One Big If: A Prayer of Healing for Our Land

If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land  2 Chronicles 7:14.  And therein lies the dilemma.  One Big If.  How many cry out to God?  Some in anger?  Others despair?  Yet, how many at the same time seek His face?  Or turn from their wicked ways?  Rather, we want God to do something!  Our prayer of healing pours out. But are we willing to sacrifice all?  What are you willing to do?  Oh, how we must bow humbly, repentant of our own sins: both of commission and omission.

Then, as we arise and seek His face, we must be willing to speak His name boldly.  We must be willing to sacrifice all that we might tell all that He is the only way, the only truth, and the only hope of life.  Unashamedly, we must point everyone to the cross or we will watch the devastation.  Israel was overtaken by Babylon.  The temple destroyed because only a few heeded the warning.  Only a few raised their voices in a true prayer of heeling.  So, where are we today?


A Prayer OF Healing for Our Land

God of heaven on your throne

Oh, hear our humble cry

And do not leave us here alone

Far from your watchful eye

Though we in selfish pride pursued

Vain Idols of our own

And yet, we know Your Gracious heart

In covenant does stand

That if we now from sin depart

That You will heal our land

Together then our hearts renewed

Rejoice, a brand, new start

So, break our hearts to what breaks yours

Open our eyes to see

The bitter words our mouth outpours

The pride that lies in me

So, dark and looming does occlude

The hope that love restores

So, Lord repentant here we stand

Seeking forgiveness now

Adhere to Your command

Oh, Lord please show us how!

A Cross displayed, Your Grace we viewed

So, let us be your hand

To reach across the great divides

That separate our hearts

To rise one voice devoid of sides

Your love and grace imparts

Your hope and joy, a new prelude

On which our life abides

Concluding thoughts:

A Prayer of Healing for this land, must come from a humble repentant heart that is willing to stand firm on truth–God is Truth.  As long as we are unwilling to stand for Him. Why would He heal our land while we continue on ignoring Him.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance.  Psalm 33:12


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. There is nothing more important than this; because He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.

For Prayer or Comments

If you have a prayer request feel free to email me by clicking here
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How to Finish Well with a Legacy of Faith

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2020
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Photo by tom coe on Unsplash

How to Finish Well with a Legacy of Faith

Repetitively, we see in Proverbs, Solomon warning his sons and all the young against sexual sin.  The wisdom given him from God proclaimed this with passion, declaring the devastating effects of giving in to lustful desires of the flesh.  In no other area did Solomon linger so as that of being lured by the temptress to follow one’s sexual desires, putting the flesh above God.  Yet, it is that very area which was his own downfall as he grew older.  Having begun with such favor and blessing, how was it he fell to this temptation himself.  His failure did not go unpunished.  It effected many generations within the Jewish nation.  But there is a stark lesson for us to learn.  That is: how does one finish well with a legacy of faith amid a world of innumerable temptations.

For many sexual desires draws them away.  But for others it is pride, a desire for power, gossip, anger, doubt, or selfishness of heart.  So, what is your Achille’s heel?

What do I mean by that?  In Greek mythology, when Achilles was a baby, it was foretold that he would die young.  To prevent his death, his mother Thetis took Achilles to the River Styx, which was supposed to offer powers of invulnerability, and dipped his body into the water; however, as Thetis held Achilles by the heel, his heel was not washed over by the water of the magical river.  He grew up to be a mighty man of war who survived many battles; yet, died as the result of a wound to his heel.  Hence why the Achilles tendon bares his name.

So, what is your area of weakness?  Just as Solomon urged his sons, we must learn how to hold fast to finish well.

True History Can Guide Us

Continue reading “How to Finish Well with a Legacy of Faith”

How to Stop, Rewind, Refocus and Restore Hope

Yesterday at work, I found it hard to focus upon the task.  Certainly, having just lost Mom could be the reason.  But I had noticed times before when this would happen.  Everything would come tumbling in upon me.  It would be hard to organize, set priorities and get the task done.  It would seem hopeless as my mind would try to establish a plan.  I recognize part of it is my own brain which is constantly thinking and not always organized.  Although I try very hard to be mentally focused and organized, it seems foreign to my thought process as random thoughts jump in constantly. Indeed, there are times when I look at the task before me and see it as hopeless. In truth, I do not trust myself or God with the task at hand.  Then, I find it necessary to Stop, Rewind, Refocus and thus Restore Hope.

