As Peter preached the name of Jesus with the temple courts, 5000 men were saved. How many women and children? We are not told the total number. There Peter stood with John and the healed cripple. Of course, the Sadducees, rulers, and priests were alarmed by the response of the people to Peter’s preaching. They had to do something! So, they took Peter, John, and the recently healed man into custody. After considering everything for the night, they made an offer to Peter, John and the healed cripple. “You may all go free; but you are forbidden to speak the name of Jesus anywhere.” What would your response be? I daresay that we are facing that same dilemma. Perhaps for us it is subtle. You can’t profess that Jesus is the only way of salvation! That is not “inclusive”.
Some would tell us, “You are spreading hate if you say that Jesus is the only way of Salvation.” However, isn’t the opposite true? Knowing that “there is no other name under heaven by which men might be saved”, would it not be an act of hate to remain silent and not tell others? Allah, as worshipped by the Muslims, is not the same God! Because, they deny that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate and that He died to pay the penalty for our sins. The “good man” ideology concerning Jesus taught by Hindus while worshipping hundreds of gods misses all hope of salvation through Jesus Christ. Even the Jews who do not accept Christ as their Messiah are lost. We must speak the name of Jesus Christ not only in our words; but also, our actions of love, devotion, and lifestyle. Proclaiming the truth of what He has done.
When Forbidden to Speak of Jesus
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