6 Woe that will Destroy our Nation

Isaiah was commissioned by God to proclaim 6 Woes against the Nation of Judah for their blatant rebellious sin against God.  Each woe a judgment for these sinful acts against God.  Woe means a devastating sorrow.  So, when God proclaims, “woe to”, He is pronouncing devastation to come to those committing such treacherous acts.  Because God is perfectly righteous, Holy, and Just; He cannot overlook sin and evil without punishing it.

Modern ideologies want to teach either that Christ was just a man with great ideas who lived once upon a time or that He only spoke with grace and mercy.  So, quickly they want to dismiss His perfect Righteousness requiring obedience to His Holy commands. Many say that He would never condemn anyone.  Yet, if that were the case, if justice did not demand a price be paid for sin, why would He have died on the cross to pay the price for all who would believe in Him?  Still for all those who deny Him or blatantly sin without regard for their sins, is there not still a judgement for that sin?

Did not Christ Himself proclaim, “Woe to the world because of offenses! (Matthew 18:7). “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  (Matthew 23:7) Woe [a]to you when [b]all men speak well of you, For so did their fathers to the false prophets (Luke 6:26).

Everyone wants to see Jesus as the Humble Sacrificial Lamb full of Mercy and Grace.  However, is He not the Lion Of Judah, the one whom John described in Revelations with these words, “ 14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire” (Rev. 1:14). Flaming Fire that will bring judgement to all who refuse His gift of salvation.

Who is to blame?

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Can Hope be Found in Judgement? How?

A story of Justice, Righteousness, Judgement and Grace all wrapped into one.  That is the book of Isaiah.  Can hope be found in Judgement? How? With judgement devastation comes. Devastation to those who ignore God’s call.  A devastation of their own making.  Because humanity is that, people destroying themselves in an attempt to find their own happiness apart from God.  Every attempt of human advancement within their humanitarian utopia has led to destruction.  Everyone thinking themselves the most important, the leader, resulting in chaos with no direction.  If everyone and everything is right, then nothing is right or true anymore.  There is no righteousness or Holiness if we consider all to be right and holy.

How then in the devastation, can hope be found?

Psalm 119: 64

The earth, O Lord, is full of Your mercy;
Teach me Your statutes.

There amid the judgement, we find that the earth is full of God’s Mercy.  If only we learn of Him and His statutes.  For in His righteousness there is joy, hope, love, and peace.  Let this be the cry from our lips as we begin a study of Isaiah.  Let our hearts desire be that of knowing Him and to surrender to His will that we might have hope always.

Isaiah the greatest prophet of Hope Found in Judgement

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Let me never forget the love of Christ for me!

When sorrows surround me and storms threaten my life, let me never forget the love of Christ for me.   No fear can enter my heart, if I truly remember the love of Christ.  Though He tarry His return, I can wait with patience, knowing He loves me with His perfect love.  Having paid the ultimate price to save me, “there is therefore now no condemnation” (Romans 8:1)  that can be mine.  And nothing can ever separate me “from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39). And everything in between is His perfecting my love toward Him, that I might reflect His Heart to the world.

So as we finish the Song of Songs, consider this.  Let us never forget the love of Christ for us.  Only then can we face this world with joy, hope, peace, and love.  Strengthened by His mighty power, we can soar above all the sorrows and trials of this world.

I Am My Beloved’s

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Until that Day, I will Await My Beloved King

Oh that I would seek Him in the dark of the night just as a new love seeks and longs for her beloved.  Give me Your strength, Lord that I might always await my Beloved King.  Forsaking all else, to keep my eyes on Him.  That is the love I seek.  For all true love upon this earth is but a shadow of His love toward me.

That is the song sung forth by the bride as she longed for her bridegroom.  He had gone away to prepare a place for her in His Father’s house; but she misses Him sorely with all of her being.  It’s hard to remember the sweetness of His presence while He is gone.  Yet, I must seek Him my beloved King in the middle of the night to arise to seek His face.  This is the cry of the Shulamite to her king and it must be our cry to our Beloved King of Kings, seeking Him with all our heart and soul.

A Troubled Night-Song of Solomon Chapter 3


The Shulamite Continue reading “Until that Day, I will Await My Beloved King”

Until the day breaks, I trust in my Beloved

I trust in my beloved.  He loves me with His perfect love, protecting and hiding me in the cleft of the rock.  His banner of love covers me, protecting me from the little foxes that wish to destroy the fruit of His vine.  Let me seek Him like a lovesick bride for her groom.  Praying, calling forth His name, for He finds my voice sweet to His ears.  The king of kings wants to hear me call to Him, imagine that.  So why would I worry or fret?

So, as we read chapter two of the song of songs, imagine yourself as the Shulamite and Jesus the Beloved.  For He truly is the Beloved and I pray that you too will come to trust in my Beloved.  He loves you and calls to you to be His.


The Beloved

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