A Prayer to Heal Our Land

A Prayer to Heal Our Land

There is only one who can heal our land.  So my question to me and to you; have we been praying with the diligence we should?  Jeremiah wept bitterly for his people, have we?  Or have we grown too content with our own little lives to take the time to prayer for our President and for our Country?  I bid you now with me on bended knee to pray fervently for God to heal our land. 


By Effie Darlene Barba


I heard the sounds of tears surround

As anguish did abound

Death, despair, the wretched sound

That rose from every side


I fell there on my knees, Dear God

In sin our earth doth trod

Unto You Lord we feign a nod

While drowning in our pride


I pleaded there to seek your face

And ask you show Your grace

Our shame Oh Lord you can erase

Though guilty we’ve been tried


I cried for all who walk this land

To turn and seek Your hand

On righteousness to take a stand

And in your Love abide


As I prayed, Your light revealed

The sin I must now yield

That first my heart must be healed

Of sin I had denied


I give to you my wretched heart

It’s sin I bid depart

Your righteousness to then impart

Your Spirit be my guide


Cleansed by your grace, now I plead

Once more to intercede

To cleanse our land of sin and greed

Our eyes to open wide


To see the truth, to You belong

Our praise and worship song

Teach us to know right and wrong

To lay our sin aside


Transform our hearts by your dear Grace

Teach us to seek your face

Heal our land by Your embrace

Let us be purified

For Prayer or Comments

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2019
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