In a World of Relativism; Lord, Truth IS YOU

In a World of relativism; LORD, Truth is You

In our current world and our society; all too often, we find ourselves being told that “truth is relative.”  Meaning truth does not exist; because, if truth depends upon my individual feelings concerning truth–there is no absolute truth.  Without absolute truth, science fails, psychology cannot salvage a flailing mind, and there cannot exist any morality or reasoning.  Unfortunately, Christians have fallen into this same web of relativism; because, they so want to present love that they openly compromise their own believes to not be called some bigot or “phobic” individual.  Yet, if truth does not exist; then, humans will plunge this world into nothingness.  However, there remains one truth: God. The creator of all that exists, the being without which no being can exist.  Without God, we have no hope. Furthermore, if you do not know God’s Truth; you will perish beneath your own weight of relativism.

With these thoughts in mind, I wrote for you this poem on which to ponder; because, the fears, pains, and confusion resulting from embracing relativism will harm you.  For that reason, I want to give you a response in the dark of the night, when evil attacks at midday sun, or when the media and world cause your faith to fray.  For me, I choose to be anchored with my foundation firmly held by God’s truth: because, I have learned through many trials that His Word is True.  In Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior; my future stands firm; no matter what sorrows, fears or evil ravages our world; because, God has shown me His truth.

 In a World of Relativism; LORD, Truth IS You

By Effie Darlene Barba

In the Dark of the Night

When fears do engage

When truth fades from sight

While anger and hate of enemy’s rage

Destroying our hope with their false sense of might

Awakened by fear, we seek what is true

Then we recall: LORD, TRUTH IS YOU


Your Spirit then drawing near to my side

With Songs of Sweet Grace and Your Words of love

Your promises true in which to abide

And fixing my eyes on your Son Above

Firmly you’re holding my life in Your hand

The winds, storms, and seas obey your command

When Evil Men reign in the midday sun

Breaking our hearts causing our faith to fray

Believing their lies, we think they have won

We sigh with such grief; then, begin to pray

Awakened by pain; we seek what is true

Then we recall; LORD, TRUTH IS YOU


Your Spirit then drawing near to my side

With Songs of Sweet Grace and Your Words of love

Your promises true in which to abide

And fixing my eyes on your Son Above

Firmly you’re holding my life in Your hand

The winds, storms, and seas obey your command


The World’s media cry, “Truth is not real!”

Maligning all those who stand on God’s Word

Defining their truth; by how one does feel

Unless you speak truth, then you are absurd

Confused by the crowd, we seek what is true

Then we recall; LORD, TRUTH IS YOU



Your Spirit then drawing near to my side

With Songs of Sweet Grace and Your Words of love

Your promises true in which to abide

And fixing my eyes on your Son Above

Firmly you’re holding my life in Your hand

The winds, storms, and seas obey your command




Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth. I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the Lord. Psalm 31:4-6

This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the Lord their God nor receive correction. Truth has perished and has been cut off from their mouth.  Jeremiah 27:28 (NKJV)

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6


Listen to this video of Dr. Ravi Zacharias on Relativism


[bctt tweet=”God is truth Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth & the life Relativism defies truth” username=”effiedarlene”]

If you don’t know how to accept Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link, email me by clicking here or comment here

This is an original Drawing by an amazing artist. Check out his work: .

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

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