in his ministry when it seemed nothing appeared to be going right and it seemed no one worshipped or cared.  All this terror and despair began with Jeroboam desiring power. He established idolatrous worship to increase political power over the people by precluding them from going to Jerusalem to worship God.  So afraid was he they might defect, he drew them away from all that was Godly.

Desiring Power

Unfortunately, we see much of the same in our society today where some desiring power feign moral reasons while denouncing all that is true and right.  Ignoring the truth of God, they build idols of “self-worship” at all cost to gain power.  We particularly see this on the far left; but unfortunately we see it in our “modern churches”. Desiring power, they willingly cast aside the truth of the gospel. No wonder our nation faces terror and despair.

God knew the evil heart of Hazael.  While desiring power and self-exaltation, he would terrorize the nation of Israel.  Yet, God anointed him long before, knowing all that he would do.  Go back and look at I Kings 19.  God had already determined that all who did not repent and turn to Him would have to face judgement, even if that meant God allowed that judgement to come through an evil pagan foreign king.  Were God not to punish Israel for their sins, soon none would remain to worship Him and the plan for salvation could never be fulfilled.  At the time God told Elijah that Hazael would be king, only 7000 Israelites had not bowed down to worship Baal.  For the sake of their future and for the sake of salvation to come, the rest would be destroyed.

So, God anointed Hazael as king, not condoning his evil treachery; but, rather allowing it that God might save the remnant who believed in Him as Lord and Savior.  While others desiring power, destroy the truth of the gospel, are there 7000 Christians today who will stand firm for God’s truth?

Terror and Despair

King Benhadad of Syria became ill and sought the counsel of Elisha.  After all, he had seen God’s work through the prophet, even his own defeats.  He desired to know if he would survive the illness.  So, he sent 40 camels loaded with their best produce.   Hazael went to Elisha bearing the gifts and asking if the King would recover. Elisha said, “he will recover from the illness; but I also see that he will die.”  Then as Elisha stood there with his eyes fixed upon Hazael, he saw “the evil that thou (Hazael) wilt do unto the children of Israel: their strong holds wilt thou set on fire, and their young men wilt thou slay with the sword, and wilt dash their children, and rip up their women with child” (2 Kings 8:12). For this Elisha wept bitterly.

After all his teaching and ministry, the vast majority of Israel had not repented.  Judgement must come, even if at the hands of this man who stood before him.  Hazael said, “who do you think I am some dog?”  But Elisha knew exactly who he was, one-man desiring power who denounced the truth of God.  Although Hazael believed in his own self righteousness and “moral character”, he failed to see the darkness of his own heart.  He returned to King Benhadad to tell him that he would survive the illness.  Then the next morning he seized his opportunity to kill the King and take over his throne.

Concluding Thoughts:

Woe to us, if we do not weep over this our nation and cry out for its repentance?  Should we not weep over every lost soul who does not know God?  There should be an urgency of spirit drawing us to reach out to others with the gospel message.  This life is but a second in time compared to eternity.  For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Matthew 16:26).

Must we not weep, knowing that men and women choose to reject the gift of salvation from Jesus Christ.  They desiring power and self-exaltation refuse to accept Him as Lord and Master of their life; although, He offers them life eternal?


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here

Furthermore, if you would like to tell me your story or thoughts  comment here

Books Available

If you want to know more about books I have written. Then, please click on this link to discover a world of Book Resources.

Or you can find all my books on Amazon.com, search just by searching Effie Darlene Barba.  Or click this link to be taken there

Furthermore,  for inspirational photos or home decor click here.

Previous Posts in This Series:

Do You Know All Things Work Together for Good?

What if Desperation Leads to Life and Joy?

Moralizers so Blinded to God’s Truth and Their Guilt

Do You Really Know God as Omnipotent, Omniscient Lord?

Does God Really Care About the Little Stuff?

How Can Someone So Close Not Know God?

Can a Missed Opportunity Leave a Nation to Fall?

One Unlikely Believer and the Grace of God

Do You Trust God in  the Famine?

Is Love Really Worth the Heartbreak?

Are you Really Seeking God in All You Do?

Do You Believe God is Your Provider?

What Can One God Fearing Man Do?

What Happens When We Fail to Teach Our Children?

How to Revive Barren Lands with Living Waters

Who will Carry the Torch for God Against Evil?

What if God’s Work Leaves You Alone and Depressed?