It happens in relationships too.  Old tapes of misunderstandings or harsh words play in our thoughts.  Then we unwittingly lash out harshly to those whom we love.  Desperately we want to change; yet, suddenly the next time we open our mouths—there are those words again spewing out.  And this after pleading with God to change our hearts and shut our mouths before the harsh words are spoken.  In those moments, I again need to Stop, Rewind, Refocus and Restore Hope.  Because by then, my heart is broken, believing it hopeless I will ever look like Christ.

Yet, none of the above can be fixed unless my relationship with God is right.  When doubts, fears, or sin is in my heart, everything seems off focus in every aspect of my life.  So, I find it necessary to stop, rewind, refocus and restore hope in my heart before I can move forward.


Continue reading “How to Stop, Rewind, Refocus and Restore Hope”

Can the Fervent Prayer of the Righteous Be Powerful?

Chronicles 6 is a fervent prayer offered by Solomon as he dedicated the temple.  Very passionately, the prayer recognized every pitfall human hearts seek after.  Then Solomon asks God to forgive and restore His people—as He had so many times.  So, wisely he spoke of times when other nations would overtake them because of their sin.  At times famine or drought might come to chasten the people.  Or rebellion from within would rise to destroy them because they forsook God.  Whatever plague or judgment came, Solomon trusted that God would be using it to restore His people to Himself and to teach them to follow God alone.  Because humanity can only find joy, hope, and peace in a relationship to God.  Everything else leads to bitterness, pain, and despair.  The prayer was a humble prayer, recognizing the majesty of God and the desperate wickedness of the human heart.

That is what a fervent prayer is!  It is one that comes from deep sorrow blended with reverence, recognizing God as Holy, Righteous, and Just. It does not seek self-gain nor is it fretfully impatient.  A fervent prayer recognizes that God is Sovereign, Abounding in love, and Gracious.  Afterall, look at how wondrous a redemption plan He devised despite our constant destruction of all He so graciously has given.  We want it our way, never recognizing that all we do is tainted with evil thoughts and desires were it not for His gracious hand of love intervening.

God’s Response to Solomon’s Fervent Prayer

Continue reading “Can the Fervent Prayer of the Righteous Be Powerful?”

And Who Should Fear the Rod of God?

The rod of God has come down upon this our nation!  Do you not feel it?  Why have we not fallen upon our knees in repentance? Are we to sit in silence as we watch all that is happening?  Should not we who proclaim the truth of the Gospel message not be the voice crying forth in the wilderness to make the way for Jesus?  Oh, I do hear a few voices; but will anyone heed their voices.   I watch as Franklin Graham proclaims truth on his twitter account, only to be attacked.  Michael Youssef unashamedly proclaims truth. While John McArthur reminds us of God’s holiness and our call to be Holy with Him as Lord over our life.  But how many are listening to their pleas?

Or are their words falling on death ears?  God is a merciful, gracious, and loving—yes; but that is why God must enact judgement as well.  The rod of God must destroy the harlot of idolatry and lascivious living, so that we might be brought into the light.  Only in His righteousness and truth can true joy be found.  All this other “stuff” which draws our hearts away from Him is wood, hay, and stubble that must be burned from our lives that we might find Him as the precious treasure He is.  So, who should truly fear the rod of God?

All who do not call upon Him as Lord, Master, and Savior.  All who have not humbly come before Him acknowledging their unworthiness, accepting the gift of salvation paid for with the blood of Jesus Christ. To then arise clothed in His righteousness.  Equipped with His Armor to proclaim the gospel message to all of whom we meet without fear or compromise.

The Rod of God-Who should fear?

Continue reading “And Who Should Fear the Rod of God?”