When God Declares You a Saint, are you?

Declared Saint

As a young Christian, I worked very hard to be pleasing to God. I so wanted to earn His love; much like Peter who boasted of his own devotion.  Declaring one’s love for Christ, striving to do the good and righteous things; in and of itself, doesn’t represent anything bad.  In fact, we should seek after that which is righteous and good.  The problem arises when our self-exalting heart draws aside to pride filled thoughts.  Just as Peter declared he would NEVER betray Christ, I, too declared my devotion.  Somewhat, like this: “God aren’t you proud of me I would Never!”  That came right before I plunged headlong into sin; while, loudly protesting all the way, I would NEVER!  Yet, we are declared to be Saints by God Himself.  What could He possibly mean? And how can I behave like a Saint?

This position in Christ as Saint; at first, runs counter to everything else we have been told. Yet, our understanding the truth and holding it tightly in our hearts, remains essential to our living out the life God wills for us.  When I very loudly proclaim, “I am but a sinner, saved by grace;” I risk accepting my sin.  The truth of my inability to transform myself remains absolutely true; however, by grace, God promises to transform me from the inside out.  When I focus on myself; including my inabilities, I allow thoughts of self and ultimately pride to take reign within my mind. Instead, when I focus on God’s work in me, transformation of my heart occurs; thereby, I become who God declares me to be rather than who I work toward being.


When Paul began his letters to the various churches, he often wrote, “to the saints at…”  Did this mean his letters were directed only to those who lived a perfect life?  No, absolutely not!  In fact, his letters, all filled with instructions on how to live as Christ followers; provide us with the framework of living out the truth of the gospel in our own lives.  Their declared sainthood came because of their salvation by faith, an act of God’s Grace; and not by the works of their own hands.  Yet, it remained important for them to understand this truth: In Christ Jesus, their sainthood was certain; because, “he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6)”.

Thereby, this never stands as a point of pride, it does stand as a declaration of who I am because of the work of Christ in me.


When I fully understand and believe this truth in the depth of my heart; I lay aside my own vain attempts and let the power of Jesus Christ flow forth through and in me.  We too often fear declaring this truth; believing that others will be continuously looking at and scrutinizing our life.  As a result, we prefer to justify our sins by declaring; “a sinner, saved by grace”; thusly, empowering our own demise.  This should never be a point of contention or pride to profess the truth; because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross; my position changes.  In His power, I can declare victory over sin’s dominion in my life.  The key to this victory depends on focus.  Every time I take my focus off of Christ, I fall victim again to my own self. Whereas, every time my focus remains steadfast on Him, His power; I win.


But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

The transformation occurs, one tiny glory at a time; yet, for certain, as we behold the glory of our Lord, the Spirit transforms us.  Declared a Saint, yes!  Pride makes me fearful of declaring this truth; all too often; because, I fear what others will think.  If indeed, I know the truth that in Christ, I am declared a saint and that God will complete that transformation; then, I should never fear declaring it.  Knowing that the power comes from Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit frees me from any degree of self-aggrandizement in this declaration of truth regarding my position in Christ Jesus.

  1. Acknowledge that in Christ who bore your sin on the cross, you are declared a Saint
  2. Remember the power comes from Him, not yourself
  3. Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of your faith
  4. Spend time every day in His word, alone with Him, seeking His face
    concluding tweets

    [tweetthis]When I know my position as declared saint in Christ Jesus my eyes fixon Him[/tweetthis][tweetthis]God will complete the work He began in me through His Mighty Power not mine[/tweetthis]

    If you don’t know how to accept Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link, email me by clicking here or comment here

    This is an original Drawing by an amazing artist. Check out his work: http://roninron.com .

    You cannot copy or duplicate this picture without permission; because of copyright laws.



    featured photograph at beginning of post by permission of https://unsplash.com/@currentcoast©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

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