Can You See The Army of God Surrounding You?


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Photo by Matt 📸 on Unsplash

Do You Know All Things Work Together for Good?

Did you know all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose?  Remember the Shunammite woman?  She had been a lady of prominence once who sought after God.  Desiring to hear from God, she provided lodging for his servant Elisha.  God miraculously gave her a son. When he later died, she ran to Elisha to be near to and to hear from God.  He restored her son’s life.  Then in 2 Kings 8, we find that before the famine came upon the land, God warned the Shunammite woman to depart and go to Philistine to stay for 7 years so as not to suffer the famine.  We pick up her story again as she returns from Philistine to reclaim her land.

Nothing is mentioned of her husband in this second part of her story.  She and her son alone approach the king; perhaps, suggesting she was now a widow.  Many say that this story must be out of sequence since Gehazi could not speak to the king after his being stricken with leprosy.  Yet, the word of God is true and right, dictated with perfection by God, Himself.  He may not always expand the story with every detail; because then the Bible would be too large carry.  Yet, remember Chapter 7, four lepers came to give the good news to the king of Israel that the Syrians had fled leaving behind all their possessions.  Because of that the famine crisis ended.    Could one of those lepers have been Gehazi?  The king would certainly want to hear more of Elisha’s miracles after witnessing this one!

Furthermore, how perfect the timing. The Shunammite woman returned immediately as the famine ended and exactly when Gehazi was speaking to the king!

All Things

Continue reading “Do You Know All Things Work Together for Good?”

What if Desperation Leads You to Life and Joy?

So, the famine within Samaria was devastating.  However, Elisha told Jehoram, king of Israel that God would provide a miracle and by morning there would be life and joy in the streets because of an abundance of supplies.  Yet, the king and the people of Israel with hardened hearts laughed at Elisha and did not believe God’s promise.  Their idolatry, lack of faith, and even disdain toward God lead them to this place of desperation.  Yet, God had reached out His hand of grace and promised hope, life and joy to these rebellious sinners.  He does that still today.  His hand reaches out with grace to every sinner.  His desire is to fill each heart with His Joy and to give life eternal to each wandering soul.  If only they would come to Him.

Even to those who know Him as Savior, He calls to us to live a life of Abiding, Steadfast Joy in His presence. Ah, the depth of desperation our souls face when we march through this world in our own strength.  Yet, always He is there ready to provide all that our heart truly needs for life and joy, if only we seek Him and trust Him.  Every moment of desperation that He allows to enter our life as believers is merely to draw us closer to His side.  Because He knows apart from Him there is no hope in this world to experience life and joy, He allows even to tragedies that we might learn to let go of all the counterfeit joys we cling to and come to the cross where His life and Joy abound.


Continue reading “What if Desperation Leads You to Life and Joy?”

Moralizers so Blinded to God’s Truth and Their Guilt

So, it was in our last post, the king of Syria realized he was unable to beat God’s people and left them alone.  However, it wasn’t long until he decided to try again.  This time he surrounded Samaria, preventing any commerce and forcing the people into financial distress.  A famine ensued and the people cried out to the king of Israel for help.  One woman cried that she and another had killed and eaten her son to survive.  Then, the second woman refused to kill her son as promised so they could eat.  The king was rightfully horrified by this. Immorality, paganistic ritual filled the land and his people.  Morally outraged, he rent his clothes, put on sackcloth and called for Elisha’s death.  Typical of most Moralizers, the king was perhaps rightfully outraged; however, he was blinded to God’s truth and his own guilt.

The king of Israel failed to accept his guilt.  He had continued in encouraging pagan worship throughout the land.  In 2 Kings 3:2-3, we read of him. (Jehoram) wrought evil in the sight of the Lord; but not like his father, and like his mother: for he put away the image of Baal that his father had made.  Nevertheless, he cleaved unto the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which made Israel to sin; he departed not therefrom. He felt himself somewhat righteous because he had destroyed the temples of Baal; yet, he failed to turn to or yield to God.  On occasion, he made the right choice; but his heart was not open to God nor His commands.  Indeed, he blamed God and Elisha for the famine in Israel.  Not once did he consider God’s truth or that he, as well as the people were guilty, deserving punishment.

Moralizers so Blinded to God’s Truth and Their Guilt

Continue reading “Moralizers so Blinded to God’s Truth and Their Guilt”