Daddy, I Thank You-One Poetic Tribute of Love

My Daddy, I thank you

My Daddy was a very simple man.  He did not concern himself with social status, nor what others thought of him.  Instead, he worked very hard; providing for his family; yet, I knew him as a strong tower.  Living in a world filled with division, my father viewed every man according to his own deeds; never counting a man’s worth according to social status, race, nor monetary status.  “All men created equal in the eyes of God”–a motto he displayed in everything he did.  I thank him for being that man.

Never once did Daddy complain about life being too hard; instead, he faced life with diligence, working hard to ascertain we had everything we ever needed.  I learned so much about faith, hope and love from this very giant of a man.  He did not have the ability to read eloquently; because, he worked in the fields, plowing them behind a pair of mules from the time he first could remember.  However, I truly believe God spoke to him as he worked every day in those fields; because, his wisdom displayed just that.

Daddy, I Thank you

by Effie Darlene Barba


Daddy, I thank you for your words so wise

Your strength and your truth you could not disguise

A humble; yet, noble farmer unknown

Yet, through your life you truly had shown

The depth of your faith and your love so true

Working so hard, without complaint; because you

Forgetting yourself, you did not believe

That you deserved more than you did receive

Because in your life, your eyes always could see

The Greatest gift you possessed: family

You would have always laid down your own life

To ascertain that we would never face strife

And whenever my life would fall apart

You stood by my side, to never depart

Never conceding that I had been wrong

My fortress, my tower, unyielding and strong

Never demanding, respecting my choice

Your steadfast love, was always the voice

That guided me, pointing me then to God

The One Who would lead this journey I trod

Daddy, your unfailing love, ultimately

Showed me the love, God has for me


My Daddy never spoke much; however, I knew the depth of his love when he jumped out of bed to make certain my car was warm, before I left for work.  He never thought of himself, his dreams, his comforts; but, instead always considered himself blessed with the least of things; because he loved his family.  My Daddy died suddenly of a heart attack in late 1993.  Although, I miss him here; I know he stands before the throne of God asking what he can do to serve.  One day I will see him again.

If you don’t know how to accept Christ as your Savior: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link, email me by clicking here or comment here


[tweetthis]A simple Farmer; yet, I learned of life, God and faith from my Daddy’s love[/tweetthis]



I just released this new book dedicated to anyone who searched for love, lost a loved one, or felt the pangs of loneliness.  Illustrated by Ronald Barba, this poem I wrote: tells the story of God’s ever abiding love even when facing tragedy and heartbreak.  Available on Amazon.








This is an original Drawing by an amazing artist. Check out his work: .

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

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