How to Know Hope When Facing Trials in the World

Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, even I, stood to confirm and to strengthen him. And now will I shew thee the truth. Daniel 11:1-2

The messenger of God is standing before Daniel prepared to give Daniel a detailed account of events that are to come for the nation of Israel. The future includes years of tribulation and sorrow. There will be moments of severe distress for the nation before the time when God establishes His Kingdom on earth. The messenger begins with: 1. God is in control and 2. I will show you truth.


When heartbreak, trials, suffering, uncertainty all are before us; we need to know that very same message. We need to know that God is in Control and He will tell us truth. God has never said, “Everything is going to be easy here on earth. Follow me! I will give to you: health, wealth and success.” No, quite the contrary, He has said,

“In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. I Peter 4:12-13

Throughout my life, I have learned to hold tight to these two truths with all my heart and soul.

1. God is in Control. He was in control when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. He was in control when my world seemed to crash in around me at age 19 as I faced rejection, divorce, and failure. He was in control when I loved, suffered for, and fought for my husband as he battled bi-polar disorder, only to lose the battle on earth. He was there when I was huddled in a corner, trembling, waiting for the beating to stop. He was in control when the ravages of ulcerative colitis and all its treatments left me weak, despairing, and financially struggling to survive. Yes, God was in Control during every trial, sorrow and pain that I faced. Just as He was in control, when Jesus Christ was rejected, beaten, humiliated and hung on the cross to die for my sins.

God did not ordain sin nor the effects that it has on a broken world. What He did do was to provide a way that we might have life, hope, peace and joy in a relationship with Him that is undaunted by the storms of this life. He was with me, guiding me, growing me, comforting me, and strengthening me every step of this journey. He was able to take every broken, shattered piece of my life and transform it into something so beautifully crafted. He is still transforming my heart to begin to see glimpses of His Glory, His Joy and to understand the depth of His love. He is preparing my heart to be amazed and awed by Abounding Joy in His Presence for Eternity. Only He can take all the pieces of my shattered life and promise that in the end, I will look like His Son.

2. He has always told me the truth. Just as God has said that this earthly journey will be filled with storms, rugged rocky paths, and many sorrows; He has promised that He would never leave me. He has promised to provide for me a way. He has promised His love, His joy, His hope, and His faith to guide me each step of the way. He has promised that one day I will understand it all.

As I look back over my journey, I know that it has been God’s mighty hand of Grace that has lead me every step of this journey. He has drawn me each step of the way closer. He has even graciously transformed my failures, when I lay them at His feet into vessels that display His Glory. Every day He has shown me glimpses of His Grace, Mercy and Glory so that I have fallen deeper and more fully in Love with Him. He is my Joy, my love and my greatest treasure. I have no idea what trials may come today or tomorrow; but, I know who holds my Hand every step of the way.

So, it was the messenger reminded Daniel. Remember Darius? Remember the Den of Lions? God was there and in control. God had sent me, His angel and messenger, to be there. God was in control even in the events of a Pagan King and used His decree to display God’s own Glory to the world.

Amazing Grace, How sweet the Sound.

What trial are you facing today? My dear friends-wherever you are, let me encourage you.

[tweetthis]God is in Control and God’s Words are always True.[/tweetthis]

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[tweetthis]God is with you in your trial God Loves You & is calling you to be His Child[/tweetthis]

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If you do not know Christ as your Savior, will you accept Him today? You can write me or go to How to be Saved for more information.

Original photo used by permission  I added the writing

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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