How to Face Life’s Battles with Hope and Faith

Conquer Sin

There is no doubt that this journey on earth is filled with trials, sorrows, doubts, and fears at time.  We look around us and mourn because of  the tragedy of a young girl’s brutal rape.  Terror attacks are becoming common place throughout the world.  Riots turn to violent attacks upon innocent victims who now fear to speak up or dare to seek to find truth.  Truth doesn’t even seem to matter to those who incite such riots; if their voice is heard screaming above the rest. Cancer, heart disease, and a multiplicity of diseases claim lives daily.  Poverty, violence and despair spreads throughout our inner cities.  Beyond all that, there are the battles within our own hearts.  So, where in the center of all this can one hold onto hope?  How can our heart hold fast to faith in God’s Sovereign Grace?  When trials come where is our anchor?

As I consider today the wondrous birthday of my baby son, Ron; I pause to look back over all the years.  The day this little 4-pound wonder was placed in my arms for the first time 36 years ago, I was thrilled and fearful as well.  You see, I had by then faced many trials and had fallen prostrate before my Lord and King, Jesus Christ many times.  Oh, yes; by then I had learned of the magnitude of God’s Grace toward me; but, I had also learned of the depth of darkness and evil that filled this journey.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


Yes, life is very hard at times.  There is only one gift that we must give our children if we can hope that they will survive in this world.  That gift was provided by God, Himself.  Of everything else that we might teach them or show them, we must teach them how to face the battles of this life.  Jesus Christ is our only hope, the light that shone forth into darkness, the word of God made flesh; who provided hope, faith, and the only way of salvation for our souls.  He paid our price for sin; so that, we might have an intimate relationship with God.  He is the love, hope, joy and grace that our world is so desperately in search of.

If you do not know Christ, I urge you to begin there.  Go to my page on how to be saved. Take that step; ask Jesus into your heart.

winning the battles of life

I do want to begin a series on how to stand strong, filled with hope, joy, and faith amid storms: because, it would be a shame if I didn’t share with you what God has shown me.  Over a lifetime, I have faced many trials; yet, it has been God’s hand of Grace that lead me each step of the way.  Perhaps, you are facing such trials today.  My prayer is that God can use my sufferings to bring you hope; because, He has taught me through it all to find solace, comfort, and joy in Him.  I hope and pray, He does the same for you.


But for this moment, I want to take a moment to say how much I admire my dear son, Ron.  Life does not always take the road we want or planned; yet, despite that he stands strong and firm in his faith.  With great humility and grace, he has fought his own battles in life while trusting that God has a Sovereign plan for his life.  He praises God for His Grace and Mercy, no matter what storm arises.  I am proud to call him son and I thank God, each day, He chose me to be Ron’s mother.  Despite all my own frailties and trials, God has blessed me by the truth that all three of my children know Jesus Christ as their Savior and King.

Today, let me share with you this poem I wrote for Ron many years ago, which remains the same today as it did then.

To My Son

I trembled once so long ago

Upon your first birthday

This world so filled with evil foe

Could I protect your way?


I prayed a little whispered prayer

That God would keep you safe

Protect you from each of life’s snares

Give strength to face life’s chafe


I see you now, this man you are

Such honor, truth and grace

Your dreams sometimes so distant far

With strength each day you face


I’ve watched you grow into this prince

So filled with honor, truth

So brave as ne’er at danger wince

Yet gentle, wise beyond your youth


I see you stand before me now

And know what God has done

His wisdom, strength He did endow

For He needed you my son


To be the one, His warrior here

To go into the street

And facing evil’s dreadful tear

With justice on your feet


I tremble now as I let go

Upon this special day

This world so filled with evil foe

I can’t protect your way


And yet, I know that God above

Will always be your guide

It is His mercy, grace and love

That holds you at His side


Love, Mom



No matter how difficult this journey may seem at times, God is our hope, our joy, and our guide.  There are no battles or conflicts; but that His mighty hand of love has allowed, so that we might learn to see Him in all His Glory.  There are no battles against evil that was not already faced by Jesus Christ, who has won the final victory over evil.  This life, this moment is but a split second in time compared to an eternity with Him.  So, let us learn to put on our battle gear of faith, enter our war room of prayer; and stay fast in His word.  Today’s battle may seem impossible; but, God has already declared the final war won.  Just stay the course.  His promises are true.  Glory, joy, peace, and eternal life in Him is our final prize.

 But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble. Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy. Psalm 59:16-17


[tweetthis]Battles of life rage; but in Jesus we have victory. Therefore we have joy[/tweetthis]

[tweetthis]No matter how dark it may seem; Jesus is the light that shines on our path[/tweetthis]

[bctt tweet=”There are no battles against evil that was not already faced and won by Jesus Christ” username=”effiedarlene”]

This and the featured picture are original Drawings by an amazing artist whom I love and admire.  Please check out his work at They are used by permission here and are covered by copyright.  I did add the inscription on the featured picture.



©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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